I have built several items in my dictionary called Tdic.
If I wanted to know how many iems are in Tdic, I can do:
DicCount = Tdic.count
I'm having problems determining what name I gave at each item in Tdic.
I've tried:
TName = Tdic.Item(1) the result in Tname is Empty
There are a number of iterations that I tried to no avail receiving Complie erros and such.
Is there a way to extract the name of the item? Meaning can I loop through Tdic and load TName with whatever name is first in Tdic for the first loop, Whatever name is in Tdic for the second loop, etc.
I have built several items in my dictionary called Tdic.
If I wanted to know how many iems are in Tdic, I can do:
DicCount = Tdic.count
I'm having problems determining what name I gave at each item in Tdic.
I've tried:
TName = Tdic.Item(1) the result in Tname is Empty
There are a number of iterations that I tried to no avail receiving Complie erros and such.
Is there a way to extract the name of the item? Meaning can I loop through Tdic and load TName with whatever name is first in Tdic for the first loop, Whatever name is in Tdic for the second loop, etc.