I was using the following code part for data validation
With Selection.Validation
.Add Type:=xlValidateList, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Operator:= _
xlBetween, Formula1:="=$B$" & startRow & ":$B$" & endRow................
But the data and the drop down are in different sheets. So i had to try named range the variables startRow and endRow . But this is also not working.Is there any method take data from one sheet into drop down in other sheet .
With Selection.Validation
.Add Type:=xlValidateList, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Operator:= _
xlBetween, Formula1:="=$B$" & startRow & ":$B$" & endRow................
But the data and the drop down are in different sheets. So i had to try named range the variables startRow and endRow . But this is also not working.Is there any method take data from one sheet into drop down in other sheet .