Can anyone help with this please? I have the formula below that looks up a total value (usually just one value but sometimes two or three) in worksheet 'Coldstore' range F101:F180, between a range (a combination of date+time) in worksheet 'Product Analysis Early 2'
=SUMPRODUCT((Coldstore!F$101:F$180>='Product Analysis Early 2'!AQ6)*(Coldstore!$F$101:$F$180<='Product Analysis Early 2'!AQ11)*(Coldstore!$I$101:$I$180))
This works fine for a grand total if there is just one figure in 'Coldstore' range F101:F180 relating to one product code in 'Coldstore' range E101:E180, sometimes there can be another figure relating to a different product code in the same range of time. The product codes are 41291, 41292 and 41293. I would like to use another lookup to be able to total the figure by specific product code. Thanks in anticipation.
=SUMPRODUCT((Coldstore!F$101:F$180>='Product Analysis Early 2'!AQ6)*(Coldstore!$F$101:$F$180<='Product Analysis Early 2'!AQ11)*(Coldstore!$I$101:$I$180))
This works fine for a grand total if there is just one figure in 'Coldstore' range F101:F180 relating to one product code in 'Coldstore' range E101:E180, sometimes there can be another figure relating to a different product code in the same range of time. The product codes are 41291, 41292 and 41293. I would like to use another lookup to be able to total the figure by specific product code. Thanks in anticipation.