I created this macro to include a Drop Down Box in a worksheet, although I think it is a bit old-fashioned. Any suggestions to make it better?
Option Explicit
Option Private Module
' Module : M_DropDownBox
' Author : facioli
' Date : 15/05/2015
' Purpose : create a Drop Down Box with months
Sub create_DropDownBox()
Dim wkbLisBx As Workbook
Dim wksListb As Worksheet
Dim rngMeses As Range
Dim aMeses As Variant
Set wkbLisBx = ThisWorkbook
Set wksListb = wkbLisBx.Worksheets("Listbox")
aMeses = Array("January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December")
InitializeDDBox wksListb, aMeses, Add_DDBox(wksListb, 100, 20, 80, 20), "DDB_01"
InitializeDDBox wksListb, aMeses, Add_DDBox(wksListb, 200, 20, 80, 20), "DDB_02"
'deleteDDBox wksListb
Set wksListb = Nothing
Set wkbLisBx = Nothing
End Sub
Function Add_DDBox(ByRef wksListb As Worksheet, ByVal iLeft As Integer, _
ByVal iTop As Integer, ByVal iLarg As Integer, ByVal iAlt As Integer) As DropDown
' Function : Add_DDBox
' Author : facioli
' Date : 15-05-2015
' Purpose : create a Drop Down object
With wksListb
Set Add_DDBox = .DropDowns.Add(iLeft, iTop, iLarg, iAlt)
End With
End Function
Sub InitializeDDBox(ByRef wksListb As Worksheet, ByRef aMeses As Variant, ByRef DDB1 As DropDown, ByVal strNomeDDB As String)
' Procedure : InitializeDDBox
' Author : facioli
' Date : 15-05-2015
' Purpose : initialize the object with months and assigns a macro to execute every time a item is selected
With DDB1
.List = aMeses
.ListIndex = 1
.OnAction = "getval_DDBox"
.Name = strNomeDDB
'.Locked = True
End With
End Sub
Sub getval_DDBox()
' Procedure : getval_DDBox
' Author : facioli
' Date : 15-05-2015
' Purpose : the macro to be executed
Dim wkbLisBx As Workbook
Dim wksListb As Worksheet
Dim DDBox1 As DropDown
Dim iMesAnterior As Integer, iMesAtual As Integer
Dim iMes As Integer
Set wkbLisBx = ThisWorkbook
Set wksListb = wkbLisBx.Worksheets("Listbox")
Set DDBox1 = wksListb.DropDowns(Application.Caller)
iMes = DDBox1.ListIndex
End Sub
Private Sub deleteDDBox(ByRef wksListb As Worksheet)
' Procedure : deleteDDBox
' Author : facioli
' Date : 25-01-2010
' Purpose : to delete an especific Drop Down
Dim DDBox1 As DropDown
Set DDBox1 = wksListb.DropDowns(2)
End Sub
Private Sub delete_all_DDBox()
' Procedure : deleteListobox
' Author : facioli
' Date : 25-01-2010
' Purpose : to delete all Drop Downs in target worksheet
Dim wkbLisBx As Workbook
Dim wksListb As Worksheet
Dim ctControls As Controls
Dim DDBox1 As DropDown
Set wkbLisBx = ThisWorkbook
Set wksListb = wkbLisBx.Worksheets("Listbox")
For Each DDBox1 In wksListb.DropDowns
Debug.Print DDBox1.Name
Next DDBox1
End Sub