Good morning & many thanks Joe4,
A’s to youQ’s as follows:-
Let's takea step back. We can code this to do what you want and run automatically if youcan answer some basic questions:
- What range are these entries going in (is it just one cell on the sheet, or awhole range of cells)?
When data is placed into any cell inthe range X2-X200, the ddd\mm\yyyy hh:mm:ss will then automatically replicateinto the applicable neighboring cell Y2-Y200
- How is the cell being updated (manually, copy/paste, or by formula)?
manually,copy/paste into range X2-X200
- What range do you want the date stamp placed in (I am guessing some column inthe same row as the cell that is being updated)?
Yes , Y2-Y200
- You want the date stamp entered only when the first entry is made (i.e. oncethe date stamp is populated, it should never be updated, even if the sourcecell is updated again, right?)
Only whenthat cell is updated should the date stamp change. If there is no data or an empty cell within the range X2-X200, then the corresponding cell willbe blank ( I was using the formula =IF(A44>0,NOW(),"") for this )
Hoping you can sort.