Cut and Paste certain cells of certain rows / if bored code optimization


New Member
Apr 13, 2009
Ok, I have been working on this for a while, searching the internet for the parts that I cannot figure out. But I cannot seem to find my answer this time. Basically what this is supposed to do is move around data and format it neatly. What I am having trouble on right now is in trying to speed up the whole process. Some of the files I use can nearly fill excel to its max. The problem is I am trying to only select Rows where my column C is "New Job" and take column G from those and cut and paste it into column F. I know this can be done with a loop. But what I had tried to do was AutoFilter column C, and select the entire G row and cut and paste it to column F. Excel would not let me do this. Also if anyone notices anything else that may speed up this code I wouldn't mind that help either :). I am not a VBA genius, so I am sure there are many improvements. I will include a small sample of my data for testing purposes. I put it in an html section so it was easy to tell apart from everything else. The testing data has to be saved with the name Log and located at the root of the c drive for the code to open it. Thanks in advance for all your help!! This won't be the first time my searching has ended on this site :cool:.
  Sub Start()
    v = 1
    w = 1
    z = 1    
    nome = "C:\Log"
    Workbooks.OpenText nome
    Cells.Replace What:="AGVJob:AGV", Replacement:="JobA: ", LookAt:=xlPart, _
        SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _
    Cells.Replace What:="JOB ASSIGNED -> MOVID:AGV", Replacement:="JobB: ", _
        LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:= _
        False, ReplaceFormat:=False
    Cells.Replace What:="JOB PICKUP COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV", Replacement:="JobC: ", _
        LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:= _
        False, ReplaceFormat:=False
    Cells.Replace What:="JOB DROPOFF COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV", Replacement:="JobD: ", _
        LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:= _
        False, ReplaceFormat:=False
    Cells.Replace What:="JOB ABORTED -> MOVID: AGV", Replacement:="JobE: ", _
        LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:= _
        False, ReplaceFormat:=False
    Selection.Insert Shift:=xlToRight
    Selection.TextToColumns Destination:=Range("C1"), DataType:=xlFixedWidth, _
        FieldInfo:=Array(Array(0, 1), Array(5, 1)), TrailingMinusNumbers:=True
    FinalRow = Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
    Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown
    ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Date"
    ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Time"
    ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Description"
    While ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Count < 3
    FinalRow = Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
    For x = 2 To FinalRow
        Range("D" & x).Value = (Range("D" & x).Value & Range("E" & x).Value & Range("F" & x).Value)
    Next x
    Selection.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft
    Selection.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft
    Selection.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft
   Selection.AutoFilter Field:=3, Criteria1:="=Job?:"
   Selection.EntireRow.Hidden = True
   Selection.AutoFilter Field:=3, Criteria1:="=Empty"
   Selection.EntireRow.Hidden = True
    Selection.TextToColumns Destination:=Range("E1"), DataType:=xlDelimited, _
        TextQualifier:=xlDoubleQuote, ConsecutiveDelimiter:=True, Tab:=False, _
        Semicolon:=False, Comma:=False, Space:=True, Other:=True, OtherChar:= _
        ":", FieldInfo:=Array(Array(1, 1), Array(2, 1), Array(3, 1), Array(4, 1), Array(5, 1), _
        Array(6, 1), Array(7, 1), Array(8, 1), Array(9, 1), Array(10, 1), Array(11, 1)), _
    Selection.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft
    Application.CutCopyMode = False
    On Error Resume Next
    FinalRow = Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
    Range("A1:G" & FinalRow).Sort Key1:=Range("D1"), Order1:=xlAscending, Key2:=Range _
        ("C1"), Order2:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess, OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase _
        :=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, DataOption1:=xlSortNormal, _
   Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown
    Cells.Replace What:="JobA:", Replacement:="New Job", LookAt:=xlPart, _
        SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _
    Cells.Replace What:="JobB:", Replacement:="Job Assigned", LookAt:=xlPart _
        , SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _
    Cells.Replace What:="JobC:", Replacement:="Job Pickup", LookAt:=xlPart, _
        SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _
    Cells.Replace What:="JobD:", Replacement:="Job Dropoff", LookAt:=xlPart, _
        SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _
    Cells.Replace What:="JobE:", Replacement:="Job Aborted", LookAt:=xlPart, _
        SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _
    Selection.Insert Shift:=xlToRight
    FinalRow = Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
    For x = 2 To FinalRow
        avgval = Range("D" & x).Value
        If ((Range("C" & x).Value = "Job Pickup") And ((Range("C" & (x + 1)).Value = "Job Dropoff") Or _
            (Range("C" & (x + 1)).Value = "Job Aborted")) And (Range("D" & x).Value = Range("D" & (x + 1)).Value)) Then
            Range("I" & x).Select
            timeval = (Range("B" & (x + 1)).Value) - (Range("B" & x).Value)
            If timeval < 0 Then
                timeval = timeval + 1
            End If
            ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = timeval '(Range("B" & (x + 1)).Value) - (Range("B" & x).Value)
                Selection.NumberFormat = "h:mm:ss;@"
            ElseIf ((Range("C" & x).Value = "Job Assigned") And (Range("D" & (x + 1)).Value = avgval) And _
                (Range("D" & (x + 2)).Value = avgval)) Then
                If (Range("C" & (x + 1)).Value = "Job Pickup") Then
                    If (Range("C" & (x + 2)).Value = "Job Dropoff" Or Range("C" & (x + 2)).Value = "Job Aborted") Then
                        Range("J" & x).Select
                        timeval = (Range("B" & (x + 2)).Value) - (Range("B" & x).Value)
                        If timeval < 0 Then
                            timeval = timeval + 1
                        End If
                        ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = timeval '(Range("B" & (x + 2)).Value) - (Range("B" & x).Value)
                        Selection.NumberFormat = "h:mm:ss;@"
                    End If
                    offs = 1
                    While (Range("C" & (x + offs)).Value <> "Job Pickup")
                        offs = offs + 1
                        If offs >= 5 Then
                            GoTo skipp
                        End If
                    While ((Range("C" & (x + offs)).Value <> "Job Dropoff") And (Range("C" & (x + offs)).Value <> "Job Aborted"))
                        offs = offs + 1
                        If offs >= 10 Then
                            GoTo skipp
                        End If
                    Range("J" & x).Select
                    timeval = (Range("B" & (x + offs)).Value) - (Range("B" & x).Value)
                    If timeval < 0 Then
                        timeval = timeval + 1
                    End If
                    ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = timeval '(Range("B" & (x + offs)).Value) - (Range("B" & x).Value)
                    Selection.NumberFormat = "h:mm:ss;@"
                End If
            ElseIf ((Range("C" & x).Value = "New Job") And (Range("D" & (x + 1)).Value = avgval) And _
                (Range("D" & (x + 2)).Value = avgval) And (Range("D" & (x + 3)).Value = avgval)) Then
                If (Range("C" & (x + 1)).Value = "Job Assigned") Then
                    If (Range("C" & (x + 2)).Value = "Job Pickup") And _
                       ((Range("C" & (x + 3)).Value = "Job Dropoff") Or (Range("C" & (x + 3)).Value = "Job Aborted")) Then
                            Range("K" & x & ":K" & (x + 3)).Select
                            timeval = (Range("B" & (x + 3)).Value) - (Range("B" & x).Value)
                            If timeval < 0 Then
                                timeval = timeval + 1
                            End If
                            ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = timeval '(Range("B" & (x + 3)).Value) - (Range("B" & x).Value)
                            Selection.NumberFormat = "h:mm:ss;@"
                            Range("I" & x & ":I" & (x + 3)).Select
                            Range("J" & x & ":J" & (x + 3)).Select
                            Range("L" & x & ":L" & (x + 3)).Select
                            Range("M" & x & ":M" & (x + 3)).Select
                        offs = 2
                        While (Range("C" & (x + offs)).Value <> "Job Pickup")
                            offs = offs + 1
                            If offs >= 6 Then
                                GoTo skipp
                            End If
                        While ((Range("C" & (x + offs)).Value <> "Job Dropoff") And (Range("C" & (x + offs)).Value <> "Job Aborted"))
                            offs = offs + 1
                            If offs >= 11 Then
                                GoTo skipp
                            End If
                        Range("K" & x & ":K" & (x + offs)).Select
                        timeval = (Range("B" & (x + offs)).Value) - (Range("B" & x).Value)
                        If timeval < 0 Then
                            timeval = timeval + 1
                        End If
                        ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = timeval '(Range("B" & (x + offs)).Value) - (Range("B" & x).Value)
                        Selection.NumberFormat = "h:mm:ss;@"
                        Range("I" & x & ":I" & (x + offs)).Select
                        Range("J" & x & ":J" & (x + offs)).Select
                        Range("L" & x & ":L" & (x + offs)).Select
                        Range("M" & x & ":M" & (x + offs)).Select
                    End If
                End If
        End If
        If (Range("C" & x).Value = "New Job") Then
            Range("G" & x).Select
            Range("F" & x).Select
            Range("E" & x).Select
            Range("G" & x).Select
            Range("L" & x).Value = look(Range("G" & x).Value)
            Range("M" & x).Value = look(Range("H" & x).Value)
        ElseIf (Range("C" & x).Value = "Job Dropoff") Then
            Range("G" & x).Select
            Range("H" & x).Select
        End If
        If ((avgval <> Range("D" & (x + 1)).Value)) Then  'And (((oddeven Mod 2)) = 0)) Then
            Rows(x & ":" & x).Select
            Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalDown).LineStyle = xlNone
            Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalUp).LineStyle = xlNone
            Selection.Borders(xlEdgeLeft).LineStyle = xlNone
            With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeBottom)
                .LineStyle = xlContinuous
                .Weight = xlThin
                .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
            End With
            Selection.Borders(xlEdgeRight).LineStyle = xlNone
            Selection.Borders(xlInsideVertical).LineStyle = xlNone
            Selection.Borders(xlInsideHorizontal).LineStyle = xlNone
        End If
    Next x
    Range("D2:M" & FinalRow).Select
    With Selection
        .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
        .WrapText = False
        .Orientation = 0
        .AddIndent = False
        .IndentLevel = 0
        .ShrinkToFit = False
        .ReadingOrder = xlContext
    End With
    Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalDown).LineStyle = xlNone
    Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalUp).LineStyle = xlNone
    Selection.Borders(xlEdgeLeft).LineStyle = xlNone
    Selection.Borders(xlEdgeTop).LineStyle = xlNone
    With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeBottom)
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .Weight = xlMedium
        .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
    End With
    Selection.Borders(xlEdgeRight).LineStyle = xlNone
    Selection.Borders(xlInsideVertical).LineStyle = xlNone
        Selection.Font.Bold = True
        With Selection.Font
            .Name = "Arial"
            .Size = 12
            .Strikethrough = False
            .Superscript = False
            .Subscript = False
            .OutlineFont = False
            .Shadow = False
            .Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
            .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
        End With
        ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Date"
        Selection.Font.Bold = True
        With Selection.Font
            .Name = "Arial"
            .Size = 12
            .Strikethrough = False
            .Superscript = False
            .Subscript = False
            .OutlineFont = False
            .Shadow = False
            .Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
            .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
        End With
        ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Time"
        Selection.Font.Bold = True
        With Selection.Font
            .Name = "Arial"
            .Size = 12
            .Strikethrough = False
            .Superscript = False
            .Subscript = False
            .OutlineFont = False
            .Shadow = False
            .Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
            .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
        End With
        ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Description"
        With Selection.Font
            .Name = "Arial"
            .Size = 12
            .Strikethrough = False
            .Superscript = False
            .Subscript = False
            .OutlineFont = False
            .Shadow = False
            .Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
            .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
        End With
        Selection.Font.Bold = True
        ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Move ID"
        With Selection.Font
            .Name = "Arial"
            .Size = 12
            .Strikethrough = False
            .Superscript = False
            .Subscript = False
            .OutlineFont = False
            .Shadow = False
            .Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
            .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
        End With
        Selection.Font.Bold = True
        ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Vehicle#"
        With Selection.Font
            .Name = "Arial"
            .Size = 12
            .Strikethrough = False
            .Superscript = False
            .Subscript = False
            .OutlineFont = False
            .Shadow = False
            .Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
            .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
        End With
        Selection.Font.Bold = True
        ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Quantity"
        With Selection.Font
            .Name = "Arial"
            .Size = 12
            .Strikethrough = False
            .Superscript = False
            .Subscript = False
            .OutlineFont = False
            .Shadow = False
            .Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
            .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
        End With
        Selection.Font.Bold = True
        ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Pickup Loc"
        With Selection.Font
            .Name = "Arial"
            .Size = 12
            .Strikethrough = False
            .Superscript = False
            .Subscript = False
            .OutlineFont = False
            .Shadow = False
            .Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
            .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
        End With
        Selection.Font.Bold = True
        ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Dropoff Loc"
        With Selection.Font
            .Name = "Arial"
            .Size = 12
            .Strikethrough = False
            .Superscript = False
            .Subscript = False
            .OutlineFont = False
            .Shadow = False
            .Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
            .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
        End With
        Selection.Font.Bold = True
        ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Move Duration"
        With Selection.Font
            .Name = "Arial"
            .Size = 12
            .Strikethrough = False
            .Superscript = False
            .Subscript = False
            .OutlineFont = False
            .Shadow = False
            .Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
            .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
        End With
        Selection.Font.Bold = True
        ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Assign Duration"
        With Selection.Font
            .Name = "Arial"
            .Size = 12
            .Strikethrough = False
            .Superscript = False
            .Subscript = False
            .OutlineFont = False
            .Shadow = False
            .Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
            .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
        End With
        Selection.Font.Bold = True
        ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Total Duration"
        With Selection.Font
            .Name = "Arial"
            .Size = 12
            .Strikethrough = False
            .Superscript = False
            .Subscript = False
            .OutlineFont = False
            .Shadow = False
            .Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
            .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
        End With
        Selection.Font.Bold = True
        With Selection
            .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
            .VerticalAlignment = xlBottom
            .WrapText = False
            .Orientation = 0
            .AddIndent = False
            .IndentLevel = 0
            .ShrinkToFit = False
            .ReadingOrder = xlContext
            .MergeCells = False
        End With
        ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "From"
        With Selection.Font
            .Name = "Arial"
            .Size = 12
            .Strikethrough = False
            .Superscript = False
            .Subscript = False
            .OutlineFont = False
            .Shadow = False
            .Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
            .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
        End With
        Selection.Font.Bold = True
        With Selection
            .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
            .VerticalAlignment = xlBottom
            .WrapText = False
            .Orientation = 0
            .AddIndent = False
            .IndentLevel = 0
            .ShrinkToFit = False
            .ReadingOrder = xlContext
            .MergeCells = False
        End With
        ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "To"
        ActiveWindow.Zoom = 85
        Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown
        With Selection
            .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
            .VerticalAlignment = xlBottom
            .WrapText = False
            .Orientation = 0
            .AddIndent = False
            .IndentLevel = 0
            .ShrinkToFit = False
            .ReadingOrder = xlContext
            .MergeCells = False
        End With
        Selection.Font.Bold = True
        With Selection.Font
            .Name = "Arial"
            .Size = 16
            .Strikethrough = False
            .Superscript = False
            .Subscript = False
            .OutlineFont = False
            .Shadow = False
            .Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
            .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
        End With
        ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "High Level Log Jobs"
        Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalDown).LineStyle = xlNone
        Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalUp).LineStyle = xlNone
        With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeLeft)
            .LineStyle = xlContinuous
            .Weight = xlThin
            .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
        End With
        With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeTop)
            .LineStyle = xlContinuous
            .Weight = xlThin
            .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
        End With
        With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeBottom)
            .LineStyle = xlContinuous
            .Weight = xlThin
            .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
        End With
        With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeRight)
            .LineStyle = xlContinuous
            .Weight = xlThin
            .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
        End With
        Selection.Borders(xlInsideVertical).LineStyle = xlNone
        ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True
        FinalRow = Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
        ActiveCell.Formula = "=AVERAGE(I3:I" & FinalRow & ")"
        With Selection
            .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
            .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
            .WrapText = False
            .Orientation = 0
            .AddIndent = False
            .IndentLevel = 0
            .ShrinkToFit = False
            .ReadingOrder = xlContext
            .MergeCells = False
        End With
        Selection.NumberFormat = "h:mm:ss;@"
        ActiveCell.Formula = "=AVERAGE(J3:J" & FinalRow & ")"
        With Selection
            .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
            .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
            .WrapText = False
            .Orientation = 0
            .AddIndent = False
            .IndentLevel = 0
            .ShrinkToFit = False
            .ReadingOrder = xlContext
            .MergeCells = False
        End With
        Selection.NumberFormat = "h:mm:ss;@"
        ActiveCell.Formula = "=AVERAGE(K3:K" & FinalRow & ")"
        With Selection
            .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
            .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
            .WrapText = False
            .Orientation = 0
            .AddIndent = False
            .IndentLevel = 0
            .ShrinkToFit = False
            .ReadingOrder = xlContext
            .MergeCells = False
        End With
        Selection.NumberFormat = "h:mm:ss;@"
        Rows("1:65336").Select '(FinalRow + 1)).Select
        Selection.EntireRow.Hidden = False
        Application.CutCopyMode = False
        Selection.TextToColumns Destination:=Range("D1"), DataType:=xlDelimited, _
            TextQualifier:=xlDoubleQuote, ConsecutiveDelimiter:=True, Tab:=True, _
            Semicolon:=False, Comma:=False, Space:=True, Other:=False, FieldInfo _
            :=Array(Array(1, 1), Array(2, 1), Array(3, 1), Array(4, 1), Array(5, 1), Array(6, 1)), _
        Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown
        Selection.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft
        Selection.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft
        Selection.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft
        Selection.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft
        ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Date"
        With ActiveCell.Characters(Start:=1, Length:=4).Font
            .Name = "Arial"
            .FontStyle = "Bold"
            .Size = 12
            .Strikethrough = False
            .Superscript = False
            .Subscript = False
            .OutlineFont = False
            .Shadow = False
            .Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
            .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
        End With
        ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Time"
        With ActiveCell.Characters(Start:=1, Length:=4).Font
            .Name = "Arial"
            .FontStyle = "Bold"
            .Size = 12
            .Strikethrough = False
            .Superscript = False
            .Subscript = False
            .OutlineFont = False
            .Shadow = False
            .Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
            .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
        End With
        With Selection.Font
            .Name = "Arial"
            .Size = 12
            .Strikethrough = False
            .Superscript = False
            .Subscript = False
            .OutlineFont = False
            .Shadow = False
            .Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
            .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
        End With
        Selection.Font.Bold = True
        ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Wood"
        With Selection.Font
            .Name = "Arial"
            .Size = 12
            .Strikethrough = False
            .Superscript = False
            .Subscript = False
            .OutlineFont = False
            .Shadow = False
            .Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
            .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
        End With
        Selection.Font.Bold = True
        ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Plastic"
        With Selection.Font
            .Name = "Arial"
            .Size = 12
            .Strikethrough = False
            .Superscript = False
            .Subscript = False
            .OutlineFont = False
            .Shadow = False
            .Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
            .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
        End With
        Selection.Font.Bold = True
        ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Bad"
        With Selection.Font
            .Name = "Arial"
            .Size = 12
            .Strikethrough = False
            .Superscript = False
            .Subscript = False
            .OutlineFont = False
            .Shadow = False
            .Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
            .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
        End With
        Selection.Font.Bold = True
        ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Total"
        Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown
        With Selection
            .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
            .VerticalAlignment = xlBottom
            .WrapText = False
            .Orientation = 0
            .AddIndent = False
            .IndentLevel = 0
            .ShrinkToFit = False
            .ReadingOrder = xlContext
            .MergeCells = False
        End With
        With Selection.Font
            .Name = "Arial"
            .Size = 16
            .Strikethrough = False
            .Superscript = False
            .Subscript = False
            .OutlineFont = False
            .Shadow = False
            .Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
            .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
        End With
        Selection.Font.Bold = True
        ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Hourly Empty Pallet Statistics"
        With Selection
            .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
            .VerticalAlignment = xlBottom
            .WrapText = False
            .Orientation = 0
            .AddIndent = False
            .IndentLevel = 0
            .ShrinkToFit = False
            .ReadingOrder = xlContext
            .MergeCells = False
        End With
        ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True
        FinalRow = Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
        ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=SUM(RC[-3]:RC[-1])"
        Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("F3:F" & FinalRow), Type:=xlFillDefault
        Range("A" & (FinalRow + 1) & ":B" & (FinalRow + 1)).Select
        With Selection
            .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
            .VerticalAlignment = xlBottom
            .WrapText = False
            .Orientation = 0
            .AddIndent = False
            .IndentLevel = 0
            .ShrinkToFit = False
            .ReadingOrder = xlContext
            .MergeCells = False
        End With
        ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Average"
        With Selection.Font
            .Name = "Arial"
            .Size = 12
            .Strikethrough = False
            .Superscript = False
            .Subscript = False
            .OutlineFont = False
            .Shadow = False
            .Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
            .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
        End With
        Selection.Font.Bold = True
        Range("C" & (FinalRow + 1)).Select
        ActiveCell.Formula = "=AVERAGE(C3:C" & FinalRow & ")"
        With Selection
            .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
            .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
            .WrapText = False
            .Orientation = 0
            .AddIndent = False
            .IndentLevel = 0
            .ShrinkToFit = False
            .ReadingOrder = xlContext
            .MergeCells = False
        End With
        Selection.NumberFormat = "0.00"
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        Cells.Replace What:="JobA:", Replacement:="AGVJob:AGV", LookAt:=xlPart, _
            SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _
        Cells.Replace What:="JobB:", Replacement:="JOB ASSIGNED -> MOVID:AGV", _
            LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:= _
            False, ReplaceFormat:=False
        Cells.Replace What:="JobC:", Replacement:="JOB PICKUP COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV", _
            LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:= _
            False, ReplaceFormat:=False
        Cells.Replace What:="JobD:", Replacement:="JOB DROPOFF COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV", _
            LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:= _
            False, ReplaceFormat:=False
        Cells.Replace What:="JobE:", Replacement:="JOB ABORTED -> MOVID: AGV", _
            LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:= _
            False, ReplaceFormat:=False
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        Sheets("Sheet2").Name = "Hourly Empty Pallet Statistics"
        'ActiveWindow.Close savechanges:=False
        'ActiveWindow.Close savechanges:=False
End Sub
Function look(loc) As String
    If (loc = "590" Or loc = "591") Then
        look = "Empty Pallet Conveyor"
    ElseIf (loc > "501" And loc < "538") Then
        look = "Floor Storage Bay"
    ElseIf (loc = "500" Or loc = "501") Then
        look = "Bad Pallet Position"
    ElseIf (loc = "550" Or loc = "551") Then
        look = "P75A"
    ElseIf (loc = "552" Or loc = "553") Then
        look = "P25B"
    ElseIf (loc = "554" Or loc = "555") Then
        look = "P75B"
    ElseIf (loc = "556" Or loc = "557") Then
        look = "P25A"
    ElseIf (loc = "558" Or loc = "559") Then
        look = "P45A"
    ElseIf (loc = "560" Or loc = "561") Then
        look = "P45B"
    ElseIf (loc = "562" Or loc = "563") Then
        look = "P65A"
    ElseIf (loc = "564" Or loc = "565") Then
        look = "P65B"
    ElseIf (loc = "566" Or loc = "567") Then
        look = "P55A"
    ElseIf (loc = "568" Or loc = "569") Then
        look = "P55B"
    ElseIf (loc = "570" Or loc = "571") Then
        look = "P80A"
    ElseIf (loc = "572" Or loc = "573") Then
        look = "P80B"
    ElseIf (loc = "574" Or loc = "575") Then
        look = "P85A"
    ElseIf (loc = "576" Or loc = "577") Then
        look = "P85B"
        look = ""
    End If
End Function

03/06 03:11:46 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 03:11:48 Gate:1568 V:2 D:568 VIx:0 JIx:0 VHt:5426 JHt:5426 Vlp:0 Jlp:0
03/06 03:12:26 Request Cancelled, Location: 568
03/06 03:12:30 JOB DROPOFF COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15369  VEH:2 LOC:568
03/06 03:12:32 V:2 CVS:4 Position X,Y:7053.131 ”,6662.904 ” H:22127
03/06 03:12:58 JOB PICKUP COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15370  VEH:1 LOC:590
03/06 03:13:00 V:1 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6708.245 ”,6619.971 ” H:21963
03/06 03:13:30 PEMP Head End Arrived, Type: WOOD
03/06 03:13:30 AGVJob:AGV15371 Pic:590 Qty:1 Drp:508 Req:0 R/LF:1/0 C:0 T:0
03/06 03:13:38 JOB ASSIGNED -> MOVID:AGV15371  VEH:2 LOC:623
03/06 03:13:38 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 03:13:54 Gate:629 V:1 D:550 VIx:0 JIx:0 VHt:5345 JHt:5345 Vlp:0 Jlp:0
03/06 03:14:18 Request, Location: 576
03/06 03:14:18 PEMP Job Drop Adjust From: 508 To: 576
03/06 03:14:38 Request Cancelled, Location: 550
03/06 03:14:38 JOB PICKUP COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15371  VEH:2 LOC:590
03/06 03:14:40 V:2 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6708.348 ”,6620.330 ” H:21699
03/06 03:14:42 JOB DROPOFF COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15370  VEH:1 LOC:550
03/06 03:14:42 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 03:14:44 V:1 CVS:4 Position X,Y:5033.238 ”,6624.458 ” H:22047
03/06 03:15:10 PEMP Head End Arrived, Type: PLASTIC
03/06 03:15:10 AGVJob:AGV15372 Pic:590 Qty:1 Drp:566 Req:0 R/LF:1/0 C:0 T:0
03/06 03:15:38 Gate:1576 V:2 D:576 VIx:1 JIx:1 VHt:5345 JHt:5345 Vlp:0 Jlp:0
03/06 03:15:40 JOB ASSIGNED -> MOVID:AGV15372  VEH:1 LOC:602
03/06 03:15:40 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 03:16:26 JOB DROPOFF COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15371  VEH:2 LOC:576
03/06 03:16:28 Request Cancelled, Location: 576
03/06 03:16:28 V:2 CVS:4 Position X,Y:7930.697 ”,6580.660 ” H:21607
03/06 03:20:18 Request, Location: 574
03/06 03:23:42 JOB ASSIGNED -> MOVID:AGV15372  VEH:2 LOC:623
03/06 03:23:42 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 03:24:08 Request, Location: 550
03/06 03:25:00 JOB PICKUP COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15372  VEH:2 LOC:590
03/06 03:25:02 V:2 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6708.739 ”,6619.675 ” H:21690
03/06 03:25:32 PEMP Head End Arrived, Type: PLASTIC
03/06 03:25:32 AGVJob:AGV15373 Pic:590 Qty:1 Drp:560 Req:0 R/LF:1/0 C:0 T:0
03/06 03:25:32 JOB ASSIGNED -> MOVID:AGV15373  VEH:1 LOC:623
03/06 03:25:32 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 03:25:32 Gate:1566 V:2 D:566 VIx:0 JIx:0 VHt:5507 JHt:5507 Vlp:0 Jlp:0
03/06 03:26:08 Request Cancelled, Location: 566
03/06 03:26:14 JOB DROPOFF COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15372  VEH:2 LOC:566
03/06 03:26:16 V:2 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6827.364 ”,6664.618 ” H:21733
03/06 03:27:56 JOB PICKUP COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15373  VEH:1 LOC:590
03/06 03:27:58 V:1 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6708.502 ”,6620.085 ” H:21809
03/06 03:28:26 Gate:626 V:1 D:560 VIx:0 JIx:0 VHt:5507 JHt:5507 Vlp:0 Jlp:0
03/06 03:28:28 PEMP Head End Arrived, Type: WOOD
03/06 03:28:28 AGVJob:AGV15374 Pic:590 Qty:1 Drp:574 Req:0 R/LF:1/0 C:0 T:0
03/06 03:28:28 JOB ASSIGNED -> MOVID:AGV15374  VEH:2 LOC:623
03/06 03:28:28 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 03:29:20 Request Cancelled, Location: 560
03/06 03:29:22 JOB DROPOFF COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15373  VEH:1 LOC:560
03/06 03:29:24 V:1 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6034.742 ”,6666.547 ” H:21762
03/06 03:29:32 JOB PICKUP COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15374  VEH:2 LOC:590
03/06 03:29:34 V:2 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6708.483 ”,6620.168 ” H:21673
03/06 03:29:40 Request, Location: 560
03/06 03:30:04 PEMP Head End Arrived, Type: WOOD
03/06 03:30:04 AGVJob:AGV15375 Pic:590 Qty:1 Drp:550 Req:0 R/LF:1/0 C:0 T:0
03/06 03:30:08 JOB ASSIGNED -> MOVID:AGV15375  VEH:1 LOC:604
03/06 03:30:08 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 03:30:24 Gate:1574 V:2 D:574 VIx:0 JIx:0 VHt:5426 JHt:5426 Vlp:0 Jlp:0
03/06 03:31:02 JOB PICKUP COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15375  VEH:1 LOC:590
03/06 03:31:04 V:1 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6708.282 ”,6620.123 ” H:21973
03/06 03:31:06 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 03:31:10 Request Cancelled, Location: 574
03/06 03:31:10 JOB DROPOFF COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15374  VEH:2 LOC:574
03/06 03:31:12 V:2 CVS:4 Position X,Y:7658.347 ”,6665.945 ” H:21846
03/06 03:31:34 PEMP Head End Arrived, Type: PLASTIC
03/06 03:31:34 AGVJob:AGV15376 Pic:590 Qty:1 Drp:560 Req:0 R/LF:1/0 C:0 T:0
03/06 03:31:42 JOB ASSIGNED -> MOVID:AGV15376  VEH:2 LOC:623
03/06 03:31:42 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 03:31:56 Gate:629 V:1 D:550 VIx:0 JIx:0 VHt:5345 JHt:5345 Vlp:0 Jlp:0
03/06 03:32:40 Request Cancelled, Location: 550
03/06 03:32:44 JOB PICKUP COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15376  VEH:2 LOC:590
03/06 03:32:46 JOB DROPOFF COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15375  VEH:1 LOC:550
03/06 03:32:46 V:2 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6708.491 ”,6620.200 ” H:21755
03/06 03:32:48 V:1 CVS:4 Position X,Y:5033.240 ”,6624.450 ” H:22046
03/06 03:32:48 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 03:32:50 Request, Location: 562
03/06 03:33:00 Request, Location: 558
03/06 03:33:14 Gate:626 V:2 D:560 VIx:0 JIx:0 VHt:5507 JHt:5507 Vlp:0 Jlp:0
03/06 03:33:16 PEMP Head End Arrived, Type: PLASTIC
03/06 03:33:16 AGVJob:AGV15377 Pic:590 Qty:1 Drp:562 Req:0 R/LF:1/0 C:0 T:0
03/06 03:34:10 Request Cancelled, Location: 560
03/06 03:34:10 JOB DROPOFF COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15376  VEH:2 LOC:560
03/06 03:34:12 V:2 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6034.724 ”,6666.595 ” H:21655
03/06 03:34:14 JOB ASSIGNED -> MOVID:AGV15377  VEH:2 LOC:560
03/06 03:34:14 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 03:34:30 Request, Location: 564
03/06 03:35:00 Request, Location: 568
03/06 03:35:48 JOB PICKUP COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15377  VEH:2 LOC:590
03/06 03:35:50 V:2 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6708.544 ”,6620.041 ” H:21819
03/06 03:36:18 Bump 1 @604 by Veh 2 @ 626
03/06 03:36:18 Gate:626 V:2 D:562 VIx:0 JIx:0 VHt:5507 JHt:5507 Vlp:0 Jlp:0
03/06 03:36:20 PEMP Head End Arrived, Type: PLASTIC
03/06 03:36:20 AGVJob:AGV15378 Pic:590 Qty:1 Drp:568 Req:0 R/LF:1/0 C:0 T:0
03/06 03:36:32 JOB ASSIGNED -> MOVID:AGV15378  VEH:1 LOC:606
03/06 03:36:32 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 03:37:20 Request Cancelled, Location: 562
03/06 03:37:22 JOB PICKUP COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15378  VEH:1 LOC:590
03/06 03:37:24 V:1 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6708.828 ”,6618.973 ” H:21976
03/06 03:37:26 JOB DROPOFF COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15377  VEH:2 LOC:562
03/06 03:37:26 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 03:37:28 V:2 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6216.487 ”,6665.787 ” H:21721
03/06 03:37:54 PEMP Head End Arrived, Type: PLASTIC
03/06 03:37:54 AGVJob:AGV15379 Pic:590 Qty:1 Drp:558 Req:0 R/LF:1/0 C:0 T:0
03/06 03:38:04 Gate:1568 V:1 D:568 VIx:0 JIx:0 VHt:5426 JHt:5426 Vlp:0 Jlp:0
03/06 03:38:04 JOB ASSIGNED -> MOVID:AGV15379  VEH:2 LOC:604
03/06 03:38:04 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 03:38:10 Request, Location: 576
03/06 03:38:48 JOB DROPOFF COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15378  VEH:1 LOC:568
03/06 03:38:50 Request Cancelled, Location: 568
03/06 03:38:50 V:1 CVS:4 Position X,Y:7053.212 ”,6662.670 ” H:22168
03/06 03:39:12 JOB PICKUP COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15379  VEH:2 LOC:590
03/06 03:39:14 V:2 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6708.481 ”,6620.089 ” H:21756
03/06 03:39:40 Request, Location: 550
03/06 03:39:44 PEMP Head End Arrived, Type: WOOD
03/06 03:39:44 AGVJob:AGV15380 Pic:590 Qty:1 Drp:576 Req:0 R/LF:1/0 C:0 T:0
03/06 03:39:50 Gate:627 V:2 D:558 VIx:0 JIx:0 VHt:5426 JHt:5426 Vlp:0 Jlp:0
03/06 03:39:54 JOB ASSIGNED -> MOVID:AGV15380  VEH:1 LOC:623
03/06 03:39:54 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 03:40:30 Request, Location: 566
03/06 03:40:40 Request Cancelled, Location: 558
03/06 03:40:46 JOB DROPOFF COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15379  VEH:2 LOC:558
03/06 03:40:48 V:2 CVS:4 Position X,Y:5833.796 ”,6655.911 ” H:21795
03/06 03:40:54 JOB PICKUP COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15380  VEH:1 LOC:590
03/06 03:40:56 V:1 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6708.188 ”,6620.591 ” H:21760
03/06 03:41:26 PEMP Head End Arrived, Type: WOOD
03/06 03:41:26 AGVJob:AGV15381 Pic:590 Qty:1 Drp:550 Req:0 R/LF:1/0 C:0 T:0
03/06 03:41:34 JOB ASSIGNED -> MOVID:AGV15381  VEH:2 LOC:604
03/06 03:41:34 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 03:41:56 Gate:1576 V:1 D:576 VIx:0 JIx:0 VHt:5345 JHt:5345 Vlp:0 Jlp:0
03/06 03:42:30 JOB PICKUP COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15381  VEH:2 LOC:590
03/06 03:42:32 V:2 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6708.587 ”,6619.959 ” H:21830
03/06 03:42:34 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 03:42:42 Request Cancelled, Location: 576
03/06 03:42:42 JOB DROPOFF COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15380  VEH:1 LOC:576
03/06 03:42:44 V:1 CVS:4 Position X,Y:7930.681 ”,6580.634 ” H:21670
03/06 03:43:02 PEMP Head End Arrived, Type: PLASTIC
03/06 03:43:02 AGVJob:AGV15382 Pic:590 Qty:1 Drp:566 Req:0 R/LF:1/0 C:0 T:0
03/06 03:43:22 JOB ASSIGNED -> MOVID:AGV15382  VEH:1 LOC:623
03/06 03:43:22 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 03:43:24 Gate:629 V:2 D:550 VIx:0 JIx:0 VHt:5345 JHt:5345 Vlp:0 Jlp:0
03/06 03:44:22 JOB PICKUP COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15382  VEH:1 LOC:590
03/06 03:44:24 V:1 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6708.319 ”,6620.365 ” H:21802
03/06 03:44:26 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 03:44:54 PEMP Head End Arrived, Type: PLASTIC
03/06 03:45:14 AGVJob:AGV15383 Pic:590 Qty:1 Drp:564 Req:0 R/LF:1/0 C:0 T:0
03/06 03:45:14 Gate:1566 V:1 D:566 VIx:0 JIx:0 VHt:5507 JHt:5507 Vlp:0 Jlp:0
03/06 03:46:02 Request Cancelled, Location: 566
03/06 03:47:28 JOB DROPOFF COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15382  VEH:1 LOC:566
03/06 03:47:30 V:1 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6827.338 ”,6664.551 ” H:21767
03/06 03:47:32 JOB ASSIGNED -> MOVID:AGV15383  VEH:1 LOC:566
03/06 03:47:32 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 03:48:38 JOB PICKUP COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15383  VEH:1 LOC:590
03/06 03:48:40 V:1 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6708.451 ”,6620.170 ” H:21793
03/06 03:48:42 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 03:49:10 PEMP Head End Arrived, Type: PLASTIC
03/06 03:49:10 AGVJob:AGV15384 Pic:591 Qty:1 Drp:514 Req:0 R/LF:0/1 C:0 T:0
03/06 03:49:16 Gate:625 V:1 D:564 VIx:0 JIx:0 VHt:5426 JHt:5426 Vlp:0 Jlp:0
03/06 03:50:12 Request Cancelled, Location: 564
03/06 03:50:14 JOB DROPOFF COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15383  VEH:1 LOC:564
03/06 03:50:16 V:1 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6433.324 ”,6662.482 ” H:21945
03/06 03:50:18 JOB ASSIGNED -> MOVID:AGV15384  VEH:1 LOC:564
03/06 03:50:18 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 03:51:38 JOB PICKUP COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15384  VEH:1 LOC:591
03/06 03:51:40 V:1 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6744.293 ”,6641.237 ” H:21749
03/06 03:51:42 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 03:52:10 PEMP Head End Arrived, Type: PLASTIC
03/06 03:52:12 AGVJob:AGV15385 Pic:591 Qty:1 Drp:512 Req:0 R/LF:0/1 C:0 T:0
03/06 03:52:12 Gate:1514 V:1 D:514 VIx:2 JIx:2 VHt:566 JHt:566 Vlp:0 Jlp:0
03/06 03:52:52 JOB DROPOFF COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15384  VEH:1 LOC:514
03/06 03:52:54 V:1 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6501.549 ”,7003.366 ” H:49140
03/06 03:53:38 JOB ASSIGNED -> MOVID:AGV15385  VEH:1 LOC:610
03/06 03:53:38 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 03:54:54 JOB PICKUP COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15385  VEH:1 LOC:591
03/06 03:54:56 V:1 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6744.778 ”,6640.340 ” H:21771
03/06 03:54:58 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 03:55:04 Request, Location: 574
03/06 03:55:26 PEMP Head End Arrived, Type: PLASTIC
03/06 03:55:26 AGVJob:AGV15386 Pic:590 Qty:1 Drp:574 Req:0 R/LF:1/0 C:0 T:0
03/06 03:55:30 Gate:625 V:1 D:512 VIx:2 JIx:2 VHt:566 JHt:566 Vlp:0 Jlp:0
03/06 03:56:22 JOB DROPOFF COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15385  VEH:1 LOC:512
03/06 03:56:24 V:1 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6337.554 ”,7003.454 ” H:49209
03/06 03:56:52 JOB ASSIGNED -> MOVID:AGV15386  VEH:1 LOC:606
03/06 03:56:52 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 03:57:04 Urgent, Location: 550
03/06 03:57:48 JOB PICKUP COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15386  VEH:1 LOC:590
03/06 03:57:50 V:1 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6708.332 ”,6619.937 ” H:21970
03/06 03:57:52 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 03:58:04 Request, Location: 560
03/06 03:58:20 PEMP Head End Arrived, Type: PLASTIC
03/06 03:58:20 AGVJob:AGV15387 Pic:590 Qty:1 Drp:560 Req:0 R/LF:1/0 C:0 T:0
03/06 03:58:58 Gate:1574 V:1 D:574 VIx:0 JIx:0 VHt:5426 JHt:5426 Vlp:0 Jlp:0
03/06 03:59:14 AGVJob:AGV15388 Pic:508 Qty:1 Drp:551 Req:0 R/LF:0/1 C:0 T:0
03/06 03:59:44 Request Cancelled, Location: 574
03/06 03:59:44 JOB DROPOFF COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15386  VEH:1 LOC:574
03/06 03:59:46 V:1 CVS:4 Position X,Y:7658.315 ”,6665.849 ” H:21902
03/06 03:59:48 JOB ASSIGNED -> MOVID:AGV15388  VEH:1 LOC:574
03/06 03:59:48 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 04:00:00 AGV Recorded 23 completed jobs
03/06 04:00:00 Empty Wood: 42 Plastic: 46 Bad: 0
03/06 04:00:00 
03/06 04:00:40 Gate Veh:1 Loc:508 Idx: 1 - Checking Inventory
03/06 04:00:40 MQ Queue is full - No PCS Found
03/06 04:00:40 Requesting pallet info from GateKeeper:626 PCS:WOOD 
03/06 04:00:40 Gate:626 V:1 D:508 VIx:1 JIx:1 VHt:566 JHt:566 Vlp:0 Jlp:0
03/06 04:03:30 JOB ASSIGNED -> MOVID:AGV15387  VEH:2 LOC:623
03/06 04:03:30 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 04:03:46 JOB PICKUP COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15388  VEH:1 LOC:508
03/06 04:03:48 V:1 CVS:4 Position X,Y:5949.576 ”,6963.966 ” H:49151
03/06 04:03:50 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 04:04:04 Request, Location: 568
03/06 04:04:30 JOB PICKUP COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15387  VEH:2 LOC:590
03/06 04:04:32 V:2 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6708.530 ”,6620.106 ” H:21698
03/06 04:04:34 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 04:04:40 Gate:629 V:1 D:551 VIx:0 JIx:0 VHt:5345 JHt:5345 Vlp:0 Jlp:0
03/06 04:05:00 Gate:626 V:2 D:560 VIx:0 JIx:0 VHt:5507 JHt:5507 Vlp:0 Jlp:0
03/06 04:05:02 PEMP Head End Arrived, Type: PLASTIC
03/06 04:05:02 AGVJob:AGV15389 Pic:590 Qty:1 Drp:568 Req:0 R/LF:1/0 C:0 T:0
03/06 04:05:34 Urgent Cancelled, Location: 550
03/06 04:05:36 Request Cancelled, Location: 550
03/06 04:05:38 JOB DROPOFF COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15388  VEH:1 LOC:551
03/06 04:05:40 V:1 CVS:4 Position X,Y:5070.861 ”,6647.266 ” H:22018
03/06 04:05:54 Request, Location: 550
03/06 04:05:54 Request Cancelled, Location: 560
03/06 04:05:56 JOB DROPOFF COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15387  VEH:2 LOC:560
03/06 04:05:58 V:2 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6034.683 ”,6666.707 ” H:21646
03/06 04:06:00 JOB ASSIGNED -> MOVID:AGV15389  VEH:2 LOC:560
03/06 04:06:00 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 04:07:34 JOB PICKUP COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15389  VEH:2 LOC:590
03/06 04:07:36 V:2 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6708.656 ”,6619.770 ” H:21854
03/06 04:08:06 PEMP Head End Arrived, Type: PLASTIC
03/06 04:08:06 AGVJob:AGV15390 Pic:590 Qty:1 Drp:550 Req:0 R/LF:1/0 C:0 T:0
03/06 04:08:06 JOB ASSIGNED -> MOVID:AGV15390  VEH:1 LOC:604
03/06 04:08:06 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 04:08:50 Gate:623 V:2 D:568 VIx:0 JIx:0 VHt:5426 JHt:5426 Vlp:0 Jlp:0
03/06 04:09:06 JOB PICKUP COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15390  VEH:1 LOC:590
03/06 04:09:08 V:1 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6708.292 ”,6620.052 ” H:21949
03/06 04:09:10 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 04:09:18 PEMP Head End Arrived, Type: PLASTIC
03/06 04:09:38 PEMP Head End Arrived, Type: WOOD
03/06 04:09:38 AGVJob:AGV15391 Pic:591 Qty:1 Drp:508 Req:0 R/LF:0/1 C:0 T:0
03/06 04:09:46 Request, Location: 558
03/06 04:09:46 Request Cancelled, Location: 568
03/06 04:09:48 JOB DROPOFF COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15389  VEH:2 LOC:568
03/06 04:09:50 V:2 CVS:4 Position X,Y:7053.260 ”,6662.793 ” H:22172
03/06 04:09:52 JOB ASSIGNED -> MOVID:AGV15391  VEH:2 LOC:568
03/06 04:09:52 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 04:10:02 Gate:629 V:1 D:550 VIx:0 JIx:0 VHt:5345 JHt:5345 Vlp:0 Jlp:0
03/06 04:10:36 Request, Location: 576
03/06 04:10:36 PEMP Job Drop Adjust From: 508 To: 577
03/06 04:10:46 Request Cancelled, Location: 576
03/06 04:10:56 Request Cancelled, Location: 550
03/06 04:10:58 JOB DROPOFF COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15390  VEH:1 LOC:550
03/06 04:11:00 V:1 CVS:4 Position X,Y:5033.197 ”,6624.466 ” H:22059
03/06 04:11:06 Request, Location: 576
03/06 04:11:16 JOB PICKUP COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15391  VEH:2 LOC:591
03/06 04:11:18 V:2 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6744.823 ”,6640.376 ” H:21711
03/06 04:11:48 PEMP Head End Arrived, Type: WOOD
03/06 04:11:52 AGVJob:AGV15392 Pic:591 Qty:1 Drp:508 Req:0 R/LF:0/1 C:0 T:0
03/06 04:12:00 JOB ASSIGNED -> MOVID:AGV15392  VEH:1 LOC:604
03/06 04:12:00 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 04:12:16 Request, Location: 566
03/06 04:12:18 Gate:1577 V:2 D:577 VIx:1 JIx:1 VHt:5345 JHt:5345 Vlp:0 Jlp:0
03/06 04:12:56 JOB PICKUP COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15392  VEH:1 LOC:591
03/06 04:12:58 V:1 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6744.121 ”,6641.475 ” H:21761
03/06 04:13:00 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 04:13:06 Request Cancelled, Location: 576
03/06 04:13:06 JOB DROPOFF COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15391  VEH:2 LOC:577
03/06 04:13:08 V:2 CVS:4 Position X,Y:7967.714 ”,6601.261 ” H:21785
03/06 04:13:26 Gate:626 V:1 D:508 VIx:1 JIx:1 VHt:566 JHt:566 Vlp:0 Jlp:0
03/06 04:13:28 PEMP Head End Arrived, Type: PLASTIC
03/06 04:13:28 AGVJob:AGV15393 Pic:590 Qty:1 Drp:558 Req:0 R/LF:1/0 C:0 T:0
03/06 04:13:50 JOB ASSIGNED -> MOVID:AGV15393  VEH:2 LOC:623
03/06 04:13:50 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 04:14:14 JOB DROPOFF COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15392  VEH:1 LOC:508
03/06 04:14:16 V:1 CVS:4 Position X,Y:5949.526 ”,6963.464 ” H:49119
03/06 04:14:52 JOB PICKUP COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15393  VEH:2 LOC:590
03/06 04:14:54 V:2 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6708.479 ”,6620.126 ” H:21687
03/06 04:15:24 PEMP Head End Arrived, Type: PLASTIC
03/06 04:15:24 AGVJob:AGV15394 Pic:590 Qty:1 Drp:566 Req:0 R/LF:1/0 C:0 T:0
03/06 04:15:24 JOB ASSIGNED -> MOVID:AGV15394  VEH:1 LOC:604
03/06 04:15:24 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 04:15:30 Gate:627 V:2 D:558 VIx:0 JIx:0 VHt:5426 JHt:5426 Vlp:0 Jlp:0
03/06 04:16:06 Request, Location: 550
03/06 04:16:22 JOB PICKUP COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15394  VEH:1 LOC:590
03/06 04:16:24 V:1 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6708.832 ”,6619.271 ” H:21889
03/06 04:16:26 Request Cancelled, Location: 558
03/06 04:16:26 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 04:16:28 JOB DROPOFF COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15393  VEH:2 LOC:558
03/06 04:16:30 V:2 CVS:4 Position X,Y:5833.801 ”,6655.882 ” H:21798
03/06 04:16:54 PEMP Head End Arrived, Type: PLASTIC
03/06 04:16:54 AGVJob:AGV15395 Pic:590 Qty:1 Drp:550 Req:0 R/LF:1/0 C:0 T:0
03/06 04:16:56 Gate:1566 V:1 D:566 VIx:0 JIx:0 VHt:5507 JHt:5507 Vlp:0 Jlp:0
03/06 04:17:06 JOB ASSIGNED -> MOVID:AGV15395  VEH:2 LOC:602
03/06 04:17:06 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 04:17:36 Request Cancelled, Location: 566
03/06 04:17:40 JOB DROPOFF COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15394  VEH:1 LOC:566
03/06 04:17:42 V:1 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6827.299 ”,6664.602 ” H:21774
03/06 04:19:18 JOB PICKUP COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15395  VEH:2 LOC:590
03/06 04:19:20 V:2 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6708.576 ”,6619.963 ” H:21831
03/06 04:19:50 PEMP Head End Arrived, Type: PLASTIC
03/06 04:19:50 AGVJob:AGV15396 Pic:590 Qty:1 Drp:514 Req:0 R/LF:1/0 C:0 T:0
03/06 04:19:50 JOB ASSIGNED -> MOVID:AGV15396  VEH:1 LOC:623
03/06 04:19:50 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 04:20:14 Gate:629 V:2 D:550 VIx:0 JIx:0 VHt:5345 JHt:5345 Vlp:0 Jlp:0
03/06 04:20:52 JOB PICKUP COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15396  VEH:1 LOC:590
03/06 04:20:54 V:1 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6708.430 ”,6620.168 ” H:21818
03/06 04:20:56 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 04:21:04 JOB DROPOFF COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15395  VEH:2 LOC:550
03/06 04:21:06 Request Cancelled, Location: 550
03/06 04:21:06 V:2 CVS:4 Position X,Y:5033.282 ”,6624.535 ” H:22006
03/06 04:21:24 PEMP Head End Arrived, Type: PLASTIC
03/06 04:21:26 AGVJob:AGV15397 Pic:590 Qty:1 Drp:512 Req:0 R/LF:1/0 C:0 T:0
03/06 04:21:26 Gate:1514 V:1 D:514 VIx:2 JIx:2 VHt:566 JHt:566 Vlp:0 Jlp:0
03/06 04:21:56 JOB ASSIGNED -> MOVID:AGV15397  VEH:2 LOC:602
03/06 04:21:56 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 04:22:04 JOB DROPOFF COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15396  VEH:1 LOC:514
03/06 04:22:06 V:1 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6501.570 ”,7003.222 ” H:49156
03/06 04:22:28 Request, Location: 564
03/06 04:22:28 PEMP Job Drop Adjust From: 512 To: 564
03/06 04:22:58 Request, Location: 562
03/06 04:24:12 JOB PICKUP COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15397  VEH:2 LOC:590
03/06 04:24:14 V:2 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6708.448 ”,6620.226 ” H:21683
03/06 04:24:44 PEMP Head End Arrived, Type: PLASTIC
03/06 04:24:44 AGVJob:AGV15398 Pic:590 Qty:1 Drp:562 Req:0 R/LF:1/0 C:0 T:0
03/06 04:24:44 JOB ASSIGNED -> MOVID:AGV15398  VEH:1 LOC:623
03/06 04:24:44 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 04:24:52 Gate:625 V:2 D:564 VIx:2 JIx:2 VHt:5426 JHt:5426 Vlp:0 Jlp:0
03/06 04:25:48 Request Cancelled, Location: 564
03/06 04:25:50 JOB DROPOFF COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15397  VEH:2 LOC:564
03/06 04:25:52 V:2 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6433.315 ”,6662.507 ” H:21914
03/06 04:26:18 JOB PICKUP COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15398  VEH:1 LOC:590
03/06 04:26:20 V:1 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6708.491 ”,6620.083 ” H:21819
03/06 04:26:48 Gate:626 V:1 D:562 VIx:0 JIx:0 VHt:5507 JHt:5507 Vlp:0 Jlp:0
03/06 04:26:50 PEMP Head End Arrived, Type: PLASTIC
03/06 04:26:50 AGVJob:AGV15399 Pic:591 Qty:1 Drp:514 Req:0 R/LF:0/1 C:0 T:0
03/06 04:26:58 JOB ASSIGNED -> MOVID:AGV15399  VEH:2 LOC:606
03/06 04:26:58 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 04:27:46 JOB PICKUP COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15399  VEH:2 LOC:591
03/06 04:27:48 Request Cancelled, Location: 562
03/06 04:27:48 V:2 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6744.376 ”,6641.218 ” H:21712
03/06 04:27:50 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 04:27:52 JOB DROPOFF COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15398  VEH:1 LOC:562
03/06 04:27:54 V:1 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6216.449 ”,6665.714 ” H:21778
03/06 04:28:18 PEMP Head End Arrived, Type: PLASTIC
03/06 04:28:20 AGVJob:AGV15400 Pic:590 Qty:1 Drp:512 Req:0 R/LF:1/0 C:0 T:0
03/06 04:28:20 Gate:1514 V:2 D:514 VIx:1 JIx:1 VHt:566 JHt:566 Vlp:0 Jlp:0
03/06 04:28:30 JOB ASSIGNED -> MOVID:AGV15400  VEH:1 LOC:604
03/06 04:28:30 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 04:28:54 JOB DROPOFF COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15399  VEH:2 LOC:514
03/06 04:28:56 V:2 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6501.382 ”,6963.422 ” H:49052
03/06 04:29:18 Request, Location: 560
03/06 04:29:18 PEMP Job Drop Adjust From: 512 To: 560
03/06 04:30:32 JOB PICKUP COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15400  VEH:1 LOC:590
03/06 04:30:34 V:1 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6708.246 ”,6620.459 ” H:21733
03/06 04:31:04 PEMP Head End Arrived, Type: WOOD
03/06 04:31:04 AGVJob:AGV15401 Pic:590 Qty:1 Drp:508 Req:0 R/LF:1/0 C:0 T:0
03/06 04:31:04 Gate:626 V:1 D:560 VIx:2 JIx:2 VHt:5507 JHt:5507 Vlp:0 Jlp:0
03/06 04:31:04 JOB ASSIGNED -> MOVID:AGV15401  VEH:2 LOC:623
03/06 04:31:04 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 04:31:58 Request Cancelled, Location: 560
03/06 04:32:02 JOB DROPOFF COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15400  VEH:1 LOC:560
03/06 04:32:04 V:1 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6034.667 ”,6666.558 ” H:21756
03/06 04:32:08 JOB PICKUP COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15401  VEH:2 LOC:590
03/06 04:32:10 V:2 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6708.376 ”,6620.344 ” H:21692
03/06 04:32:40 PEMP Head End Arrived, Type: WOOD
03/06 04:32:40 AGVJob:AGV15402 Pic:591 Qty:1 Drp:525 Req:0 R/LF:0/1 C:0 T:0
03/06 04:32:48 JOB ASSIGNED -> MOVID:AGV15402  VEH:1 LOC:604
03/06 04:32:48 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 04:32:56 Gate:626 V:2 D:508 VIx:1 JIx:1 VHt:566 JHt:566 Vlp:0 Jlp:0
03/06 04:33:42 JOB PICKUP COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15402  VEH:1 LOC:591
03/06 04:33:42 JOB DROPOFF COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15401  VEH:2 LOC:508
03/06 04:33:44 V:1 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6744.185 ”,6641.379 ” H:21762
03/06 04:33:44 V:2 CVS:4 Position X,Y:5949.476 ”,6963.435 ” H:49076
03/06 04:33:46 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 04:34:14 PEMP Head End Arrived, Type: PLASTIC
03/06 04:34:16 AGVJob:AGV15403 Pic:590 Qty:1 Drp:514 Req:0 R/LF:1/0 C:0 T:0
03/06 04:34:16 JOB ASSIGNED -> MOVID:AGV15403  VEH:2 LOC:604
03/06 04:34:16 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 04:34:18 Request, Location: 574
03/06 04:34:18 PEMP Job Drop Adjust From: 514 To: 574
03/06 04:34:40 Gate:1525 V:1 D:525 VIx:2 JIx:2 VHt:566 JHt:566 Vlp:0 Jlp:0
03/06 04:35:16 JOB PICKUP COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15403  VEH:2 LOC:590
03/06 04:35:18 V:2 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6708.617 ”,6619.911 ” H:21817
03/06 04:35:20 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 04:35:24 JOB DROPOFF COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15402  VEH:1 LOC:525
03/06 04:35:26 V:1 CVS:4 Position X,Y:7403.533 ”,7003.528 ” H:49125
03/06 04:35:38 Request, Location: 568
03/06 04:35:48 PEMP Head End Arrived, Type: PLASTIC
03/06 04:35:48 AGVJob:AGV15404 Pic:590 Qty:1 Drp:568 Req:0 R/LF:1/0 C:0 T:0
03/06 04:36:06 JOB ASSIGNED -> MOVID:AGV15404  VEH:1 LOC:623
03/06 04:36:06 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 04:36:32 Gate:1574 V:2 D:574 VIx:1 JIx:1 VHt:5426 JHt:5426 Vlp:0 Jlp:0
03/06 04:37:04 JOB PICKUP COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15404  VEH:1 LOC:590
03/06 04:37:06 V:1 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6708.437 ”,6620.154 ” H:21802
03/06 04:37:08 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 04:37:16 JOB DROPOFF COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15403  VEH:2 LOC:574
03/06 04:37:18 V:2 CVS:4 Position X,Y:7658.343 ”,6665.972 ” H:21845
03/06 04:37:20 Request Cancelled, Location: 574
03/06 04:37:36 PEMP Head End Arrived, Type: PLASTIC
03/06 04:37:36 AGVJob:AGV15405 Pic:590 Qty:1 Drp:514 Req:0 R/LF:1/0 C:0 T:0
03/06 04:37:46 JOB ASSIGNED -> MOVID:AGV15405  VEH:2 LOC:623
03/06 04:37:46 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 04:37:50 Request, Location: 550
03/06 04:37:50 PEMP Job Drop Adjust From: 514 To: 550
03/06 04:38:22 Gate:623 V:1 D:568 VIx:0 JIx:0 VHt:5426 JHt:5426 Vlp:0 Jlp:0
03/06 04:38:44 JOB PICKUP COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15405  VEH:2 LOC:590
03/06 04:38:46 V:2 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6708.393 ”,6620.331 ” H:21704
03/06 04:38:48 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 04:39:16 PEMP Head End Arrived, Type: PLASTIC
03/06 04:39:16 AGVJob:AGV15406 Pic:590 Qty:1 Drp:514 Req:0 R/LF:1/0 C:0 T:0
03/06 04:39:20 Request Cancelled, Location: 568
03/06 04:39:20 JOB DROPOFF COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15404  VEH:1 LOC:568
03/06 04:39:22 V:1 CVS:4 Position X,Y:7053.244 ”,6662.723 ” H:22208
03/06 04:39:24 JOB ASSIGNED -> MOVID:AGV15406  VEH:1 LOC:568
03/06 04:39:24 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 04:39:40 Gate:629 V:2 D:550 VIx:1 JIx:1 VHt:5345 JHt:5345 Vlp:0 Jlp:0
03/06 04:40:30 Request Cancelled, Location: 550
03/06 04:40:32 JOB PICKUP COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15406  VEH:1 LOC:590
03/06 04:40:34 V:1 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6708.360 ”,6620.250 ” H:21883
03/06 04:40:34 JOB DROPOFF COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15405  VEH:2 LOC:550
03/06 04:40:36 V:2 CVS:4 Position X,Y:5033.301 ”,6624.475 ” H:21987
03/06 04:40:36 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 04:41:04 PEMP Head End Arrived, Type: PLASTIC
03/06 04:41:06 AGVJob:AGV15407 Pic:590 Qty:1 Drp:512 Req:0 R/LF:1/0 C:0 T:0
03/06 04:41:06 Gate:1514 V:1 D:514 VIx:1 JIx:1 VHt:566 JHt:566 Vlp:0 Jlp:0
03/06 04:41:10 Request, Location: 576
03/06 04:41:10 PEMP Job Drop Adjust From: 512 To: 576
03/06 04:41:20 Request Cancelled, Location: 576
03/06 04:41:30 JOB ASSIGNED -> MOVID:AGV15407  VEH:2 LOC:602
03/06 04:41:30 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 04:41:40 Request, Location: 576
03/06 04:41:40 JOB DROPOFF COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15406  VEH:1 LOC:514
03/06 04:41:42 V:1 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6501.480 ”,6963.398 ” H:49121
03/06 04:43:42 JOB PICKUP COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15407  VEH:2 LOC:590
03/06 04:43:44 V:2 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6708.491 ”,6620.212 ” H:21651
03/06 04:43:50 Request, Location: 566
03/06 04:44:14 PEMP Head End Arrived, Type: PLASTIC
03/06 04:44:14 AGVJob:AGV15408 Pic:590 Qty:1 Drp:566 Req:0 R/LF:1/0 C:0 T:0
03/06 04:44:14 JOB ASSIGNED -> MOVID:AGV15408  VEH:1 LOC:623
03/06 04:44:14 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 04:44:46 Gate:1576 V:2 D:576 VIx:2 JIx:2 VHt:5345 JHt:5345 Vlp:0 Jlp:0
03/06 04:45:20 JOB PICKUP COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15408  VEH:1 LOC:590
03/06 04:45:22 V:1 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6708.468 ”,6620.108 ” H:21823
03/06 04:45:24 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 04:45:30 Request Cancelled, Location: 576
03/06 04:45:34 JOB DROPOFF COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15407  VEH:2 LOC:576
03/06 04:45:36 V:2 CVS:4 Position X,Y:7930.666 ”,6580.740 ” H:21608
03/06 04:45:52 PEMP Head End Arrived, Type: WOOD
03/06 04:45:52 AGVJob:AGV15409 Pic:591 Qty:1 Drp:508 Req:0 R/LF:0/1 C:0 T:0
03/06 04:45:54 Gate:1566 V:1 D:566 VIx:0 JIx:0 VHt:5507 JHt:5507 Vlp:0 Jlp:0
03/06 04:46:16 JOB ASSIGNED -> MOVID:AGV15409  VEH:2 LOC:623
03/06 04:46:16 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 04:46:30 Request Cancelled, Location: 566
03/06 04:46:36 JOB DROPOFF COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15408  VEH:1 LOC:566
03/06 04:46:38 V:1 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6827.230 ”,6664.728 ” H:21770
03/06 04:48:18 JOB PICKUP COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15409  VEH:2 LOC:591
03/06 04:48:20 V:2 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6744.780 ”,6640.472 ” H:21735
03/06 04:48:48 Gate:626 V:2 D:508 VIx:0 JIx:0 VHt:566 JHt:566 Vlp:0 Jlp:0
03/06 04:48:50 PEMP Head End Arrived, Type: PLASTIC
03/06 04:48:50 AGVJob:AGV15410 Pic:591 Qty:1 Drp:514 Req:0 R/LF:0/1 C:0 T:0
03/06 04:48:50 JOB ASSIGNED -> MOVID:AGV15410  VEH:1 LOC:623
03/06 04:48:50 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 04:49:38 JOB DROPOFF COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15409  VEH:2 LOC:508
03/06 04:49:40 V:2 CVS:4 Position X,Y:5949.479 ”,6923.424 ” H:49123
03/06 04:49:56 JOB PICKUP COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15410  VEH:1 LOC:591
03/06 04:49:58 V:1 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6744.873 ”,6640.183 ” H:21763
03/06 04:50:28 PEMP Head End Arrived, Type: PLASTIC
03/06 04:50:30 AGVJob:AGV15411 Pic:590 Qty:1 Drp:512 Req:0 R/LF:1/0 C:0 T:0
03/06 04:50:30 Gate:1514 V:1 D:514 VIx:0 JIx:0 VHt:566 JHt:566 Vlp:0 Jlp:0
03/06 04:50:30 JOB ASSIGNED -> MOVID:AGV15411  VEH:2 LOC:604
03/06 04:50:30 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 04:51:08 JOB DROPOFF COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15410  VEH:1 LOC:514
03/06 04:51:10 V:1 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6501.479 ”,6923.287 ” H:49212
03/06 04:51:32 Request, Location: 558
03/06 04:51:32 PEMP Job Drop Adjust From: 512 To: 558
03/06 04:53:16 JOB PICKUP COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15411  VEH:2 LOC:590
03/06 04:53:18 V:2 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6708.507 ”,6620.103 ” H:21671
03/06 04:53:48 PEMP Head End Arrived, Type: PLASTIC
03/06 04:53:48 AGVJob:AGV15412 Pic:590 Qty:1 Drp:514 Req:0 R/LF:1/0 C:0 T:0
03/06 04:53:48 JOB ASSIGNED -> MOVID:AGV15412  VEH:1 LOC:623
03/06 04:53:48 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 04:53:56 Gate:627 V:2 D:558 VIx:2 JIx:2 VHt:5426 JHt:5426 Vlp:0 Jlp:0
03/06 04:54:52 Request Cancelled, Location: 558
03/06 04:54:54 JOB PICKUP COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15412  VEH:1 LOC:590
03/06 04:54:54 JOB DROPOFF COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15411  VEH:2 LOC:558
03/06 04:54:56 V:1 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6708.398 ”,6620.219 ” H:21797
03/06 04:54:56 V:2 CVS:4 Position X,Y:5833.809 ”,6655.904 ” H:21786
03/06 04:54:58 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 04:55:26 PEMP Head End Arrived, Type: PLASTIC
03/06 04:55:28 AGVJob:AGV15413 Pic:590 Qty:1 Drp:512 Req:0 R/LF:1/0 C:0 T:0
03/06 04:55:28 Gate:1514 V:1 D:514 VIx:0 JIx:0 VHt:566 JHt:566 Vlp:0 Jlp:0
03/06 04:55:32 JOB ASSIGNED -> MOVID:AGV15413  VEH:2 LOC:602
03/06 04:55:32 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 04:56:04 JOB DROPOFF COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15412  VEH:1 LOC:514
03/06 04:56:06 V:1 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6501.474 ”,6923.349 ” H:49194
03/06 04:57:06 SYSMGR: Vehicle 1 dispatched to EXGMGR w/ batt level: 3.
03/06 04:58:04 JOB PICKUP COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15413  VEH:2 LOC:590
03/06 04:58:06 V:2 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6708.616 ”,6620.006 ” H:21757
03/06 04:58:36 PEMP Head End Arrived, Type: PLASTIC
03/06 04:58:36 AGVJob:AGV15414 Pic:591 Qty:1 Drp:519 Req:0 R/LF:0/1 C:0 T:0
03/06 04:58:44 Gate:625 V:2 D:512 VIx:2 JIx:2 VHt:566 JHt:566 Vlp:0 Jlp:0
03/06 04:59:22 Request, Location: 562
03/06 04:59:22 PEMP Job Drop Adjust From: 519 To: 563
03/06 04:59:32 JOB DROPOFF COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15413  VEH:2 LOC:512
03/06 04:59:34 V:2 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6337.525 ”,7003.314 ” H:49176
03/06 04:59:39 Battery # : Location # / (2:AGV, 3:Rack )
03/06 04:59:39  01:03/2 02:03/3 03:02/2 04:05/3 05:04/3 06:01/2 07:02/3
03/06 04:59:39  07:02/3 08:00/0 09:00/0 10:00/0 11:00/0 12:00/0 13:00/0
03/06 04:59:39  13:00/0 14:00/0 15:00/0 16:00/0 17:00/0 18:00/0 19:00/0
03/06 04:59:39  19:00/0 20:00/0 21:00/0 22:00/0 23:00/0 24:00/0 25:00/0
03/06 04:59:39  25:00/0 26:00/0 27:00/0 28:00/0 29:00/0 30:00/0 31:00/0
03/06 04:59:39  31:00/0 32:00/0 33:00/0 34:00/0 35:00/0 36:00/0 37:00/0
03/06 04:59:39  37:00/0 38:00/0 39:00/0 40:00/0
03/06 04:59:39 Rack:Rack Status (0:Empty,1:Filled,2:Disabled)
03/06 04:59:39  01:2 02:1 03:1 04:1 05:1 06:0 07:0 08:0 09:2 10:0 11:0
03/06 04:59:39  11:0 12:0 13:0 14:0 15:0 16:0
03/06 04:59:39 EXGMGR: Swapping battery for Vehicle 1, old to 6, new from 2
03/06 05:00:00 AGV Recorded 27 completed jobs
03/06 05:00:00 Empty Wood: 45 Plastic: 51 Bad: 0
03/06 05:00:00 
03/06 05:00:00 JOB ASSIGNED -> MOVID:AGV15414  VEH:2 LOC:606
03/06 05:00:00 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 05:00:44 JOB PICKUP COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15414  VEH:2 LOC:591
03/06 05:00:46 V:2 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6744.584 ”,6640.798 ” H:21722
03/06 05:00:48 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 05:00:53 EXGMGR: Dropped battery 6 to rack 6.
03/06 05:01:16 Gate:626 V:2 D:563 VIx:2 JIx:2 VHt:5507 JHt:5507 Vlp:0 Jlp:0
03/06 05:01:18 PEMP Head End Arrived, Type: BAD
03/06 05:01:18 AGVJob:AGV15415 Pic:590 Qty:1 Drp:500 Req:0 R/LF:1/0 C:0 T:0
03/06 05:01:22 Request, Location: 564
03/06 05:01:24 EXGMGR: Picked up battery 7 from rack 2.
03/06 05:02:02 Request Cancelled, Location: 562
03/06 05:02:06 JOB DROPOFF COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15414  VEH:2 LOC:563
03/06 05:02:08 V:2 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6253.848 ”,6687.209 ” H:21769
03/06 05:02:10 JOB ASSIGNED -> MOVID:AGV15415  VEH:2 LOC:2563
03/06 05:02:10 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 05:03:28 JOB PICKUP COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15415  VEH:2 LOC:590
03/06 05:03:30 V:2 CVS:4 Position X,Y:6708.503 ”,6620.139 ” H:21820
03/06 05:03:32 AGVMGR -> T_Theata 0 T_X 0 T_Y 0  T_OS 0 DL 0 DR 0
03/06 05:04:00 PEMP Head End Arrived, Type: WOOD
03/06 05:04:00 AGVJob:AGV15416 Pic:590 Qty:1 Drp:508 Req:0 R/LF:1/0 C:0 T:0
03/06 05:04:26 Gate:629 V:2 D:500 VIx:0 JIx:0 VHt:566 JHt:566 Vlp:0 Jlp:0
03/06 05:05:18 JOB DROPOFF COMPLETE -> MOVID:AGV15415  VEH:2 LOC:500
03/06 05:05:20 V:2 CVS:4 Position X,Y:4927.494 ”,7005.287 ” H:49087
03/06 05:05:24 Request, Location: 574
03/06 05:05:24 PEMP Job Drop Adjust From: 508 To: 574
03/06 05:05:29 EXGMGR: Releasing vehicle 1 after exchange, veh cvs 4.
03/06 05:05:34 Request, Location: 560
03/06 05:06:14 JOB ASSIGNED -> MOVID:AGV15416  VEH:2 LOC:602

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