I've recently customised some of the contextmenus within Excel (2003), including the Cell and Query menus. This is working fantastically well, giving some better functionality. I've saved the workbook as an Add-In.
I need to use the same code within Excel 2007 as well. The Add-In is there in 2007, and the items appear on the contextmenus OK. However, when I click on any of the new custom items, I get the following error message
'Argument not optional'
I'm not sure where I'm going wrong.
Here's a bit of the code I'm trying to use:
And the FormatReport Sub:
I've omitted a lot of the code, and there are other subs also, but the same applies to each of them.
Anyone have any suggestions?
I've recently customised some of the contextmenus within Excel (2003), including the Cell and Query menus. This is working fantastically well, giving some better functionality. I've saved the workbook as an Add-In.
I need to use the same code within Excel 2007 as well. The Add-In is there in 2007, and the items appear on the contextmenus OK. However, when I click on any of the new custom items, I get the following error message
'Argument not optional'
I'm not sure where I'm going wrong.
Here's a bit of the code I'm trying to use:
Sub AddToCellMenu()
Dim ContextMenu As CommandBar
Dim MySubMenu As CommandBarControl
Call DeleteFromCellMenu
Set ContextMenu = Application.CommandBars("Cell")
ContextMenu.Controls.Add Type:=msoControlButton, ID:=3, before:=1
With ContextMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, before:=2)
.OnAction = "FormatReport"
.FaceId = 107
.Caption = "Format Report"
.Tag = "My_Cell_Control_Tag"
End With
End Sub
And the FormatReport Sub:
Sub FormatReport()
Dim intColumnCount As Integer
'Application.ScreenUpdating = False
On Error Resume Next
range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = 36
End Sub
I've omitted a lot of the code, and there are other subs also, but the same applies to each of them.
Anyone have any suggestions?