Hello all,
I've managed to create code that will open a specific sharepoint site, however, I'm now attempting to open the most recent file unsuccessfully. I was hoping someone may have in to this situation before. Here;'s the code to open the site:
Now that I have to site open I would like to download the most recent in order to manipulate it to suit my needs? Thanks for any help anyone can give me.
I've managed to create code that will open a specific sharepoint site, however, I'm now attempting to open the most recent file unsuccessfully. I was hoping someone may have in to this situation before. Here;'s the code to open the site:
VBA Code:
Sub sbVBA_To_Open_Website_URL_FollowHypderlink()
Dim strURL As String
strURL = "https://comcastcorp.sharepoint.com/sites/XMSC/Shared%20Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=%2Fsites%2FXMSC%2FShared%20Documents%2FXPO%20Reporting%2FComcast%2FHourly%20Inventory%20On%20Hands&FolderCTID=0x01200030B083755A4E5A49946BDA920EC6FE37"
ThisWorkbook.FollowHyperlink (strURL)
End Sub
Now that I have to site open I would like to download the most recent in order to manipulate it to suit my needs? Thanks for any help anyone can give me.