Hi Everyone,
I am trying to figure out a way of deleting multiple columns within on one worksheet based the headers or one step better would be to use vba find the column headers I want to keep and delete all the rest. I like to be able to have a list of header names stored in vba (and not the worksheet) then have the code find where they each are and delete or like i said prefer to keep the headers I want and delete all other columns at once rather than using the traditional way such as below.
The reason for this is every now and then the IT dept change the SQL by adding either extra columns or move them around which in turn completley messes up my multiple Macros each time they do this.
I started using putting some code (very long winded vba) below to try and accompish this but I am struggling as this is a one column at a time way, but its the only way I know, so the help i need is :
I need an array to read in the header values from a list(stored in VBA not the worksheet) then go find these then delete all else (so easy to say in english) eh!"
I am trying to figure out a way of deleting multiple columns within on one worksheet based the headers or one step better would be to use vba find the column headers I want to keep and delete all the rest. I like to be able to have a list of header names stored in vba (and not the worksheet) then have the code find where they each are and delete or like i said prefer to keep the headers I want and delete all other columns at once rather than using the traditional way such as below.
The reason for this is every now and then the IT dept change the SQL by adding either extra columns or move them around which in turn completley messes up my multiple Macros each time they do this.
VBA Code:
Range("A:A,H:H,I:I,K:K,L:L,Q:Q,S:S,T:T,U:U,V:V,W:W,X:X,Y:Y,Z:Z,AA:AA,AB:AF"). _
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft
I started using putting some code (very long winded vba) below to try and accompish this but I am struggling as this is a one column at a time way, but its the only way I know, so the help i need is :
I need an array to read in the header values from a list(stored in VBA not the worksheet) then go find these then delete all else (so easy to say in english) eh!"
VBA Code:
Sub Find_SpecificText()
Dim lCol As Long: Dim rng, cell As Range: Dim specificText As String
lCol = Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
Set rng = Range("A1:ZZ" & lCol): specificText = "Unit"
For Each cell In rng
'MsgBox cell.Column
If UCase(cell.Value) = UCase(specificText) Then
MsgBox "Found value " & specificText & vbCr & vbCr & cell.Address & vbCr & vbCr & " Column number " & cell.Column, vbInformation, " Gerry VBa Searching for Text in Row/Column"
Col_Numb = cell.Column ' set variable long as = column number
'I've also declared ...Public Col_Numb As Long and ColumnLetterVar as variant' not sure this is the way forward
ColumnLetterVar = Col_Letter(Col_Numb) ''set this as global variable to be used anywhere in subs
'MsgBox Col_Letter(Col_Numb)
MsgBox "The Header ...'" & specificText & "'" & vbCr & " is in Column .... " & _
ColumnLetterVar, _
vbInformation, "Find specific text"
Exit Sub
End If
MsgBox specificText & ".... IT Dept have moved the columns around again..or text is Not found"
End Sub
VBA Code:
Function Col_Letter(lngCol As Long) As String
Dim vArr
vArr = Split(Cells(1, lngCol).Address(True, False), "$")
Col_Letter = vArr(0)
End Function