Hi all,
I'm sure this is a simple fix, but I have a code to turn off the past options, however they do not reactive once clicked off that workbook and remain activated on all other books. Can anyone explain my error?
Thank you.
I'm sure this is a simple fix, but I have a code to turn off the past options, however they do not reactive once clicked off that workbook and remain activated on all other books. Can anyone explain my error?
Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Application.CommandBars("cell").Controls("Paste").Visible = False
Application.CommandBars("cell").Controls("Paste Special...").Visible = False
Application.OnKey "^v", ""
End Sub
Private Sub Worksheet_Deactivate()
Application.CutCopyMode = True
Application.CommandBars("cell").Controls("Paste").Visible = True
Application.CommandBars("cell").Controls("Paste Special...").Visible = True
Application.OnKey "^v"
End Sub
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