I have a lot of repetitive code and was trying to clean it up by creating a sub with a variable, I'm not sure whether I'm correct in my thinking but would love some help with the below, I've written the following code to navigate between worksheets:
where UnhideAll and HideOtherSheets both work in their own right, and indeed if I put an actual sheet name in place of target the sub works.
Then, I have the following code upon opening:
and I keep getting an error that says "object variable or with block variable not set".
Any ideas??
Sub MoveTo(Target As Worksheet)
End Sub
where UnhideAll and HideOtherSheets both work in their own right, and indeed if I put an actual sheet name in place of target the sub works.
Then, I have the following code upon opening:
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'ask whether a new session should be started or not
Message = MsgBox("Do you wish to begin a new session?" & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & "Clicking Yes will clear all existing data", vbYesNo, "Warning!")
If Message = vbYes Then
Sheets("Scheme Input").Range("C5:C21").ClearContents
Sheets("Member Data").Range("H3:H10000").ClearContents
Sheets("Member Data").Range("J3:L10000").ClearContents
Else: End If
MoveTo (Control)
'remember calculation mode of excel upon opening
If Application.Calculation = xlManual Then
Application.Calculation = xlAutomatic
StartCalcMode = "Manual"
Else: StartCalcMode = "Automatic"
End If
End Sub
and I keep getting an error that says "object variable or with block variable not set".
Any ideas??