I have a csv file were the Date format is correct DD-MM-YYYY (ref screen CopyPaste Date), once i copy and paste this data to excel vba file in a sheet the last year date gets convered to 17/06/22 (ref screen RawFile Date) which is not correct copy and paste
to avoid this I have put the formula as in D9 so that all the calculaionts should work
But it is not working as required, any help on this.
Scrip below is for copy and paste
to avoid this I have put the formula as in D9 so that all the calculaionts should work
But it is not working as required, any help on this.
Scrip below is for copy and paste
VBA Code:
' 1. ImportDaily Fiber_OLT_Volume_Makkah_report
sub copypaste()
fname = Dir(Fpath & "\" & "1 Fiber Makkah report.csv")
If Sheets("Reference").Range("b2").Value = "1 Fiber Makkah report" Then
Sheets("Fiber RawData").Visible = True
Sheets("Fiber RawData").Unprotect "etmc123$"
Windows("Email Body TP-Fixed Access Hajj Report 1444 - V1.xlsm").Activate
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Fiber RawData").Activate
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Set wbsource = Workbooks.Open(Fpath & "\" & fname)
Windows("Email Body TP-Fixed Access Hajj Report 1444 - V1.xlsm").Activate
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Fiber RawData").Activate
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End If
End Sub