Distance between coordinates (all compared against each other - iterate?)


New Member
Sep 20, 2018
Office Version
  1. 365
  1. Windows
Hi guys, I'm been reading and looking for a solution for this but I'm struggling, so I decided to ask for help.

Imagine I have a list of coordinates and I would like to have the distance in meters from each other.
coordinate1 - distance to coordinate2, coordinate3, coordinate_n
coordinate2 - distance to coordinate1, coordinate 3, coordinate_n
and so on.

Some form of iteration between them?

I found some threads about this, the closest one: Need to compare Latitude & Longitude coordinates to find closest office
Although it gives the distance in km, I need in meters, so I adapted and considered the radius in meters.

Is this possible? The goal is then to filter by a max distance in meters the user should choose and check which coordinates fall inside the radius.
Something like a heatmap.

I have attached a sample with 4 pairs of coordinates, but my main project has 10k pairs to check against each other.

Can you help me? Thank you very much

Column A = ID
Column B = Longitude
Column C = Latitude


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I put an Excel file in OneDrive for you to download to a desktop PC. It is a large file, and posting it here won't help. Anyway, it's the same formulas used in the link you cited.

I believe it does what you ask by reporting the distances between all locations to one another in a grid. Let us know if it helps.
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Thanks for sharing that file, really helpful :)
Although, Excel only supports 16k columns. What if I have 20k coordinates?
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as for huge data the smart way is any database software rather than Excel …​
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Thanks for sharing that file, really helpful :)
Although, Excel only supports 16k columns. What if I have 20k coordinates?
You're welcome.

Perhaps you can split it between two or more worksheets. There must be some logical division in your data, like N S E or W, Province, City, something.
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Access, WinDev, whatever as any database software with some coding language …​
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