Hi All (and Happy New Year)
I have some data on a worksheet that has a date the data was added. To stop the report getting to large I only want to keep the current and last year's data and delete the rest. The code listed below needs to filter the data and delete the visible rows. I'm getting a run error but I cannot work out what's wrong.
Currently all the checks are working and the correct date range is being displayed, but I'm getting a run time error when it trys to delete the rows. I've added some comments to the data in case that helps. Any help would be appreciated.
I have some data on a worksheet that has a date the data was added. To stop the report getting to large I only want to keep the current and last year's data and delete the rest. The code listed below needs to filter the data and delete the visible rows. I'm getting a run error but I cannot work out what's wrong.
Currently all the checks are working and the correct date range is being displayed, but I'm getting a run time error when it trys to delete the rows. I've added some comments to the data in case that helps. Any help would be appreciated.
VBA Code:
Dim lStartDate, lLastRow, lVisibleRow, lEndDate As Long
With Sheet12
If .ListObjects(1).showAutofilter Then .ListObjects(1).AutoFilter.ShowAllData 'checks if there is a filter in place and if so clears the filter
lStartDate = CDate("01/" & Month(Now()) & "/" & Year(Now()) - 1) 'Gets the first day and month of last year
'lStartDate =44197
.Range("A1").AutoFilter Field:=16, Criteria1:="<" & lStartDate 'Hide current and last year's data, shows the rest
lLastRow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row 'Gets the total rows of the sheet
'lLastRow = 470399
lVisibleRow = Application.WorksheetFunction.Subtotal(3, .Range("P:P")) 'Gets the visible rows
'lVisibleRow = 22158
If (lLastRow > 1) And (lVisibleRow > 1) Then .Range("A2:A" & lLastRow).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).EntireRow.Delete
'checks to make sure there is data to delete which is working. If there is any data then delete it this is the bit that's not working.
'Not working = .Range("A2:A" & lLastRow).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).EntireRow.Delete
'Error msg = Run-Time error '1004':- Application-defined or object-defined error
If .ListObjects(1).showAutofilter Then .ListObjects(1).AutoFilter.ShowAllData 'checks if there is a filter in place and if so clears the filter
End With