Hi again, my last post asked about putting the delta symbol in a validated cell from a list, which also included the letter Y.
That is working great thanks to the help i got.
The new issue is that I have a cell with a formula referring to the results of the choice in that validated cell.
The delta symbol shows up as a D unless inserted properly, so my formula had 5 "if" choices which included "240d" which no longer exists because I am now able to have 240"delta symbol" in that cell.
If you were able to follow that my question is this: =IF(T3="xxxx","",IF(T3="208Y/120",208,IF(T3="480Y/277",480,IF(T3="240d","240d",IF(T3="240d/120",240,"")))))
how can I replace the "d" in my formulas with the delta symbol?
That is working great thanks to the help i got.
The new issue is that I have a cell with a formula referring to the results of the choice in that validated cell.
The delta symbol shows up as a D unless inserted properly, so my formula had 5 "if" choices which included "240d" which no longer exists because I am now able to have 240"delta symbol" in that cell.
If you were able to follow that my question is this: =IF(T3="xxxx","",IF(T3="208Y/120",208,IF(T3="480Y/277",480,IF(T3="240d","240d",IF(T3="240d/120",240,"")))))
how can I replace the "d" in my formulas with the delta symbol?