I have a sheet, where Column A has Boolean values. However there are also cells with #VALUE!. I want to delete the entire rows with FALSE or #VALUE! in column A.
I have the code below which does half the job, it deletes the FALSE rows. What I need now is to delete the #VALUE! rows, but I cannot make it work...
Any thoughts?
I have the code below which does half the job, it deletes the FALSE rows. What I need now is to delete the #VALUE! rows, but I cannot make it work...
Sub KillRows_Input()
Dim MyRange As Range, DelRange As Range, C As Range
Dim MatchBoolean As Boolean, SearchColumn As String, ActiveColumn As String
Dim FirstAddress As String, NullCheck As String
Dim AC
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'Extract active column as text
AC = Split(ActiveCell.EntireColumn.Address(, False), ":")
ActiveColumn = AC(0)
SearchColumn = "A"
Set MyRange = Columns(SearchColumn)
On Error GoTo 0
'If an invalid range is entered then exit
If MyRange Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
MatchBoolean = False
'to match the WHOLE text string
Set C = MyRange.Find(What:=MatchBoolean, After:=MyRange.Cells(1), LookIn:=xlValues, Lookat:=xlWhole)
If Not C Is Nothing Then
Set DelRange = C
FirstAddress = C.Address
Set C = MyRange.FindNext(C)
Set DelRange = Union(DelRange, C)
Loop While FirstAddress <> C.Address
End If
'If there are valid matches then delete the rows
If Not DelRange Is Nothing Then DelRange.EntireRow.Delete
End Sub
Any thoughts?