I wish I could provide a screen shot, but I am new to the forum and am not sure exactly how to properly display my image.
I have a Prepare by Section (cell C8) and a Date Completed Section (Cell C9) and I am trying to force the user to fill out these two fields based upon their selection from the combo box which is located in cell B12. The valid options for the combo box are Yes, No, Waiting, and NR.
Ideal Solution:
I am looking for help writing a formula that essentially says "If ComboBox = "Yes" Then Prepared By and Date Completed <> Null. If any of the other selctions are made, the Date Completed and Prepare By Cells could remain blank. I have been trying different varitions of the If Function and IsBlank, but unfortunetly I can not seem to figure out how to properly word this within Excel.
I hope that this is descriptive enough and thank you for any help in advance !
I wish I could provide a screen shot, but I am new to the forum and am not sure exactly how to properly display my image.
I have a Prepare by Section (cell C8) and a Date Completed Section (Cell C9) and I am trying to force the user to fill out these two fields based upon their selection from the combo box which is located in cell B12. The valid options for the combo box are Yes, No, Waiting, and NR.
Ideal Solution:
I am looking for help writing a formula that essentially says "If ComboBox = "Yes" Then Prepared By and Date Completed <> Null. If any of the other selctions are made, the Date Completed and Prepare By Cells could remain blank. I have been trying different varitions of the If Function and IsBlank, but unfortunetly I can not seem to figure out how to properly word this within Excel.
I hope that this is descriptive enough and thank you for any help in advance !