First time post so bear with me please 
I have an excel worksheet 'Initial Form' that has many validation dropdowns from other worksheet using the Indirect method and Named Ranges:
It works fine but for some reason, only sometimes, when you select some dropdowns (again only sometimes), it redirects you to the first tab (no specific cell - dependent on last cell chosen) which I use as a 'Summary' (by the same name) that only has some concatenate functions:
=CONCATENATE('Initial Form'!B57,": ",'Initial Form'!B59," (",'Initial Form'!B61,")")
Simple really. The reason for the 'Summary'.... once everything is completed, I have VBA sending an email with the aforementioned data. This is literally the only time in my code that this sheet is mentioned. Is that what is causing the movement of the cursor? If I hide the 'Summary', it kind of just jolts around annoyingly until you click the next dropdown (but you have to do it twice).
There are forms involved as well, but at the point in which this happens, it is just a (semi-simple) validation drop down. I have looked for about a week to no avail. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I have an excel worksheet 'Initial Form' that has many validation dropdowns from other worksheet using the Indirect method and Named Ranges:
It works fine but for some reason, only sometimes, when you select some dropdowns (again only sometimes), it redirects you to the first tab (no specific cell - dependent on last cell chosen) which I use as a 'Summary' (by the same name) that only has some concatenate functions:
=CONCATENATE('Initial Form'!B57,": ",'Initial Form'!B59," (",'Initial Form'!B61,")")
Simple really. The reason for the 'Summary'.... once everything is completed, I have VBA sending an email with the aforementioned data. This is literally the only time in my code that this sheet is mentioned. Is that what is causing the movement of the cursor? If I hide the 'Summary', it kind of just jolts around annoyingly until you click the next dropdown (but you have to do it twice).
There are forms involved as well, but at the point in which this happens, it is just a (semi-simple) validation drop down. I have looked for about a week to no avail. Any help would be greatly appreciated.