In windows system32 and some in windows pro Photo Tools there are some dll about images ima......dll and photos
When I try to reference them from VBA Excel the dreaded Can't reference error turns up..
Can this be fixed...... if not are there any good dll available... free... for metadata and IPTC data or XMP. For JPG ....that can be referenced from excel...
PS any ideas where Picasa 3 stores its people data ???
HELP Help & F1
Harry S,
When I try to reference them from VBA Excel the dreaded Can't reference error turns up..
Can this be fixed...... if not are there any good dll available... free... for metadata and IPTC data or XMP. For JPG ....that can be referenced from excel...
PS any ideas where Picasa 3 stores its people data ???
HELP Help & F1
Harry S,