You're welcome. Glad to help.
I am having one issue still. I use this on an iPad, for work. I know that Apple and Microsoft have their issues, hence why I am getting away from the VBA I was previously using.
I added this to the formula: =
IFERROR(TRANSPOSE(FILTERXML("<p><c>"&TEXTJOIN("</c><c>",1,FILTER(Table2[[Home]:[Other]],Table2[Column1]=TableDeliveryLog[@Customer],"Address Not Found"))&"</c></p>","//c"))
Works great on PC. Then the iPad; it added this: =IFERROR(TRANSPOSE(
.xmlFILTERXML("<p><c>"&TEXTJOIN("</c><c>",1,FILTER(Table2[[Home]:[Other]],Table2[Column1]=TableDeliveryLog[@Customer],"Address Not Found"))&"</c></p>","//c")),"")
I believe that is what it added. I removed it, changed it, and now it places no information in the cell; but the information is in the function bar