Hi everyone,
I've been working with custom Ribbons over the last couple of months and have just started trying to play around with the code that recovers the ribbon object should the vba backend bug out for any reason, thereby allowing the user to continue using the ribbon in the interim.
The code is along the lines of a few examples posted online where on opening the workbook the Ribbon object is converted to a Long variable and stored in a worksheet cell.
Unfortunately my version is not yet working and I think it may have something to do with the fact that unlike the more basic examples online on which it was based, my ribbon uses the getEnabled amongst other get* callups throughout.
Note: The custom Ribbon functioned well before adding the new code.
Here are the pertinent parts of my code:
<customUI xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2009/07/customui" on L o a d="rbx_o n L o a d_Axls">
<ribbon startFromScratch="false">
VBA MODULE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Option Explicit
#If Win64 Then
Public Declare PtrSafe Sub CopyMemory Lib " kernel32 " Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (destination As An y, source As Any, _
ByVal length As LongPtr)
Public Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (destination As Any, source As Any, _
ByVal length As Long)
#End If
Public grbxUI As IRibbonUI
Public MyTag As String 'Used in Ribbon button enabling / disabling
'Used in lock button toggle icon only
Dim UnlockedState As Boolean 'for which image & label to use
Dim pressed As Boolean 'for whether toggle button is pressed or unpressed
'Used in Invoice req list toggle button only
Dim ICheckedState As Boolean
Dim Ipressed As Boolean
Private Sub rbx_o n L o a d_Axls(ribbon As IRibbonUI)'Code to initialise ribbon on opening.
Set grbxUI = ribbon
'(Side Issue) This Line only works if there is only one custom tab even if the second custom tabs id is different.
'grbxUI.ActivateTab "customAXlsTab"
Dim lngRibPtr As LongPtr
lngRibPtr = ObjPtr(ribbon)
Application.EnableEvents = False
With Sheets("Workflow")
.Unprotect Password:=""
.Range("K2").Value = lngRibPtr
.Protect Password:=""
End With
Application.EnableEvents = True
UnlockedState = False
ICheckedState = False
End Sub
Private Sub GetEnabledMacro(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef Enabled)
'Codes that tells all State changeable buttons on the Ribbon if they are enabled or not
If MyTag = "Enable" Then
Enabled = True
If control.Tag Like MyTag Then
Enabled = True
Enabled = False
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmb_getItemID(control As IRibbonControl, index As Integer, ByRef ID)
ID = index
End Sub
Private Sub cmb_getItemLabel(control As IRibbonControl, index As Integer, ByRef returnedVal)
Dim B As String
Dim numberofjs As Integer
numberofjs = Range("AREA").Rows.count
If Not Left(Range("AREA").Cells(numberofjs - index, 1), 1) = 1 Then
returnedVal = B & Range("AREA").Cells(numberofjs - index, 2)
End Sub
Private Sub cmb_itemCount(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef count)
count = Range("AREA").count
End Sub
Private Sub GetImage(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef image)
Select Case control.ID
Case "customButton20"
Select Case UnlockedState
Case False: image = "Lock"
Case True: image = "EditForm"
End Select
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub GetLabel(ByVal control As IRibbonControl, ByRef label)
Select Case control.ID
Case "customButton20"
Select Case UnlockedState
Case False: label = "Locked"
Case True: label = "Unlocked"
End Select
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub GetPressed(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef pressed)
If ActiveSheet.ProtectContents = True Or ActiveSheet.Name = "CMM" Then
End Sub
Private Sub GetILabel(ByVal control As IRibbonControl, ByRef label)
Select Case control.ID
Case "customButton28"
Select Case ICheckedState
Case False: label = "Isolate Iso"
Case True: label = "Cancel Iso"
End Select
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub IReqStatus(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef Ipressed)
If ICheckedState = True Then
End Sub
Sub EnabledCMMButtons()
'Enable CMM controls
Call RefreshRibbon(Tag:="CF*")
End Sub
Sub EnabledAllButtons()
'Enable All controls
Call RefreshRibbon(Tag:="*")
End Sub
Sub RefreshRibbon(Tag As String)
'Refreshes the ribbon after different sheets are selected, so that specific buttons states will be changed
MyTag = Tag
If Not (grbxUI Is Nothing) Then
' !!!!!!!!! THIS LINE BELOW IS WHERE IT BUGS OUT !!!!!!!!!!!!:
Set grbxUI = GetRibbon(CLng(Sheets("Workflow").Range("K2").Value))
End If
End Sub
The error that it returns upon opening the fill is:
Run-time error '6':
Then upon clickin ok to the error message pop-up it highlights the Set grbxU...* line above followed by another pop up that says:
Can't execute code in break mode
I've spent a number of hours now looking online for suggestions and have tried and tested a number of failed solutions.
Does anyone have any ideas?
I've been working with custom Ribbons over the last couple of months and have just started trying to play around with the code that recovers the ribbon object should the vba backend bug out for any reason, thereby allowing the user to continue using the ribbon in the interim.
The code is along the lines of a few examples posted online where on opening the workbook the Ribbon object is converted to a Long variable and stored in a worksheet cell.
Unfortunately my version is not yet working and I think it may have something to do with the fact that unlike the more basic examples online on which it was based, my ribbon uses the getEnabled amongst other get* callups throughout.
Note: The custom Ribbon functioned well before adding the new code.
Here are the pertinent parts of my code:
<customUI xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2009/07/customui" on L o a d="rbx_o n L o a d_Axls">
<ribbon startFromScratch="false">
<tab id="customAXlsTab" label="TANSO" insertBeforeMso="TabHome" >
<group id="customGroup" label="Navigate">
<button id="customButton2" label="CDGF" onAction="Gotocfff_click" />
<button id="customButton3" label="FFFFF" onAction="DGraphs_Click" />
<button id="customButton4" label="Charts" onAction="GoToCharts_Click" />
<button id="customButton3" label="FFFFF" onAction="DGraphs_Click" />
<button id="customButton4" label="Charts" onAction="GoToCharts_Click" />
<group id="customGroup1" label="Jump To J">
<comboBox id="Combobox1" getItemID="cmb_getItemID" getItemLabel="cmb_getItemLabel" getItemCount="cmb_itemCount" onChange="cmb_onChange" />
<group id="customGroup2" label="RExports">
<group id="customGroup2" label="RExports">
<button id="customButton5" label="SReport" tag="WFSF" onAction="SSForecast"
<button id="customButton6" label="Export Summary" tag="WFXS"
<button id="customButton6" label="Export Summary" tag="WFXS"
onAction="ExprtSummary" getEnabled="GetEnabledMacro"/>
<button id="customButton7" label="Export WIP" tag="WFXW"
onAction="ExprtJComp" getEnabled="GetEnabledMacro"/>
<separator id="sep3"/>
<button id="customButton19" label="Print" onAction="Print_Click" />
<button id="customButton19" label="Print" onAction="Print_Click" />
<group id="customGroup5" label="I Actions">
<toggleButton id="customButton28" tag="WFIL" getLabel="GetILabel" onAction="ViewI"
getPressed="IReqStatus" getEnabled="GetEnabledMacro"/>
getPressed="IReqStatus" getEnabled="GetEnabledMacro"/>
<group id="customGroup6">
<group id="customGroup6">
<toggleButton id="customButton20" getLabel="GetLabel" getImage="GetImage"
getPressed="GetPressed" onAction="Unlock_Click" />
getPressed="GetPressed" onAction="Unlock_Click" />
VBA MODULE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Option Explicit
#If Win64 Then
Public Declare PtrSafe Sub CopyMemory Lib " kernel32 " Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (destination As An y, source As Any, _
ByVal length As LongPtr)
Public Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (destination As Any, source As Any, _
ByVal length As Long)
#End If
Public grbxUI As IRibbonUI
Public MyTag As String 'Used in Ribbon button enabling / disabling
'Used in lock button toggle icon only
Dim UnlockedState As Boolean 'for which image & label to use
Dim pressed As Boolean 'for whether toggle button is pressed or unpressed
'Used in Invoice req list toggle button only
Dim ICheckedState As Boolean
Dim Ipressed As Boolean
Private Sub rbx_o n L o a d_Axls(ribbon As IRibbonUI)'Code to initialise ribbon on opening.
Set grbxUI = ribbon
'(Side Issue) This Line only works if there is only one custom tab even if the second custom tabs id is different.
'grbxUI.ActivateTab "customAXlsTab"
Dim lngRibPtr As LongPtr
lngRibPtr = ObjPtr(ribbon)
Application.EnableEvents = False
With Sheets("Workflow")
.Unprotect Password:=""
.Range("K2").Value = lngRibPtr
.Protect Password:=""
End With
Application.EnableEvents = True
UnlockedState = False
ICheckedState = False
End Sub
Private Sub GetEnabledMacro(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef Enabled)
'Codes that tells all State changeable buttons on the Ribbon if they are enabled or not
If MyTag = "Enable" Then
Enabled = True
If control.Tag Like MyTag Then
Enabled = True
Enabled = False
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmb_getItemID(control As IRibbonControl, index As Integer, ByRef ID)
ID = index
End Sub
Private Sub cmb_getItemLabel(control As IRibbonControl, index As Integer, ByRef returnedVal)
Dim B As String
Dim numberofjs As Integer
numberofjs = Range("AREA").Rows.count
If Not Left(Range("AREA").Cells(numberofjs - index, 1), 1) = 1 Then
B = "0"
B = ""
End If
returnedVal = B & Range("AREA").Cells(numberofjs - index, 2)
End Sub
Private Sub cmb_itemCount(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef count)
count = Range("AREA").count
End Sub
Private Sub GetImage(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef image)
Select Case control.ID
Case "customButton20"
Select Case UnlockedState
Case False: image = "Lock"
Case True: image = "EditForm"
End Select
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub GetLabel(ByVal control As IRibbonControl, ByRef label)
Select Case control.ID
Case "customButton20"
Select Case UnlockedState
Case False: label = "Locked"
Case True: label = "Unlocked"
End Select
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub GetPressed(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef pressed)
If ActiveSheet.ProtectContents = True Or ActiveSheet.Name = "CMM" Then
pressed = False
pressed = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub GetILabel(ByVal control As IRibbonControl, ByRef label)
Select Case control.ID
Case "customButton28"
Select Case ICheckedState
Case False: label = "Isolate Iso"
Case True: label = "Cancel Iso"
End Select
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub IReqStatus(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef Ipressed)
If ICheckedState = True Then
Ipressed = True
Ipressed = False
End If
End Sub
Sub EnabledCMMButtons()
'Enable CMM controls
Call RefreshRibbon(Tag:="CF*")
End Sub
Sub EnabledAllButtons()
'Enable All controls
Call RefreshRibbon(Tag:="*")
End Sub
Sub RefreshRibbon(Tag As String)
'Refreshes the ribbon after different sheets are selected, so that specific buttons states will be changed
MyTag = Tag
If Not (grbxUI Is Nothing) Then
' !!!!!!!!! THIS LINE BELOW IS WHERE IT BUGS OUT !!!!!!!!!!!!:
Set grbxUI = GetRibbon(CLng(Sheets("Workflow").Range("K2").Value))
End If
End Sub
The error that it returns upon opening the fill is:
Run-time error '6':
Then upon clickin ok to the error message pop-up it highlights the Set grbxU...* line above followed by another pop up that says:
Can't execute code in break mode
I've spent a number of hours now looking online for suggestions and have tried and tested a number of failed solutions.
Does anyone have any ideas?
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