Determining 32 bit versus 64 bit in VBA — testers welcome!

Greg Truby

MrExcel MVP
Jun 19, 2002
A client from my consulting days is upgrading hardware and the new notebooks are coming w/ 64-bit Excel and so's I need to make the add-in I wrote for them mind its manners and play nice under 64-bit Excel. I had thought this would be relatively straightforward. It turned out to be a bit more convoluted than I expected. Everything I'd seen on the internet told me I could use the conditional compiling constants WIN64 and VBA7 to handle compiling in various environments. But when I got to a "boots-on-the-ground" situation, it proved pretty inconsistent. Eventually I grew so frustrated that I wrote code to see what in tarnation was going on and then ran that code in as many environments as I personally had access to. I am going to share my results and the code that I used to obtain them. I would be ever so grateful if anyone who is interested would try dropping the code into a workbook and running the macro on their computer and then posting the output.

Thanks in advance to anyone who joins the experiment!

Here's the VBA:

VBA Code:
Option Explicit
                                                             #If gccc_XL64 Then
Const c_strTest As String = "sixty four"
Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetProcAddress _
    Lib "kernel32" _
        (ByVal hModule As LongPtr, _
         ByVal lpProcName As String) _
    As LongPtr

Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetModuleHandle _
    Lib "kernel32" _
    Alias "GetModuleHandleA" _
        (ByVal lpModuleName As String) _
    As LongPtr

Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetCurrentProcess _
    Lib "kernel32" () _
    As LongPtr

Private Declare PtrSafe Function IsWow64Process _
    Lib "kernel32" _
        (ByVal hProcess As LongPtr, _
         ByRef Wow64Process As Long) _
    As Long

Const c_strTest As String = "thirty two"

Private Declare Function GetProcAddress _
    Lib "kernel32" _
        (ByVal hModule As Long, _
        ByVal lpProcName As String) _
    As Long

Private Declare Function GetModuleHandle _
    Lib "kernel32" _
    Alias "GetModuleHandleA" _
        (ByVal lpModuleName As String) _
    As Long

Private Declare Function GetCurrentProcess _
    Lib "kernel32" () _
    As Long

Private Declare Function IsWow64Process _
    Lib "kernel32" _
        (ByVal hProcess As Long, _
         ByRef Wow64Process As Long) _
    As Long
                                                                        #End If
                                                                 #If Win64 Then
Const mc_bytWin64 As Byte = 64
Const mc_bytWin64 As Byte = 32
                                                                        #End If

                                                                  #If VBA7 Then
Const mc_bytExcel As Byte = 64
Const mc_bytExcel As Byte = 32
                                                                        #End If

Rem "foobar" - in memory of the legendary nateo
Private Sub foobar(): MsgBox c_strTest, vbInformation: End Sub

Sub Show32or64_Main()
    MsgBox fnBitnessMessage, vbInformation, "A bit o' this and a bit o' that"

End Sub

Private Sub PutResultsInCells()

    Const c_strStartAddr    As String = "B3", _
          c_strNbrFmt       As String = "0 "" bit"""
    '// Note:   using unqualified references, so this will
    '// ¯¯¯¯¯   output to the activesheet.
    Dim r As Range
    Set r = Range(c_strStartAddr)
    With r
        .Value = "Windows"
        .Resize(, 2).Style = "Heading 3"
        With .Offset(1)
            .Value = "#If Win64"
            .IndentLevel = 1
            With .Offset(, 1)
                .Value = mc_bytWin64
                .NumberFormat = c_strNbrFmt
            End With
        End With

        With .Offset(2)
            .Value = "Environ"
            .IndentLevel = 1
            With .Offset(, 1)
                .Value = fnWindowsBitnessEnviron
                .NumberFormat = c_strNbrFmt
            End With
        End With

        With .Offset(3)
            .Value = "WOW64"
            .IndentLevel = 1
            With .Offset(, 1)
                .Value = fnWindowsBitnessIsWow64
                .NumberFormat = c_strNbrFmt
            End With
        End With

        With .Offset(4)
            .Value = "Excel"
            .Resize(, 2).Style = "Heading 3"
            .RowHeight = 30
        End With
        With .Offset(5)
            .Value = "#If VBA7"
            .IndentLevel = 1
            With .Offset(, 1)
                .Value = mc_bytExcel
                .NumberFormat = c_strNbrFmt
            End With
        End With

        With .Offset(6)
            .Value = "Dimensioning test"
            .IndentLevel = 1
            With .Offset(, 1)
                .Value = fnExcelBitnessDim
                .NumberFormat = c_strNbrFmt
            End With
        End With

        With .Offset(7)
            .Value = "Address test"
            .IndentLevel = 1
            With .Offset(, 1)
                .Value = fnExcelBitnessDummyAddress
                .NumberFormat = c_strNbrFmt
            End With
        End With
        With .Offset(8)
            .Value = "HInstance test"
            .IndentLevel = 1
            With .Offset(, 1)
                .Value = fnExcelBitnessHInstance
                .NumberFormat = c_strNbrFmt
            End With
            With .Resize(, 2).Borders(xlEdgeBottom)
                .LineStyle = xlContinuous
                .ColorIndex = 0
                .TintAndShade = 0
                .Weight = xlThin
            End With
        End With
        With .Offset(9)
            .Value = "Version Nbr"
            .IndentLevel = 1
            .Offset(, 1).Value = Application.Version
        End With
        With .Offset(10)
            .Value = "Build Nbr"
            .IndentLevel = 1
            .Offset(, 1).Value = Application.Build
        End With
    End With    '// starting cell

End Sub '// PutResultsInCells

Function fnBitnessMessage() As String
    Let fnBitnessMessage _
          = "COND COMPILE says Windows is " & vbTab & CStr(mc_bytWin64) & " bit" & vbCrLf _
          & "ENVIRON test says Windows is " & vbTab & CStr(fnWindowsBitnessEnviron) & " bit" & vbCrLf _
          & "WOW64 test says Windows is " & vbTab & vbTab & CStr(fnWindowsBitnessIsWow64) & " bit" & vbCrLf _
          & String(24, "—") & vbCrLf _
          & "COND COMPILE says Excel is " & vbTab & vbTab & CStr(mc_bytExcel) & " bit" & vbCrLf _
          & "DIM bitness test says Excel is " & vbTab & vbTab & CStr(fnExcelBitnessDim) & " bit" & vbCrLf _
          & "ADDRESS bitness test says Excel is " & vbTab & CStr(fnExcelBitnessDummyAddress) & " bit" & vbCrLf _
          & "HINSTANCE bitness test says Excel is " & vbTab & CStr(fnExcelBitnessHInstance) & " bit" & vbCrLf

End Function

Function fnWindowsBitnessEnviron() As Byte
    Let fnWindowsBitnessEnviron = IIf(CBool(Len(Environ("ProgramW6432"))), 64, 32)
    End Function

Function fnWindowsBitnessIsWow64() As Byte

                                                             #If gccc_XL64 Then
    Dim h As LongPtr
    Dim h As Long
                                                                        #End If
    Dim lngIs64

    Let h = GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle("kernel32"), "IsWow64Process")

    '// IsWow64Process function exists.  Now use the function
    '// to determine if we are running under Wow64
    If h > 0 Then IsWow64Process GetCurrentProcess(), lngIs64
    Let fnWindowsBitnessIsWow64 = IIf(CBool(lngIs64), 64, 32)

End Function

Function fnExcelBitnessDim() As Byte
                                                             #If gccc_XL64 Then
    Dim ptrTest As LongPtr
    Dim ptrTest As Long
                                                                        #End If
    Let fnExcelBitnessDim = IIf(LenB(ptrTest) = 4, 32, 64)
    End Function

Function fnExcelBitnessDummyAddress() As Byte
    Let fnExcelBitnessDummyAddress = IIf(TypeName(AddressOf fnDummy) = "Long", 32, 64)
    End Function

Function fnDummy()
    End Function
Function fnExcelBitnessHInstance() As Byte
    Dim vntHinstance As Variant
    On Error Resume Next
    vntHinstance = Application.Hinstance
    Let fnExcelBitnessHInstance = IIf(Err = 0, 32, 64)
    End Function

'// just a utility 'cuz I forget 'em
Private Sub AllEnvironVariables()
    Dim strEnviron As String
    Dim VarSplit As Variant
    Dim i As Long
    For i = 1 To 255
        strEnviron = Environ$(i)
        If LenB(strEnviron) = 0& Then GoTo TryNext:
        VarSplit = Split(strEnviron, "=")
        If UBound(VarSplit) > 1 Then Stop
        Range("A" & Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1).Value = i
        Range("B" & Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1).Value = VarSplit(0)
        Range("C" & Range("C" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1).Value = VarSplit(1)
End Sub

Comments/Notes: Since the built-in conditional compiling constants were behaving like obnoxious drunks, I used a conditional compiling constant of my own. This was only needed when I was trying to compile in Excel 2003 or 2007. For Excel 2010 or better, the LongPtr variable declarations would compile, even when Excel itself was 32-bit. If you are testing under 2007 or lower, then you'd need to flip the compiling constant to false (0). In the VBE it's under Tools | VBAProject Properties...

MrExcel Post 32 or 64.png

Here are the results I obtained in various environments color coded to reflect whether the results were correct or incorrect. As you can see, in my testing the WIN64 and VBA7 conditional compiling constants proved about a trustworthy as a politician's oath:

Show32or64 Excel and OS.xlsm
1WindowsWin 7Win 7Win 7Win 10 PWin 7Win 10 HWin 10 P
2Excel20032007201020102013O365 / 32O365 / 64
4#If Win6432 bit32 bit32 bit32 bit32 bit32 bit64 bit
5Environ64 bit64 bit64 bit64 bit64 bit64 bit64 bit
6WOW6464 bit64 bit64 bit64 bit64 bit64 bit32 bit
8#If VBA732 bit32 bit64 bit64 bit64 bit64 bit64 bit
9Dimensioning test32 bit32 bit32 bit32 bit32 bit32 bit64 bit
10Address test32 bit32 bit32 bit32 bit32 bit32 bit64 bit
11HInstance test32 bit32 bit32 bit32 bit32 bit32 bit64 bit
12Version Nbr11121414151616
13Build Nbr840467877244724452071192911929

I should comment that the 64-bit Excel is running in a virtual machine. I'm wondering if that might not be the reason the WOW64 test for the OS bitness failed.
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Microsoft doesn't support 2003 or 2007 any more (and support for 2010 goes away in only a matter of months). Simplify your life and ignore them.
Upvote 0
Interesting project. I'll note that if you copy the code from Greg's post into a blank workbook, you will have to go to VBA Project Properties and add the Greg Conditional Compiling Constant.
gccc_XL64 = -1

Here are my results on a 64-bit Excel and 64-bit Windows. This confirms your error with WOW64 as I am not running in a virtual machine.
Upvote 0
With 64bit Win 10 & 32bit Xl I get
#If Win6432 bit
Environ64 bit
WOW6464 bit
#If VBA764 bit
Dimensioning test32 bit
Address test32 bit
HInstance test32 bit
Version Nbr16
Build Nbr12430
Upvote 0
A simple way to determine bitness is from the product code.

My product code is

That fourth block of four characters is 0000 for 32-bit and 1000 for 64-bit. So a little function that splits up the product code and examines the next to last segment will tell you, without all of that Windows API stuff and without the compiler constants. You can see what all of the pieces mean at Description of the numbering scheme for product code GUIDs in Office 2016.

VBA Code:
Public Function NoneOfYourBitness()
  Dim sProdCode As String, vProdCode As Variant, sBitCode As String, sBitness As String
  sProdCode = Application.ProductCode
  vProdCode = Split(sProdCode, "-")
  '' JP: Edited code to address MARK858's comment
  sBitCode = Left$(vProdCode(UBound(vProdCode) - 1), 1)
  Select Case sBitCode
    Case "0"
      sBitness = " 32-bit"
    Case "1"
      sBitness = " 64-bit"
  End Select
  '' End of edit
  NoneOfYourBitness = sBitness
End Function

Of course, getting those compiler constants to work out can be frustrating. It has to be something like this:

VBA Code:
#If Vba7 Then
' VBA7 (Office 2010 or newer)
  #If Win64 Then
    ' Code is running in 64-bit version of Microsoft Office
    Declare PtrSafe Function ... (with 64-bit data types)
    ' Code is running in 32-bit version of Microsoft Office
    Declare PtrSafe Function ... (with 32-bit data types)
  #End If
  ' VBA6 or earlier (Office 2007 or earlier)
  Declare Function ...
#End If

The real trick is finding the right variable types for each declaration. The internet gets them about half right.
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Upvote 0
Hi Jon, wouldn't it be safer down the line to just use the 1 from the 1000 as the article states...

Each GUID uses the following format:
p0 for x86, 1 for x640-1
000Reserved for future use, currently 00
Upvote 0
Hi Jon, wouldn't it be safer down the line to just use the 1 from the 1000 as the article states...

Each GUID uses the following format:
p0 for x86, 1 for x640-1
000Reserved for future use, currently 00

Good point. I thought about that as I wrote my comment, so I'll go change it in my real code.
Upvote 0

I get the impression from your initial post that you may have misunderstood what those constants are testing. Win64 doesn't actually test the bitness of Windows, in spite of its name. WIN64 lets you know that your code is running in 64 bit Office (which by extension must be in 64 bit Windows). VBA7 simply tells you that you are, as implied this time, running VBA7 - i.e. you are in Office 2010 or later. Between the two of them, they should cater for pretty much any situation you actually need to code around.
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VBA Code:
                                                                 #If Win64 Then
Const mc_bytWin64 As Byte = 64
Const mc_bytWin64 As Byte = 32
                                                                        #End If

                                                                  #If VBA7 Then
Const mc_bytExcel As Byte = 64
Const mc_bytExcel As Byte = 32
                                                                        #End If

          = "COND COMPILE says Windows is " & vbTab & CStr(mc_bytWin64) & " bit" & vbCrLf _

          & "COND COMPILE says Excel is " & vbTab & vbTab & CStr(mc_bytExcel) & " bit" & vbCrLf _
You're interpreting the VBA7 and Win64 compiler constants incorrectly. VBA7 simply says whether the compiler is version 7 (Office 2010 and later), not the bitness of Excel. Win64 says whether Excel (not Windows) is the 32-bit or 64-bit installation. See

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