Well, I'm glad I understood your first question, and provided a response for you in the right way. Thanks for the feedback.
In terms of your second entirely different question about updating data, which I'm not sure relates to the first necessarily, updating raw Data is a manual process generally speaking. Unless you have a way to pull it in automatically via a Macro, or DBase formulas from an external source (just as an example).
I don't know how many Rate Sheets you have, or who indeed generates them for you. Perhaps you do it yourself. If you get them from somewhere else, my approach would be to go ask them (or IT department) to lump them all together on one sheet in the fashion I suggested - that way, when it gets issued (as presumably someone is typing in rate values for each category on some other system), all your rates are updated to the latest version. Easy to copy and paste a sheet into your workbook over the old raw data.
If you are generating them yourself manually, then, yes, its a manual job to put them all into the format I suggested up front (ONCE). From then on, you can use a simple (CTrl-Shft-L) FILTER on top of the header in (row 1 lets say) to allow you to simply filter each heading you want to see whenever you need to do a rate change on the RAW data.
The thing about formulas acting on your RAW data, is that they will automatically update to give you the latest rate if thats what is in your RAW data. So Question 1 would still be a valid solution. PowerQuery is also another solution that "acts" on RAW data to get you the latest result, but I don't see it as necessary here.
Hope that helps - as I say - thats just my idea. Others here could have different solutions to your challenges.