Hi all,
This is my first attempt at asking for excel help so please bear with me....
I have the following challenge:
I have a group of students who have to take a specific course (in simulated environment).
This course has limited 'seats' available 2 or 4 depending on the dates.
So i have about 50 students and 18 dates available to slot in 2 or 4 students.
The challenge is i have to slot in every student once and do this randomly. What student slots into what 'date' is of no importance, but the maximum should not be exceeded (2 or 4).
Is there a method to distribute the names to the dates automatically using excel?
The dates are in C4:C22 and the names are in A4:a54
All other space i have not used.
can you give me a pointer to porceed
Should my explanation lack in clarity please
This is my first attempt at asking for excel help so please bear with me....
I have the following challenge:
I have a group of students who have to take a specific course (in simulated environment).
This course has limited 'seats' available 2 or 4 depending on the dates.
So i have about 50 students and 18 dates available to slot in 2 or 4 students.
The challenge is i have to slot in every student once and do this randomly. What student slots into what 'date' is of no importance, but the maximum should not be exceeded (2 or 4).
Is there a method to distribute the names to the dates automatically using excel?
The dates are in C4:C22 and the names are in A4:a54
All other space i have not used.
can you give me a pointer to porceed
Should my explanation lack in clarity please