Below is a portion of a macro that saves the current workbook, prompts the user to SaveAs, and then (not shown) it clears the workbook to start a fresh period/quarter.
On our LAN, when it prompts to SaveAs, it defaults to My Computer, is which is a terrible navigation to get to the right network drive folder. The original file that was just saved prior to the SaveAs, was in the right spot, so is there a way to get the SaveAs to start in the same folder, or maybe 1 folder level up from where the original file already is?
On our LAN, when it prompts to SaveAs, it defaults to My Computer, is which is a terrible navigation to get to the right network drive folder. The original file that was just saved prior to the SaveAs, was in the right spot, so is there a way to get the SaveAs to start in the same folder, or maybe 1 folder level up from where the original file already is?
Dim msgValue
msgValue = MsgBox("Select file location for new TLD Period on next window.", vbOKOnly, "New TLD Period")
fName = Application.GetSaveAsFilename( _[INDENT]InitialFileName:="TLD " & Me.TextBox1.Text & " P" & Me.TextBox2.Text, FileFilter:="(*.xlsm), *xlsm", Title:="Save New TLD Period")[/INDENT]
If fName <> False Then
[INDENT]ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=fName[/INDENT]
End If