Sub DeleteRows()
Dim DelRg As Range
Dim I As Long, LR As Long
Const WkCol As String = "C"
Const FR As Integer = 2
LR = Cells(Rows.Count, WkCol).End(3).Row
Set DelRg = Cells(LR + 1, WkCol)
For I = FR To LR
If (((0 < Cells(I, WkCol)) And (Cells(I, WkCol) < 70))) Then Set DelRg = Union(DelRg, Cells(I, WkCol))
If (((85 < Cells(I, WkCol)) And (Cells(I, WkCol) < 125))) Then Set DelRg = Union(DelRg, Cells(I, WkCol))
End Sub
Sub DeleteRows()
Dim DelRg As Range
Dim I As Long, LR As Long
Const WkCol As String = "C"
Const FR As Integer = 2
LR = Cells(Rows.Count, WkCol).End(3).Row
Set DelRg = Cells(LR + 1, WkCol)
For I = LR to FR step -1
If (((0 < Cells(I, WkCol)) And (Cells(I, WkCol) < 70))) Then Set DelRg = Union(DelRg, Cells(I, WkCol))
If (((85 < Cells(I, WkCol)) And (Cells(I, WkCol) < 125))) Then Set DelRg = Union(DelRg, Cells(I, WkCol))
End Sub