Desperate to Find Error


Well-known Member
Mar 16, 2017
Office Version
  1. 365
  1. Windows
When I try to test this code, I'm getting an Error Type 13, but I haven't been able to find where there's a data mismatch. Thoughts?
Option Explicit

Dim coboDict As Object
Private Sub cmd_Close_Click()

Unload Me

End Sub

Private Sub cmd_Submit_Click()

Dim ws1 As Worksheet
Dim LastRow As Long

Set ws1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Info")

LastRow = ws1.Range("G" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1

ws1.Range("A" & LastRow).Value = "=Today()"
ws1.Range("B" & LastRow).Value = CDate(Me.txt_Updated)
ws1.Range("C" & LastRow).Value = (Me.cobo_Status)
ws1.Range("D" & LastRow).Value = (Me.txt_First)
ws1.Range("E" & LastRow).Value = (Me.txt_Last)
ws1.Range("F" & LastRow).Value = (Me.txt_Suff)
ws1.Range("G" & LastRow).Value = (Me.cobo_Name)
ws1.Range("H" & LastRow).Value = CDate(Me.txt_DoB)
ws1.Range("I" & LastRow).Value = (Me.cobo_Gender)
ws1.Range("J" & LastRow).Value = (Me.txt_SignupAge)
ws1.Range("L" & LastRow).Value = (Me.txt_Phone)
ws1.Range("M" & LastRow).Value = (Me.txt_Email)
If Not Len(Me.txt_DPStart) = 0 Then ws1.Range("O" & LastRow).Value = CDate(Me.txt_DPStart)
If Not Len(Me.txt_DPEnd) = 0 Then ws1.Range("P" & LastRow).Value = CDate(Me.txt_DPEnd)
If Not Len(Me.txt_DPAmt) = 0 Then ws1.Range("Q" & LastRow).Value = CCur(Me.txt_DPAmt)
If Not Len(Me.cobo_DPFreq) = 0 Then ws1.Range("R" & LastRow).Value = (Me.cobo_DPFreq)
If Not Len(Me.txt_DCStart) = 0 Then ws1.Range("T" & LastRow).Value = CDate(Me.txt_DCStart)
If Not Len(Me.txt_DCEnd) = 0 Then ws1.Range("U" & LastRow).Value = CDate(Me.txt_DCEnd)
If Not Len(Me.txt_DCAmt) = 0 Then ws1.Range("V" & LastRow).Value = CCur(Me.txt_DCAmt)
If Not Len(Me.cobo_DCFreq) = 0 Then ws1.Range("W" & LastRow).Value = (Me.cobo_DCFreq)
If Not Len(Me.txt_OCStart) = 0 Then ws1.Range("Y" & LastRow).Value = CDate(Me.txt_OCStart)
If Not Len(Me.txt_OCEnd) = 0 Then ws1.Range("Z" & LastRow).Value = CDate(Me.txt_OCEnd)
If Not Len(Me.txt_OCAmt) = 0 Then ws1.Range("AA" & LastRow).Value = CCur(Me.txt_OCAmt)
If Not Len(Me.cobo_OCFreq) = 0 Then ws1.Range("AB" & LastRow).Value = (Me.cobo_OCFreq)
If Not Len(Me.txt_CTIStart) = 0 Then ws1.Range("AD" & LastRow).Value = CDate(Me.txt_CTIStart)
If Not Len(Me.txt_CTIEnd) = 0 Then ws1.Range("AE" & LastRow).Value = CDate(Me.txt_CTIEnd)
If Not Len(Me.txt_CTIAmt) = 0 Then ws1.Range("AF" & LastRow).Value = CCur(Me.txt_CTIAmt)
If Not Len(Me.cobo_CTIFreq) = 0 Then ws1.Range("AG" & LastRow).Value = (Me.cobo_CTIFreq)
If Not Len(Me.txt_CTOStart) = 0 Then ws1.Range("AI" & LastRow).Value = CDate(Me.txt_CTOStart)
If Not Len(Me.txt_CTOEnd) = 0 Then ws1.Range("AJ" & LastRow).Value = CDate(Me.txt_CTOEnd)
If Not Len(Me.txt_CTOAmt) = 0 Then ws1.Range("AK" & LastRow).Value = CCur(Me.txt_CTOAmt)
If Not Len(Me.cobo_CTOFreq) = 0 Then ws1.Range("AL" & LastRow).Value = (Me.cobo_CTOFreq)
ws1.Range("N" & LastRow).Value = "=IF(RC[1]="""",""Inactive"",IF(RC[2]<>"""",""Inactive"",""Active""))"
ws1.Range("S" & LastRow).Value = "=IF(RC[1]="""",""Inactive"",IF(RC[2]<>"""",""Inactive"",""Active""))"
ws1.Range("X" & LastRow).Value = "=IF(RC[1]="""",""Inactive"",IF(RC[2]<>"""",""Inactive"",""Active""))"
ws1.Range("AC" & LastRow).Value = "=IF(RC[1]="""",""Inactive"",IF(RC[2]<>"""",""Inactive"",""Active""))"
ws1.Range("AH" & LastRow).Value = "=IF(RC[1]="""",""Inactive"",IF(RC[2]<>"""",""Inactive"",""Active""))"

End Sub

Private Sub cobo_Name_Change()

With Sheets("Info")
    Me.txt_Updated = .Cells(coboDict.Item(Me.cobo_Name.Value), "B").Value
    Me.cobo_Status = .Cells(coboDict.Item(Me.cobo_Name.Value), "C").Value
    Me.txt_First = .Cells(coboDict.Item(Me.cobo_Name.Value), "D").Value
    Me.txt_Last = .Cells(coboDict.Item(Me.cobo_Name.Value), "E").Value
    Me.txt_Suff = .Cells(coboDict.Item(Me.cobo_Name.Value), "F").Value
    Me.txt_DoB = .Cells(coboDict.Item(Me.cobo_Name.Value), "H").Value
    Me.cobo_Gender = .Cells(coboDict.Item(Me.cobo_Name.Value), "I").Value
    Me.txt_SignupAge = .Cells(coboDict.Item(Me.cobo_Name.Value), "J").Value
    Me.txt_Phone = .Cells(coboDict.Item(Me.cobo_Name.Value), "L").Value
    Me.txt_Email = .Cells(coboDict.Item(Me.cobo_Name.Value), "M").Value
    Me.cobo_DPStatus = .Cells(coboDict.Item(Me.cobo_Name.Value), "N").Value
    Me.txt_DPStart = .Cells(coboDict.Item(Me.cobo_Name.Value), "O").Value
    Me.txt_DPEnd = .Cells(coboDict.Item(Me.cobo_Name.Value), "P").Value
    Me.txt_DPAmt = .Cells(coboDict.Item(Me.cobo_Name.Value), "Q").Value
    Me.cobo_DPFreq = .Cells(coboDict.Item(Me.cobo_Name.Value), "R").Value
    Me.cobo_DCStatus = .Cells(coboDict.Item(Me.cobo_Name.Value), "S").Value
    Me.txt_DCStart = .Cells(coboDict.Item(Me.cobo_Name.Value), "T").Value
    Me.txt_DCEnd = .Cells(coboDict.Item(Me.cobo_Name.Value), "U").Value
    Me.txt_DCAmt = .Cells(coboDict.Item(Me.cobo_Name.Value), "V").Value
    Me.cobo_DCFreq = .Cells(coboDict.Item(Me.cobo_Name.Value), "W").Value
    Me.cobo_OCStatus = .Cells(coboDict.Item(Me.cobo_Name.Value), "X").Value
    Me.txt_OCStart = .Cells(coboDict.Item(Me.cobo_Name.Value), "Y").Value
    Me.txt_OCEnd = .Cells(coboDict.Item(Me.cobo_Name.Value), "Z").Value
    Me.txt_OCAmt = .Cells(coboDict.Item(Me.cobo_Name.Value), "AA").Value
    Me.cobo_OCFreq = .Cells(coboDict.Item(Me.cobo_Name.Value), "AB").Value
    Me.cobo_CTIStatus = .Cells(coboDict.Item(Me.cobo_Name.Value), "AC").Value
    Me.txt_CTIStart = .Cells(coboDict.Item(Me.cobo_Name.Value), "AD").Value
    Me.txt_CTIEnd = .Cells(coboDict.Item(Me.cobo_Name.Value), "AE").Value
    Me.txt_CTIAmt = .Cells(coboDict.Item(Me.cobo_Name.Value), "AF").Value
    Me.cobo_CTIFreq = .Cells(coboDict.Item(Me.cobo_Name.Value), "AG").Value
    Me.cobo_CTOStatus = .Cells(coboDict.Item(Me.cobo_Name.Value), "AH").Value
    Me.txt_CTOStart = .Cells(coboDict.Item(Me.cobo_Name.Value), "AI").Value
    Me.txt_CTOEnd = .Cells(coboDict.Item(Me.cobo_Name.Value), "AJ").Value
    Me.txt_CTOAmt = .Cells(coboDict.Item(Me.cobo_Name.Value), "AK").Value
    Me.cobo_CTOFreq = .Cells(coboDict.Item(Me.cobo_Name.Value), "AL").Value

End With
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

Dim ws1 As Worksheet
Dim ws2 As Worksheet
Dim ws4 As Worksheet
Dim cGender As Range
Dim cPymtFreq As Range
Dim cCIName As Range
Dim cStatus As Range

Set ws1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Info")
Set ws2 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Measurements")
Set ws4 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Variables")

For Each cGender In ws4.Range("Gender")
    With Me.cobo_Gender
        .AddItem cGender.Value
    End With
Next cGender

For Each cStatus In ws4.Range("Status")
    With Me.cobo_Status
        .AddItem cStatus.Value
    End With
Next cStatus

For Each cPymtFreq In ws4.Range("PymtFreq")
    With Me.cobo_DPFreq
        .AddItem cPymtFreq.Value
    End With
Next cPymtFreq

For Each cPymtFreq In ws4.Range("PymtFreq")
    With Me.cobo_DCFreq
        .AddItem cPymtFreq.Value
    End With
Next cPymtFreq

For Each cPymtFreq In ws4.Range("PymtFreq")
    With Me.cobo_OCFreq
        .AddItem cPymtFreq.Value
    End With
Next cPymtFreq

For Each cPymtFreq In ws4.Range("PymtFreq")
    With Me.cobo_CTIFreq
        .AddItem cPymtFreq.Value
    End With
Next cPymtFreq

For Each cPymtFreq In ws4.Range("PymtFreq")
    With Me.cobo_CTOFreq
        .AddItem cPymtFreq.Value
    End With
Next cPymtFreq

    ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Info").Sort.SortFields.Add Key:= _
        Range("F2:F8"), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:= _
    ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Info").Sort.SortFields.Add Key:= _
        Range("B2:B8"), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:= _
    With ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Info").Sort
        .SetRange Range("A1:R8")
        .Header = xlYes
        .MatchCase = False
        .Orientation = xlTopToBottom
        .SortMethod = xlPinYin
    End With
Set coboDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
With coboDict
    For Each cCIName In ws1.Range("CIName")
        If Not .exists(cCIName.Value) Then
            .Add cCIName.Value, cCIName.Row
            If CLng(cCIName.Offset(, -4).Value) > CLng(ws1.Range("B" & .Item(cCIName.Value))) Then
            .Item(cCIName.Value) = cCIName.Row
            End If
        End If
    Next cCIName
    Me.cobo_Name.List = Application.Transpose(.keys)
End With
End Sub

Excel Facts

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It is because Sum is the 9th alphabetically in Average, Count, CountA, Max, Min, Product, StDev.S, StDev.P, Sum, VAR.S, VAR.P.
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Thanks. I stepped through the code multiple times last night, prior to posting the question, but couldn't identify the error. I decided to leave it and come back to it this morning, with fresh eye. I found the error. I inserted a new column that I accounted for in all of the other code, but forgot to change a column reference from -4 to -5. Thank you for the reply!
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