I am having problems with excel taking one column of time away from another, lets call them A and B (each row is taken from the same occasion). I want to find the difference between A and B (either of which might be the later time) and I want that given in time as either a positive or negative figure. In column C I'm using a basic formal '=SUM(B2-A2)'<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com
ffice" /><o
At first it wouldn't give negative time values (just #######) but I then found the 1904 date setting. However now I find some values which cross midnight are wrong. For example:<o
A = 23:34, B = 00:05, C should = 00:31 but instead gives -23:29<o
I have many thousands of entries and can't start putting dates in with the times. Can anyone please suggest a way around my problem? Really need help on this one!<o


At first it wouldn't give negative time values (just #######) but I then found the 1904 date setting. However now I find some values which cross midnight are wrong. For example:<o


A = 23:34, B = 00:05, C should = 00:31 but instead gives -23:29<o


I have many thousands of entries and can't start putting dates in with the times. Can anyone please suggest a way around my problem? Really need help on this one!<o