Customized Datepicker code amendment needed - (a bit complex task)

kelly mort

Well-known Member
Apr 10, 2017
Office Version
  1. 2016
  1. Windows
This was the Link to the full code and workbook given to me by @RoryA

Previous Thread

This looks more than a favour, but I have to ask since I am limited at the moment, to the understanding of all what the code is doing.

I want to send the selected date to a textbox on another userform instead. This one sends date to the active cell, and the tweak is staring at me. So say the other userform is userform1, then the userform1 will always be active before I call this datepicker userform. That’s I am calling the datepicker from the userform1.

So when I click the insert button, then I want the date sent to TextBox1 on UserForm1. I know someone out there can easily fix this and I am gladly yearning to see that fix. Thanks so much for the time to even look at this for me.

Option Explicit
 Private Const MAX_UNDO As Long = 20
 Private Declare Function GetKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal nVirtKey As Long) As Integer
'Apr 2011 - Inserts dates from year 1000 to 3000 in active cell.
'Oct 2011 - Rewritten - MAX_UNDO determines the limit for the number of Undo's (in 3 subs).
'Nov 2011 - CountA fails on Indexed column in array in XL 2010 - replaced with loop.
'Dec 2011 - Changed to array from worksheet to hold dates.
'Feb 2013 - Revised format in 1 & 12 month calendars and added data overwrite check.
'James Cone - Portland, Oregon USA - Copyrighted -

Private Sub cmdButtonInfo_Click()
On Error GoTo BadInfo
Dim M As Long
Dim Y As Long
Dim strAddress As String

'  If you set the value or formula of a cell to a date, Excel checks to see whether
'  that cell is already formatted with one of the date or time number formats.
'  If not, Excel changes the number format to the default short date number format.

 On Error GoTo BadInfo
 If cmdButtonInfo.Caption = "Info" Then
   Call ShowInsertInfo
   On Error Resume Next
   For Y = LBound(vFormulas, 1) To UBound(vFormulas, 1)
       If Len(vFormulas(Y, 3)) > 0 Then M = M + 1
  'Is full address
   strAddress = vFormulas(M, 3)
   On Error Resume Next
  'Workbook closed or sheet deleted.
   If Err.Number <> 0 Then
     ReDim vFormulas(1 To MAX_UNDO, 1 To 3)
     cmdButtonInfo.Caption = "Info"
     cmdButtonInfo.ForeColor = vbButtonText
     GoTo BadInfo
   End If
   On Error GoTo BadInfo
   ActiveSheet.Range(strAddress).Value2 = vFormulas(M, 1)
   ActiveSheet.Range(strAddress).NumberFormat = vFormulas(M, 2)
   vFormulas(M, 1) = Empty: vFormulas(M, 2) = Empty: vFormulas(M, 3) = Empty
   If M = 1 Then
     cmdButtonInfo.Caption = "Info"
     cmdButtonInfo.ForeColor = vbButtonText
     cmdButtonInfo.ControlTipText = vbNullString
     cmdButtonInsert.ControlTipText = "to append date: press shift key when inserting"
  'Insert makes it red at MAX_UNDO
   ElseIf M = MAX_UNDO - 1 Then
     cmdButtonInfo.ForeColor = vbButtonText
   End If
 End If
 Exit Sub
 Application.Cursor = xlDefault
 MsgBox "Unable to undo.", vbExclamation, "Insert Date"
End Sub

Private Sub CmdButtonInsert_Click()
 On Error GoTo DoesNotFit
 Dim strAddress$, strFormat$, dteValue, d&, i&, M&, Y&
 Dim blnExists As Boolean
 Dim objLB As MSForms.ListBox
 For i = 1 To Me.Frame1.Controls.Count
    If Me.Controls("ListBox" & i).ListIndex > -1 Then
      Set objLB = Me.Controls("ListBox" & i)
      On Error Resume Next
     'Returns a string
      d = CLng(objLB.Value)
      On Error GoTo DoesNotFit
      Exit For
    End If
 Next 'i
 If Not d > 0 Then Err.Raise 56789, , "Date is not valid - Unable to insert"
 strAddress = ActiveCell.Address(True, True, xlA1, True, Nothing)
 i = 0
 On Error Resume Next
 With Application.WorksheetFunction
   i = .Match(strAddress, .Index(vFormulas, 0, 3), 0)
 End With
 On Error GoTo DoesNotFit
'Only if a new cell.
 If i <> 0 And i <= MAX_UNDO Then
  'Cell address is in vFormulas
   M = i
   blnExists = True
   M = 0
   For Y = LBound(vFormulas, 1) To UBound(vFormulas, 1)
       If Len(vFormulas(Y, 3)) > 0 Then M = M + 1
   If M >= MAX_UNDO Then
     M = MAX_UNDO
    'Shuffle all array values up one row
     For Y = 1 To (MAX_UNDO - 1)
       For i = 1 To 3
           vFormulas(Y, i) = vFormulas(Y + 1, i)
     vFormulas(MAX_UNDO, 1) = Empty
     vFormulas(MAX_UNDO, 2) = Empty
     vFormulas(MAX_UNDO, 3) = Empty
     M = M + 1
   End If
 End If
'Only save data from new cell locations.
 If Not blnExists Then
   vFormulas(M, 1) = ActiveCell.Formula
   vFormulas(M, 2) = ActiveCell.NumberFormat
   vFormulas(M, 3) = strAddress
   If M = 1 Then
     cmdButtonInfo.ForeColor = vbBlue
     cmdButtonInfo.Caption = "Undo"
     If Val(Application.Version) >= 9 Then _
        cmdButtonInfo.ControlTipText = "undo limited to the last " & MAX_UNDO & " inserts"
     cmdButtonInsert.ControlTipText = "to append date: press shift key when inserting"
   ElseIf M = 3 Then
     cmdButtonInfo.ControlTipText = vbNullString
     cmdButtonInsert.ControlTipText = vbNullString
   ElseIf M = MAX_UNDO Then
     cmdButtonInfo.ForeColor = vbRed
     If Val(Application.Version) >= 9 Then _
        cmdButtonInfo.ControlTipText = "undo limited to the last " & MAX_UNDO & " inserts"
     cmdButtonInfo.ForeColor = vbBlue
     If M = (MAX_UNDO - 1) Then cmdButtonInfo.ControlTipText = vbNullString
   End If
 End If
'Changing cell dependents creates error values in cells with formulas
' so convert cell to value.
 On Error Resume Next
 ActiveCell.Value2 = ActiveCell.Value2
 If Err.Number <> 0 Then                     'belts and suspenders
   On Error GoTo DoesNotFit
   ActiveCell.PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
   Application.CutCopyMode = False
   On Error GoTo DoesNotFit
 End If

'Determine date - month is spelled out.
 i = Me.sbMonth.Value
 Y = Me.sbYear.Value
 If objLB.ListIndex = 0 And objLB.Value > 7 Then
   i = i - 1
   If i = 0 Then
     i = 12
     Y = Y - 1
   End If
 End If
'DateSerial allows for international formats - DateValue does not.
 dteValue = VBA.DateSerial(Y, i, d)          'Hans Vogelaar
 If GetKeyState(vbKeyShift) < 0 Then         'APPENDING
    If Not IsEmpty(ActiveCell) Then
     'Using Str function will not add leading space.
      ActiveCell.Value = ActiveCell.Value & " " & dteValue
    Else 'blank cell
      ActiveCell.Value = dteValue
    End If
 Else                                        'INSERTING
    ActiveCell.Value = dteValue
 End If
 Me.Caption = VBA.UCase$(Format$(dteValue, "yyyy - mmmm ")) & d
 Set objLB = Nothing
 Exit Sub
 Application.Cursor = xlDefault
 MsgBox Err.Description & ".   ", vbExclamation, "Insert Date"
End Sub

Private Sub CmdButtonReset_Click()
'Resets date to current date or adds calendar to worksheet.
'Feb 14, 2013 - Reduced font size of prior month dates in first row of calendar.
'               Clearing entire data area before pasting a calendar.
 On Error GoTo Voided
 Dim FirstDay&, Col&, Rw&, M&, Y&
 Dim Awf As Excel.WorksheetFunction
 Dim rngDates As Excel.Range
 If GetKeyState(vbKeyShift) < 0 Then
 If ActiveCell.Row > Rows.Count - 7 Or ActiveCell.Column > Columns.Count - 6 Then
   MsgBox "Need a little more room." & vbCr & _
          "Select another cell further from the edge of the worksheet.   ", _
           vbInformation, "Add Calendar Month"
   GoTo Rehabilitation
   Set Awf = Application.WorksheetFunction
   If Awf.CountA(ActiveCell.Resize(8, 7)) > 0 Then
     If MsgBox("Overwrite existing data ?" & vbCr & "(undo cannot restore data)     ", _
       vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Add Calendar Month") <> vbYes Then
       GoTo Rehabilitation
     End If
   End If
   Application.ScreenUpdating = False
   ActiveCell.Resize(8, 7).Clear
   M = Me.sbMonth.Value
   Y = Me.sbYear.Value
   ActiveCell.Value2 = Awf.Proper(Format$(M & "/28/" & Y, "yyyy - mmmm"))
   ActiveCell.Resize(1, 7).HorizontalAlignment = xlHAlignCenterAcrossSelection
   ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Resize(1, 7).Value2 = GetDayNames
   ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Resize(1, 7).HorizontalAlignment = xlHAlignCenter
  'BorderAround method in xl2010 is not reliable.
   With ActiveCell.Offset(2, 0).Resize(6, 7)
     .Value2 = vArrDates
     .NumberFormat = "General_)"
     .Interior.Color = vbWhite
     .Borders(xlEdgeTop).Weight = xlHairline
     .Borders(xlEdgeLeft).Weight = xlHairline
     .Borders(xlEdgeRight).Weight = xlHairline
     .Borders(xlEdgeBottom).Weight = xlHairline
      On Error Resume Next
      FirstDay = Awf.Match(1, .Rows(1).Cells, 0)
      On Error GoTo Voided
      If FirstDay > 1 Then
       With .Cells(1, 1).Resize(1, FirstDay - 1).Font
         .Color = vbBlue
         .Size = .Size - 1.5
       End With
      End If     'Only make columns narrower, never wider.
      If .Columns(1).ColumnWidth >= ActiveSheet.StandardWidth * 0.41 Then     '3.3
         .EntireColumn.ColumnWidth = Awf.Max(ActiveSheet.StandardWidth * 0.41, 3.3)
         .EntireColumn.ColumnWidth = .Columns(1).ColumnWidth
      End If
   End With
   Call cmdButtonExit_Click
   Application.ScreenUpdating = True
   End If
 ElseIf GetKeyState(vbKeyControl) < 0 Then
 If ActiveCell.Row > Rows.Count - 31 Or ActiveCell.Column > Columns.Count - 22 Then
   MsgBox "Need a little more room." & vbCr & _
          "Select another cell further from the edge of the worksheet.   ", _
           vbInformation, "Add Calendar Year"
   GoTo Rehabilitation
   Set Awf = Application.WorksheetFunction
   Set rngDates = ActiveCell.Resize(32, 23)
   If Awf.CountA(rngDates) > 0 Then
     If MsgBox("Overwrite existing data ?" & vbCr & "(undo cannot restore data)     ", _
       vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Add Calendar Year") <> vbYes Then
       GoTo Rehabilitation
     End If
   End If
   Application.ScreenUpdating = False
   M = Me.sbMonth.Value
   Y = Me.sbYear.Value
   For Rw = 1 To 25 Step 8
     For Col = 1 To 17 Step 8
       rngDates(Rw, Col).Value2 = Awf.Proper(Format$(M & "/28/" & Y, "yyyy - mmmm"))
       rngDates(Rw, Col).Resize(1, 7).HorizontalAlignment = xlHAlignCenterAcrossSelection
       rngDates(Rw, Col).Resize(1, 7).Interior.Color = RGB(221, 221, 221) 'light gray pre xl2007
       rngDates(Rw, Col).Offset(1, 0).Resize(1, 7).Value2 = GetDayNames
       rngDates(Rw, Col).Offset(1, 0).Resize(1, 7).HorizontalAlignment = xlHAlignCenter
       With rngDates(Rw, Col).Offset(2, 0).Resize(6, 7)
         .Value2 = vArrDates
         .NumberFormat = "General_)"
         .Interior.Color = vbWhite
         .Borders(xlEdgeTop).Weight = xlHairline
         .Borders(xlEdgeLeft).Weight = xlHairline
         .Borders(xlEdgeRight).Weight = xlHairline
         .Borders(xlEdgeBottom).Weight = xlHairline
          On Error Resume Next
          FirstDay = Awf.Match(1, .Rows(1).Cells, 0)
          On Error GoTo Voided
          If FirstDay > 1 Then
           With .Cells(1, 1).Resize(1, FirstDay - 1).Font
            .Color = vbBlue
            .Size = .Size - 1.5
           End With
          End If
       End With
       M = M + 1
       If M > 12 Then
          M = 1
          Y = Y + 1
       End If
       Call PutDaysInArray(M, Y)
     Next 'Col
     Call PutDaysInArray(M, Y)
   Next 'Rw
   With rngDates 'after paste
    .EntireColumn.ColumnWidth = Awf.Max(ActiveSheet.StandardWidth * 0.41, 3.3)
    .Columns(8).EntireColumn.ColumnWidth = Awf.Max(ActiveSheet.StandardWidth / 4, 2)
    .Columns(16).EntireColumn.ColumnWidth = Awf.Max(ActiveSheet.StandardWidth / 4, 2)
   End With
   Call cmdButtonExit_Click
   Application.ScreenUpdating = True
 End If
 Me.sbYear.Value = VBA.Year(VBA.Date)
 Me.sbMonth.Value = VBA.Month(VBA.Date)
 ReDim vFormulas(1 To MAX_UNDO, 1 To 3)
 cmdButtonInfo.Caption = "Info"
 cmdButtonInfo.ForeColor = vbButtonText
 cmdButtonInsert.ControlTipText = "to append date: press shift key when inserting"
 cmdButtonInfo.ControlTipText = vbNullString
 Call FindLatestDate(True)
 End If 'GetKeyState(vbKeyShift)
 Set Awf = Nothing
 Set rngDates = Nothing
 Exit Sub
 Resume Next
End Sub

Private Function FindLatestDate(ByRef bSetToday As Boolean) As Boolean
'Called by Form_Initialize, CmdButtonReset and both Scrollbar controls.
 On Error GoTo BlindDate
 Dim C&, R&, d
 Dim blnFound  As Boolean
 Dim objListBx As Control
 For C = 1 To 7
    Me.Controls("ListBox" & C).Clear
   For R = 2 To 7
    If Len(vArrDates(R, C)) Then
      Me.Controls("ListBox" & C).AddItem vArrDates(R, C)
    End If
'Only form initialize and reset.
 If bSetToday Then
   d = VBA.Day(VBA.Date)
   For C = 7 To 1 Step -1
     For R = 7 To 2 Step -1
      'Returns an Integer or Empty
       If vArrDates(R, C) = d Then
         If Not blnFound Then
           Set objListBx = Me.Controls("ListBox" & C)
           objListBx.ListIndex = R - 2
           blnFound = True
         End If
         Exit For
       End If
     Next 'C
    'Forces display of entire listbox.
     Me.Controls("ListBox" & C).SetFocus
   Next 'R
   objListBx.SetFocus 'needed
 End If
 Set objListBx = Nothing
 Exit Function
 Me.ListBox1.ListIndex = 0
End Function

Private Function ResetListBoxIndexes(ByRef objLB As Control) As Boolean
'Called when a date is selected.
'Nov 27, 2011 - Added prior month date capability.
 On Error GoTo MakeSound
 Dim oList As Control
 Dim M&, Y&, objValue&
 M = Me.sbMonth.Value
 Y = Me.sbYear.Value
 On Error Resume Next
 objValue = CLng(objLB.Value)
 On Error GoTo MakeSound
 For Each oList In Me.Frame1.Controls
    If Not oList Is objLB Then oList.ListIndex = -1
 Next 'oList
 If objValue > 0 Then
  'Adjust for prior month/year
   If objLB.ListIndex = 0 And objValue > 7 Then
     M = M - 1
     If M = 0 Then
       M = 12
       Y = Y - 1
     End If
   End If
   Me.Caption = VBA.UCase$(Format$(M & "/28/" & Y, "yyyy - mmmm ")) & objValue
   Me.Caption = VBA.UCase$(Format$(M & "/28/" & Y, "yyyy - mmmm"))
 End If
 Exit Function
 Resume Next
End Function

Private Sub sbmonth_Change()
 On Error GoTo Voided
 Dim M&, Y&, bShftKey As Boolean
 bShftKey = GetKeyState(vbKeyShift) < 0
 M = Me.sbMonth.Value
 Y = Me.sbYear.Value
 If M = 0 Then 'Min is 0, Max is 13
    M = 12
    Me.sbMonth.Value = M
    If bShftKey Then
       Y = Me.sbYear.Value - 1
       Me.sbYear.Value = Y
    End If
 ElseIf M = 13 Then
    M = 1
    Me.sbMonth.Value = M
    If bShftKey Then
       Y = Me.sbYear.Value + 1
       Me.sbYear.Value = Y
    End If
 End If
 Me.Caption = VBA.UCase$(Format$(M & "/28/" & Y, "yyyy - mmmm"))
 If Len(Me.LabelCell.Caption) < 2 Then Exit Sub
 Call PutDaysInArray(M, Y)
 Call FindLatestDate(False)
 Exit Sub
 Resume Next
End Sub

Private Sub sbyear_Change()
 On Error GoTo Voided
 Dim M&, Y&
 M = Me.sbMonth.Value
 Y = Me.sbYear.Value
 Me.Caption = VBA.UCase$(Format$(M & "/28/" & Y, "yyyy - mmmm"))
 If Len(Me.LabelCell.Caption) < 2 Then Exit Sub
 Call PutDaysInArray(M, Y)
 Call FindLatestDate(False)
 Exit Sub
 Resume Next
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
'Moves form left or right if selection is in center of sheet.
 On Error GoTo Sloth
 Dim rngVisible As Excel.Range
 Dim X&, lngCount&, C As Single, Num As Single
 Dim ColumnsInForm As Single, sngIncrement As Single

'Can't determine actual visible range if window frozen.
 Application.ScreenUpdating = False
 If ActiveWindow.FreezePanes Then
   GoTo Resting
'If cell selected is near top/bottom - no need to position form.
  Set rngVisible = ActiveWindow.VisibleRange
  X = ActiveCell.Row
  Num = rngVisible.Rows.Count
  lngCount = rngVisible.Rows(Num).Row
  If X < (lngCount \ 5) Or X >= (lngCount * 0.7) Then GoTo Resting
 End If
 C = rngVisible.Width / 2
 X = ActiveCell.Column
 lngCount = rngVisible.Columns.Count
'Find middle column (where the form is centered)
 For Num = 1 To lngCount
   With rngVisible.Columns(Num)
     If .Left <= C And (.Left + .Width) > C Then
       C = Num
       Exit For
     End If
  End With
 If Num > lngCount Then C = lngCount / 2
 If C < 3 Then
   C = 3
 ElseIf C > lngCount - 2 Then
   C = lngCount - 2
 End If
 With rngVisible
   sngIncrement = .Range(.Columns(C - 2!), .Columns(C + 2!)).Width / 5!
 End With
 ColumnsInForm = Application.WorksheetFunction.Ceiling(Me.Width / sngIncrement, 0.5!)
 ColumnsInForm = ColumnsInForm / 2!
 Num = C - X
 If Abs(Num) <= Application.WorksheetFunction.Ceiling(ColumnsInForm, 1) Then
  'Checking for zero (if cell is in center column)
   If Num < 0.1 And Num > -0.1 Then Num = 0.666
  'The farther the cell is from center column, the less the form has to be moved.
   Me.Left = Me.Left + (1 / Num * sngIncrement * ColumnsInForm)
   Me.StartUpPosition = 0  'manual
 End If
 Set rngVisible = Nothing
 Application.ScreenUpdating = True
 Exit Sub
 Resume Resting
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
'Feb 2013 - DateValue not req'd in title bar date display.
 On Error GoTo BadForm
 Dim sngResult As Single
 Dim X As Long
 Dim Y As Long
 Dim vDays As Variant
 If Not IsArraySet(vFormulas()) Then
   ReDim vFormulas(1 To MAX_UNDO, 1 To 3)
   cmdButtonInfo.Caption = "Undo"
   cmdButtonInfo.ForeColor = vbBlue
 End If
 vDays = GetDayNames
 Me.LabelSu.Caption = vDays(0)
 Me.LabelMo.Caption = vDays(1)
 Me.LabelTu.Caption = vDays(2)
 Me.LabelWe.Caption = vDays(3)
 Me.LabelTh.Caption = vDays(4)
 Me.LabelFr.Caption = vDays(5)
 Me.LabelSa.Caption = vDays(6)
 sngResult = ResizeToRightSize
 Me.Width = Me.Width * sngResult
 Me.Height = Me.Height * sngResult
 Me.Zoom = sngResult * 100!
'Form, height_margin, width_margin, optional bottom most_Ctrl, optional right most_Ctrl
 Call RefinishTheForm(Me, 3.4!, 7.2!, sngResult, Me.cmdButtonExit, Me.Frame1)
 X = VBA.Month(VBA.Date)
 Y = VBA.Year(VBA.Date)
 Me.sbMonth.Value = X
 Me.sbYear.Value = Y
 Call PutDaysInArray(X, Y)
 Call FindLatestDate(True)
 Me.Caption = VBA.Day(VBA.Date) & " " & VBA.UCase$(Format$(VBA.Date, "mmmm, yyyy"))
 If ActiveCell.HasFormula Then Me.LabelCell.ControlTipText = "Has Formula"
 Me.LabelCell.Caption = ActiveCell.Address(False, False)
 Exit Sub
 Resume Next
End Sub
Last edited:

Excel Facts

Can a formula spear through sheets?
Use =SUM(January:December!E7) to sum E7 on all of the sheets from January through December

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