Don't miss the message from SpillerBD, above...
dd/mm/yyyy will display 29/07/2022, whereas dd/mmm/yyyy will display 29/jul/2022 or dd-mmm-2022 will display 29-jul-2022
If you may convert the file to xlsm (macro enabled) then do the following:
-open the file and select a worksheet where you don't need to format cells
-start recording a macro; see
Automate tasks with the Macro Recorder for the basic information. Chose to record the macro within "this workbook" and assign it the name Dateformat
-select the first sheet to format
-select the first column (or range) to format
-apply the desired format
-repeat with other columns or ranges in the sheet
-select one by one the other sheets to format, and apply the format one after the other
-when you are done, select the first sheet and press the Esc key
-stop the recording
Now your "Sub Dateformat" is ready
But we want to execute it whenever the workbook be open:
Automatically run a macro when opening a workbook for information
-open the Visual Basic environment and locate the module ThisWorkbook
-doubleclick on the module
-insert the following code into the empty code area:
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Call Dateformat
End Sub
Return to excel and save the file as .xlsm
Close and reopen the file; you will probably see the sheets and the areas that get selected and formatted in sequence. Il this "flickering" disturbs then let's modify Sub Dateformat code. From excel:
-type Alt-F8, select Dateformat from the list of the available macro, press Edit. This will open the Visual basic interface and will show the code of the recorded macro.
-add these two instruction at the beginning and just befor the end:
Sub Dateformat()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False '<<< ADD
'here the recorded code
Application.ScreenUpdating = True '<<< ADD
End Sub
If you save, close and reopen the file now the process of formatting should be not visible