Custom date format in a data picker class


New Member
Nov 28, 2018
This code is a date picker. it's showing mm/dd/yyyy, because my regional is that. I don't want to change my regional date but I want to show it d/mm/yyyy.

this code in cls module

VBA Code:
Option Explicit
Public WithEvents myTextbox As MSForms.Textbox
Public WithEvents fm As MSForms.Frame
Public WithEvents btntgl As MSForms.CommandButton
Public Event AfterUpdate()
Public Event BeforeUpdate(ByRef Cancel As Integer)
Public Event Click()
Public Event DblClick()
Public Event KeyDown(ByVal KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, ByVal Shift As Integer)

'# Members for mains Object
Private WithEvents CB_Tahun As MSForms.ComboBox
Private WithEvents CB_Bulan As MSForms.ComboBox

Private CLb As MSForms.Label
Private mDayButtons() As clsCalendar
Private mLabelButtons() As clsCalendar

Private PTitleNewFont As MSForms.NewFont
Private PDayNewFont As MSForms.NewFont
Private PGridNewFont As MSForms.NewFont

'# Members for Button Object
Private WithEvents CmB As MSForms.CommandButton
Private CmBl As MSForms.Label
Private CmBlNum As MSForms.Label
Private mcmains As clsCalendar

'# For Properties
Private UkuranFont As Long
Private ModeBulan As calMonthLength
Private ModeHari As Long
Private ModeTahunAwal As Boolean
Private WarnaJudul As Long
Private WARNAbackjudul As Long
Private WarnaGrid As Long
Private WarnaHari As Long
Private AwalHari As calDayOfWeek
Private dValue As Date
Private lPBackColor As Long
Private lPMonth As Long
Private lPYear As Long
Private lPDay As Long
Private hr As Long
Private lPHeaderBackColor As Long
Private lPUseDefaultBackColors  As Boolean
Private bPVisible As Boolean
Private sPHeight As Single
Private sPWidth As Single
Private sPTop As Single
Private sPLeft As Single
Private lPFridayBackColor As Long
Private lPSundayBackColor As Long
Private lPSelectedBackColor As Long
Private sPControlTipText As String
Private bPTabStop As Boolean
Private lPTabIndex As Long
Private sPTag As String

Private bPShowDays As Boolean
Private bPShowTitle As Boolean
Private bPShowDateSelectors As Boolean
Private bPValueIsNull As Boolean
Private bPRightToLeft As Boolean
Private bPMACFix As Boolean 'Fix MAC transparency errors
Private bPFridaySelectable As Boolean
Private bPSundaySelectable As Boolean

Private Const cDayFontColorSelected As Long = &H80000012  'Button text - Black
Private Const cDayFontColorInactive As Long = &H80000011  'Disabled text - Dark gray
Private Const cDefaultWidth As Single = 216
Private Const cDefaultHeight As Single = 144

Public Enum calDayOfWeek
    dwMonday = 1
    dwTuesday = 2
    dwWednesday = 3
    dwThursday = 4
    dwFriday = 5
    dwSaturday = 6
    dwSunday = 7
End Enum

Public Enum calMonthLength '(Used for month and day names too.)
    mlLocalLong = 0 'Local name, long form
    mlLocalShort = 1 'Local name, short form
    mlENLong = 2 'English name, long form
    mlENShort = 3 'English name, short form
End Enum

'# Properties for mains object - Not available

Public Property Get GridCellEffect() As Long
'Property Blank - not work
'Determines the effect used to display the grid.
End Property

Public Property Get GridLinesColor() As Long
'Property Blank - not work
'Determines the color used to display the lines in the grid.
End Property

Public Property Get ShowHorizontalGrid() As Boolean
'Property Blank - not work
'Specifies whether the calendar display horizontal gridlines.
End Property

Public Property Get ShowVerticalGrid() As Boolean
'Property Blank - not work
'Specifies whether to display vertical gridlines.
End Property

Public Property Get HelpContextID() As Long
'Property Blank - not work
'Specifies Help identifier
End Property

'# Properties for mains object

Public Property Get Tag() As String
    Tag = sPTag
End Property

Public Property Let Tag(sTag As String)
    sPTag = sTag
End Property

Public Property Get Parent() As Control
    If bInit Then
        Set Parent = CB_Tahun.Parent.Parent
        Set Parent = Nothing
    End If
End Property

Public Property Get ValueIsNull() As Boolean
    ValueIsNull = bPValueIsNull
End Property

Public Property Let ValueIsNull(ByVal bValueIsNull As Boolean)
    bPValueIsNull = bValueIsNull
    If bInit Then
        Value = Value
    End If
End Property

Public Property Get ShowTitle() As Boolean
    ShowTitle = bPShowTitle
End Property

Public Property Let ShowTitle(ByVal bShowTitle As Boolean)
    bPShowTitle = bShowTitle
    If bInit Then
        CLb.Visible = bPShowTitle
        Call Move
    End If
End Property
Public Property Get ShowDays() As Boolean
    ShowDays = bPShowDays
End Property

Public Property Let ShowDays(ByVal bShowDays As Boolean)
    Dim i As Long
    bPShowDays = bShowDays
    If bInit Then
        For i = 0 To 6
            mLabelButtons(i).Obj_CmBl.Visible = bShowDays
        Call Move
    End If
End Property

Public Property Get ShowDateSelectors() As Boolean
    ShowDateSelectors = bPShowDateSelectors
End Property

Public Property Let ShowDateSelectors(ByVal bShowDateSelectors As Boolean)
    bPShowDateSelectors = bShowDateSelectors
    If bInit Then
        CB_Tahun.Visible = bShowDateSelectors
        CB_Bulan.Visible = bShowDateSelectors
        Call Move
    End If
End Property

Public Property Get TabIndex() As Long
    TabIndex = lPTabIndex
End Property

Public Property Let TabIndex(ByVal lTabIndex As Long)
    lPTabIndex = lTabIndex
    If bInit Then
        CB_Tahun.Parent.TabIndex = lTabIndex
    End If
End Property

Public Property Get TabStop() As Boolean
    TabStop = bPTabStop
End Property

Public Property Let TabStop(ByVal bTabStop As Boolean)
    bPTabStop = bTabStop
    If bInit Then
        CB_Tahun.Parent.TabStop = bTabStop
    End If
End Property

Public Property Get ControlTipText() As String
    ControlTipText = sPControlTipText
End Property

Public Property Let ControlTipText(ByVal sControlTipText As String)
    Dim i As Long
    sPControlTipText = sControlTipText
    If bInit Then
        For i = 0 To 6
            mLabelButtons(i).Obj_CmBl.ControlTipText = sControlTipText
        For i = 0 To 41
            mDayButtons(i).Obj_Cmb.ControlTipText = sControlTipText
        CB_Bulan.ControlTipText = sControlTipText
        CB_Tahun.ControlTipText = sControlTipText
        CLb.ControlTipText = sControlTipText
        'CB_Tahun.Parent.ControlTipText = sControlTipText
    End If
End Property

Public Property Get GridFont() As MSForms.NewFont
    Set GridFont = PGridNewFont
End Property

Public Property Set GridFont(ByRef clGridNewFont As MSForms.NewFont)
    Set PGridNewFont = clGridNewFont
End Property

Public Property Get DayFont() As MSForms.NewFont
    Set DayFont = PDayNewFont
End Property

Public Property Set DayFont(ByRef clDayNewFont As MSForms.NewFont)
    Set PDayNewFont = clDayNewFont
End Property

Public Property Get TitleFont() As MSForms.NewFont
    Set TitleFont = PTitleNewFont
End Property

Public Property Set TitleFont(ByRef clTitleNewFont As MSForms.NewFont)
    Set PTitleNewFont = clTitleNewFont
End Property

Public Property Get Visible() As Boolean
    Visible = bPVisible
End Property

Public Property Let Visible(ByVal bVisible As Boolean)
    bPVisible = bVisible
    If bInit Then
        CB_Tahun.Parent.Visible = bVisible
    End If
End Property

Public Property Get Left() As Single
    Left = sPLeft
End Property

Public Property Let Left(ByVal sLeft As Single)
    sPLeft = sLeft
    If bInit Then
        CB_Tahun.Parent.Left = sLeft
    End If
End Property

Public Property Get Top() As Single
    Top = sPTop
End Property

Public Property Let Top(ByVal ssTop As Single)
    sPTop = ssTop
    If bInit Then
        CB_Tahun.Parent.Top = ssTop
    End If
End Property

Public Property Get Height() As Single
    Height = sPHeight
End Property

Public Property Let Height(ByVal sHeight As Single)
    sPHeight = sHeight
    If bInit Then
        CB_Tahun.Parent.Height = sHeight
        Call Move
    End If
End Property

Public Property Get Width() As Single
    Width = sPWidth
End Property

Public Property Let Width(ByVal sWidth As Single)
    'sWidth = Zero_Negative_Value(sWidth)
    sPWidth = sWidth
    If bInit Then
        CB_Tahun.Parent.Width = sWidth
        Call Move
    End If
End Property

Public Property Get BackColor() As Long
    BackColor = lPBackColor
End Property

Public Property Let BackColor(ByVal lBackColor As Long)
    lPBackColor = lBackColor
    If bInit Then
        CB_Tahun.Parent.BackColor = lBackColor
    End If
End Property

Public Property Get HeaderBackColor() As Long
    HeaderBackColor = lPHeaderBackColor
End Property

Public Property Let HeaderBackColor(ByVal lHeaderBackColor As Long)
Dim i As Long
    lPHeaderBackColor = lHeaderBackColor
    UseDefaultBackColors = False
End Property

Public Property Get UseDefaultBackColors() As Boolean
    UseDefaultBackColors = lPUseDefaultBackColors
End Property

Public Property Let UseDefaultBackColors(ByVal lUseDefaultBackColors As Boolean)
    lPUseDefaultBackColors = lUseDefaultBackColors
    Call refresh
End Property

Public Property Get FridayBackColor() As Long
    FridayBackColor = lPFridayBackColor
End Property

Public Property Let FridayBackColor(ByVal lFridayBackColor As Long)
    lPFridayBackColor = lFridayBackColor
    UseDefaultBackColors = False
End Property

Public Property Get SundayBackColor() As Long
    SundayBackColor = lPSundayBackColor
End Property

Public Property Let SundayBackColor(ByVal lSundayBackColor As Long)
    lPSundayBackColor = lSundayBackColor
    UseDefaultBackColors = False
End Property

Public Property Get SelectedBackColor() As Long
    SelectedBackColor = lPSelectedBackColor
End Property

Public Property Let SelectedBackColor(ByVal lSelectedBackColor As Long)
    lPSelectedBackColor = lSelectedBackColor
    Call refresh
End Property

Public Property Get FridaySelectable() As Boolean
    FridaySelectable = bPFridaySelectable
End Property

Public Property Let FridaySelectable(ByVal bFridaySelectable As Boolean)
    bPFridaySelectable = bFridaySelectable
    Call refresh
End Property

Public Property Get SundaySelectable() As Boolean
    SundaySelectable = bPSundaySelectable
End Property

Public Property Let SundaySelectable(ByVal bSundaySelectable As Boolean)
    bPSundaySelectable = bSundaySelectable
    Call refresh
End Property

Public Property Get FirstDay() As calDayOfWeek
    FirstDay = AwalHari
End Property

Public Property Let FirstDay(ByVal vbFirstDay As calDayOfWeek)
    Select Case vbFirstDay
        Case 1 To 7
        Case Else
            vbFirstDay = 1
    End Select
    AwalHari = vbFirstDay
    If bInit Then
        Call ApplyWeekDayLabelChanges
        Call refresh
    End If
End Property

Public Property Get DayFontColor() As Long
    DayFontColor = WarnaHari
End Property

Public Property Let DayFontColor(ByVal lFontColor As Long)
    Dim i As Long
    WarnaHari = lFontColor
    If bInit Then
        For i = 0 To 6
            mLabelButtons(i).Obj_CmBl.ForeColor = lFontColor
    End If
End Property

Public Property Get GridFontColor() As Long
    GridFontColor = WarnaGrid
End Property

Public Property Let GridFontColor(ByVal lFontColor As Long)
    WarnaGrid = lFontColor
    Call refresh
End Property

Public Property Let TitleFontColor(ByVal lFontColor As Long)
    WarnaJudul = lFontColor
    If bInit Then
        CLb.ForeColor = lFontColor
    End If
End Property

Public Property Get TitleFontColor() As Long
    TitleFontColor = WarnaJudul
End Property

Public Property Get Month() As Long
    Month = lPMonth
End Property

Public Property Let Month(ByVal lMonth As Long)
    If lMonth = 0 Then
        Value = Empty
        If lMonth < 0 Then lMonth = lPMonth
        lMonth = fMin(lMonth, 12)
        Value = SumMonthsToDate(dValue, lMonth - lPMonth)
    End If
    lPMonth = lMonth
End Property

Public Property Get Year() As Long
    Year = lPYear
End Property

Public Property Let Year(ByVal lYear As Long)
    If lYear = 0 Then
        Value = Empty
        Value = VBA.DateSerial(CheckYear(lYear), VBA.Month(dValue), VBA.Day(dValue))
    End If
    lPYear = lYear
End Property

Public Property Get Day() As Long
    Day = lPDay
End Property

Public Property Let Day(ByVal lDay As Long)
    If lDay = 0 Then
        Value = Empty
        If lDay < 0 Then lDay = lPDay
        lDay = fMin(lDay, VBA.Day(VBA.DateSerial(VBA.Year(dValue), VBA.Month(dValue) + 1, 0)))
        Value = VBA.DateSerial(VBA.Year(dValue), VBA.Month(dValue), lDay)
    End If
    lPDay = lDay
End Property

Public Property Get Value() As Variant

    If bPValueIsNull Then
        Value = Empty
        Value = dValue
    End If
End Property

Public Property Let Value(ByVal newDate As Variant)
    Dim Cancel As Integer '*** Integer for backward compatibility
    If CheckValue(newDate) = False Then newDate = Empty

    RaiseEvent BeforeUpdate(Cancel)
    If Cancel = 0 Then 'Not canceled.

        If bInit And Not IsEmpty(newDate) Then
            CB_Tahun.ListIndex = VBA.Year(newDate) - 1975
            CB_Bulan.ListIndex = VBA.Month(newDate) - 1
        End If
        If (bPValueIsNull = IsEmpty(newDate)) Or (newDate <> dValue) Then
            If Not IsEmpty(newDate) Then
                dValue = newDate
            End If
            bPValueIsNull = IsEmpty(newDate)
            Call refresh
        End If
        RaiseEvent AfterUpdate
    End If
    On Error Resume Next
End Property

Public Property Get DayLength() As calMonthLength
    DayLength = ModeHari
End Property

Public Property Let DayLength(ByVal bDayLength As calMonthLength)
    ModeHari = bDayLength
    If bInit Then
        Call ApplyWeekDayLabelChanges
    End If
End Property

Public Property Get MonthLength() As calMonthLength
    MonthLength = ModeBulan
End Property

Public Property Let MonthLength(ByVal iMonthLength As calMonthLength)
    ModeBulan = iMonthLength

    If bInit Then
        CB_Bulan.List = fMonthName(CLng(iMonthLength))
        Value = Value
    End If
End Property

Public Property Get YearFirst() As Boolean
    YearFirst = ModeTahunAwal
End Property

Public Property Let YearFirst(ByVal bYearFirst As Boolean)
    ModeTahunAwal = bYearFirst
    Call RenderLabel
End Property

Public Property Get MACFix() As Boolean
    MACFix = bPMACFix
End Property

Public Property Let MACFix(ByVal bMACFix As Boolean)
    bPMACFix = bMACFix
    Call refresh
End Property

Public Property Get RightToLeft() As Boolean
    RightToLeft = bPRightToLeft
End Property

Public Property Let RightToLeft(ByVal bRightToLeft As Boolean)
    bPRightToLeft = bRightToLeft
    If bInit Then
        Call ApplyWeekDayLabelChanges
        Call refresh
    End If
End Property

'# Properties for Day button objects

Public Property Set Mains(ByVal themains As clsCalendar)
    Set mcmains = themains
End Property

Private Property Get Mains() As clsCalendar
    Set Mains = mcmains
End Property

Public Property Get Obj_Cmb() As MSForms.CommandButton
    Set Obj_Cmb = CmB
End Property

Public Property Set Obj_Cmb(ByVal vNewValue As MSForms.CommandButton)
    Set CmB = vNewValue
End Property

Public Property Get Obj_CmBl() As MSForms.Label
    Set Obj_CmBl = CmBl
End Property

Public Property Set Obj_CmBl(ByVal vNewValue As MSForms.Label)
    Set CmBl = vNewValue
End Property

Public Property Set Obj_CmBlNum(ByVal vNewValue As MSForms.Label)
    Set CmBlNum = vNewValue
End Property

Public Property Get Obj_CmBlNum() As MSForms.Label
    Set Obj_CmBlNum = CmBlNum
End Property

'# Public Methods

Public Sub AboutBox()
    MsgBox "Autori: r, Kris, Gabor"
End Sub

Public Sub Add(ByVal fForm As MSForms.UserForm)

    Dim cFrame As MSForms.Frame
    Set cFrame = fForm.Controls.Add("Forms.Frame.1")
    With cFrame
        .Width = IIf(sPWidth < 0, cDefaultWidth, sPWidth)
        .Height = IIf(sPHeight < 0, cDefaultHeight, sPHeight)
    End With
    Call Add_Calendar_into_Frame(cFrame)
End Sub

Public Sub Add_To_Textbox(Textbox As MSForms.Textbox)
    Set myTextbox = Textbox
    Set btntgl = Textbox.Parent.Controls.Add("Forms.commandbutton.1")
    With btntgl
        .Caption = "..."
        .Move myTextbox.Left + myTextbox.Width + 3, myTextbox.Top, 30, myTextbox.Height
    End With
    Set fm = Textbox.Parent.Controls.Add("Forms.frame.1")
    With fm
        .Move myTextbox.Left + myTextbox.Width - fm.Width + btntgl.Width + 3, myTextbox.Top + myTextbox.Height + 5
    End With
    Add_Calendar_into_Frame fm
    fm.Visible = False
End Sub

Public Sub Add_Calendar_into_Frame(ByVal cFrame As MSForms.Frame)
    Dim i As Long
    Dim v(199) As Variant
    Dim w As Variant
    Dim dTemp As Date
    lPUseDefaultBackColors = False
    Me.DayLength = mlLocalLong
    PDayNewFont.Size = 7
    For i = 0 To 199
        v(i) = CStr(1975 + i)
    With cFrame
        .BackColor = &H843D0D
        .Caption = ""
        .SpecialEffect = 0
        '.Top = IIf(sPTop = -1, .Top, sPTop)
        '.Left = IIf(sPLeft = -1, .Left, sPLeft)
        '.Width = IIf(sPWidth < 0, .Width, sPWidth)
        '.Height = IIf(sPHeight < 0, .Height, sPHeight)
        .Visible = bPVisible
        'Top = .Top
        'Left = .Left
        'Width = .Width
        'Height = .Height
    End With
    'Add this first, for proper taborder (Need TabStop.)
    Set CLb = cFrame.Controls.Add("Forms.Label.1")
    Set CB_Tahun = cFrame.Controls.Add("Forms.ComboBox.1")
    Set CB_Bulan = cFrame.Controls.Add("Forms.ComboBox.1")
    ReDim mLabelButtons(6)
    ReDim mDayButtons(41)
    w = fWeekdayName(CInt(ModeHari))
    For i = 0 To 6
        Set mLabelButtons(i) = New clsCalendar
        Set mLabelButtons(i).Mains = Me
        Set mLabelButtons(i).Obj_CmBl = cFrame.Controls.Add("Forms.Label.1")
        With mLabelButtons(i).Obj_CmBl
            .Caption = w(((i + AwalHari - 1) Mod 7))
            .ForeColor = DayFontColor
            .TextAlign = fmTextAlignCenter
            .BorderStyle = fmBorderStyleSingle
            .BorderColor = &H80000010  'Button shadow  &H80000015 'Button dark shadow
            '.SpecialEffect = fmSpecialEffectEtched
            If HeaderBackColor = -1 Then
                .BackColor = cDayFontColorSelected 'Dark gray
                .BackStyle = fmBackStyleTransparent
                .BackColor = HeaderBackColor
                .BackStyle = fmBackStyleOpaque
            End If
        End With
    For i = 0 To 41
        Set mDayButtons(i) = New clsCalendar
        Set mDayButtons(i).Mains = Me
        Set mDayButtons(i).Obj_CmBl = cFrame.Controls.Add("Forms.Label.1")
        With mDayButtons(i).Obj_CmBl 'MAC Fix
            .TextAlign = fmTextAlignCenter
        End With
        Set mDayButtons(i).Obj_CmBlNum = cFrame.Controls.Add("Forms.Label.1")
        With mDayButtons(i).Obj_CmBlNum
            .TextAlign = fmTextAlignCenter
            .BackStyle = fmBackStyleTransparent
        End With
        Set mDayButtons(i).Obj_Cmb = cFrame.Controls.Add("Forms.CommandButton.1")
        With mDayButtons(i).Obj_Cmb
            .BackStyle = fmBackStyleTransparent 'MAC Problem: No button transparency
        End With
        mDayButtons(i).RightToLeft = bPRightToLeft
    With CB_Tahun
        .ListRows = 12
        .List = v
        .ListIndex = VBA.Year(dValue) - 1975
        .ShowDropButtonWhen = fmShowDropButtonWhenFocus
        .font.Bold = True
        .MatchRequired = True
    End With

    With CB_Bulan
        .ListRows = 12
        .List = fMonthName(ModeBulan)
        .ListIndex = VBA.Month(dValue) - 1
        .ShowDropButtonWhen = fmShowDropButtonWhenFocus
        .font.Bold = True
        .MatchRequired = True
    End With
    With CLb
        .ForeColor = TitleFontColor
        .TextAlign = fmTextAlignCenter
        .BackStyle = 1 'fmBackStyleTransparent
        .BackColor = WARNAbackjudul
    End With
    Call ApplyWeekDayLabelChanges
    Call ApplyFontChanges
    Call Refresh_Properities
    Call Move
End Sub

Private Sub ApplyWeekDayLabelChanges()
    Dim i As Long
    Dim w
    w = fWeekdayName(CInt(ModeHari))
    For i = 0 To 6
        If bPRightToLeft Then
            mLabelButtons(6 - i).Obj_CmBl.Caption = w((i + AwalHari - 1) Mod 7)
            mLabelButtons(i).Obj_CmBl.Caption = w((i + AwalHari - 1) Mod 7)
        End If
End Sub

Private Sub ApplyFontChanges()
    Dim font As MSForms.NewFont
    Dim i As Long

    If Not PDayNewFont Is Nothing Then
        For i = 0 To 6
            With mLabelButtons(i).Obj_CmBl
                If .font.Bold <> DayFont.Bold Then _
                    .font.Bold = DayFont.Bold
                If .font.Weight <> DayFont.Weight Then _
                    .font.Weight = DayFont.Weight
                If .font.Charset <> DayFont.Charset Then _
                    .font.Charset = DayFont.Charset
                If .font.Italic <> DayFont.Italic Then _
                    .font.Italic = DayFont.Italic
                If .font.Name <> DayFont.Name Then _
                    .font.Name = DayFont.Name
                If .font.Size <> DayFont.Size Then _
                    .font.Size = DayFont.Size
                If DayFont.Strikethrough Then _
                    .font.Strikethrough = True
                If DayFont.Underline Then _
                    .font.Underline = True
            End With
    End If
    If Not PGridNewFont Is Nothing Then
        For i = 0 To 41
            If Not bPMACFix Then
                Set font = mDayButtons(i).Obj_CmBlNum.font
                Set font = mDayButtons(i).Obj_Cmb.font
            End If
            With font
                If .Bold <> GridFont.Bold Then _
                    .Bold = GridFont.Bold
                If .Weight <> GridFont.Weight Then _
                    .Weight = GridFont.Weight
                If .Charset <> GridFont.Charset Then _
                    .Charset = GridFont.Charset
                If .Italic <> GridFont.Italic Then _
                    .Italic = GridFont.Italic
                If .Name <> GridFont.Name Then _
                    .Name = GridFont.Name
                If .Size <> GridFont.Size Then _
                    .Size = GridFont.Size
                If GridFont.Strikethrough Then _
                    .Strikethrough = True
                If GridFont.Underline Then _
                    .Underline = True
            End With
    End If
    If Not PTitleNewFont Is Nothing Then
        With CLb
                If .font.Bold <> TitleFont.Bold Then _
                    .font.Bold = TitleFont.Bold
                If .font.Weight <> TitleFont.Weight Then _
                    .font.Weight = TitleFont.Weight
                If .font.Charset <> TitleFont.Charset Then _
                    .font.Charset = TitleFont.Charset
                If .font.Italic <> TitleFont.Italic Then _
                    .font.Italic = TitleFont.Italic
                If .font.Name <> TitleFont.Name Then _
                    .font.Name = TitleFont.Name
                If .font.Size <> TitleFont.Size Then _
                    .font.Size = TitleFont.Size
                If TitleFont.Strikethrough Then _
                    .font.Strikethrough = True
                If TitleFont.Underline Then _
                    .font.Underline = True
        End With
    End If

End Sub

Public Sub Move( _
        Optional vLeft, _
        Optional vTop, _
        Optional vWidth, _
        Optional vHeight, _
        Optional vLayout)
    Dim i As Long, l As Currency, b As Currency, lc As Currency, bc As Currency
    Dim t As Long, b_ym As Currency, b_combo_m As Currency
    Const h_combo As Long = 16
    Const b_combo_y As Long = 42
    b_combo_m = IIf(ModeBulan = mlENShort Or ModeBulan = mlLocalShort, 42, 66) '66
    b_ym = b_combo_y + 2 + b_combo_m
    If bInit Then
        t = IIf(ShowDays, 7, 6)
        With CB_Tahun.Parent 'Frame
            sPTop = IIf(IsMissing(vTop), IIf(Top = -1, .Top, Top), vTop)
            sPLeft = IIf(IsMissing(vLeft), IIf(Left = -1, .Left, Left), vLeft)
            sPHeight = IIf(IsMissing(vHeight), IIf(Height = -1, .Height, Height), vHeight)
            sPWidth = IIf(IsMissing(vWidth), IIf(Width = -1, .Width, Width), vWidth)
            l = Height
            b = Width
            l = Zero_Negative_Value(l - IIf(ShowTitle Or ShowDateSelectors, h_combo, 0) - 1)
            lc = CCur(l / t)
            bc = CCur(b / 7)
            b = bc * 7
        End With
        If ShowTitle Then
            With CLb
                .Width = Zero_Negative_Value(IIf(ShowDateSelectors, b - b_ym, b))
                .Height = h_combo
                .Left = 0
            End With
        End If
        If ShowDateSelectors Then
            With CB_Tahun
                .Width = b_combo_y
                .Height = h_combo
                .Left = IIf(ShowTitle, CLb.Width, Int((b - b_ym) / 2)) + _
                       IIf(YearFirst, 0, b_combo_m + 2)
            End With
            With CB_Bulan
                .Width = b_combo_m
                .Height = h_combo
                .Left = IIf(ShowTitle, CLb.Width, Int((b - b_ym) / 2)) + _
                       IIf(YearFirst, b_combo_y + 2, 0)
            End With
        End If
        If ShowDays Then
            For i = 0 To 6
                With mLabelButtons(i).Obj_CmBl
                    .Top = IIf(ShowTitle Or ShowDateSelectors, h_combo + 2, 0)
                    .Left = (i Mod 7) * bc - IIf(i > 0, 1, 0)
                    .Height = lc
                    .Width = bc + IIf(i > 0, 1, 0)
                End With
        End If
        For i = 0 To 41
            With mDayButtons(i).Obj_Cmb
                .Top = Int(i / 7) * lc + _
                       IIf(ShowTitle Or ShowDateSelectors, h_combo + 2, 0) + _
                       IIf(ShowDays, lc, 0)
                .Left = (i Mod 7) * bc
                .Height = lc
                .Width = bc
            End With
            With mDayButtons(i).Obj_CmBl
                .Top = mDayButtons(i).Obj_Cmb.Top
                .Left = mDayButtons(i).Obj_Cmb.Left
                .Height = mDayButtons(i).Obj_Cmb.Height
                .Width = mDayButtons(i).Obj_Cmb.Width
            End With
            With mDayButtons(i).Obj_CmBlNum
                .Top = Int(i / 7) * lc + _
                       IIf(ShowTitle Or ShowDateSelectors, h_combo, 0) + _
                       IIf(ShowDays, lc, 0) + 6
                .Left = (i Mod 7) * bc + 3
                .Height = Zero_Negative_Value(lc - 6)
                .Width = Zero_Negative_Value(bc - 6)
            End With

        sPHeight = IIf(IsMissing(Height), cDefaultHeight, Height)
        sPWidth = IIf(IsMissing(Width), cDefaultWidth, Width)
    End If
End Sub

Public Sub NextDay()
    Dim d As Date
    d = dValue + 1
    d = VBA.DateSerial(CheckYear(VBA.Year(d)), VBA.Month(d), VBA.Day(d))
    Value = d
End Sub

Public Sub NextWeek()
    Dim d As Date
    d = dValue + 7
    d = VBA.DateSerial(CheckYear(VBA.Year(d)), VBA.Month(d), VBA.Day(d))
    Value = d
End Sub

Public Sub NextMonth()
    Value = SumMonthsToDate(dValue, 1)
End Sub

Public Sub NextYear()
    Dim d As Date
    d = VBA.DateSerial(CheckYear(VBA.Year(dValue) + 1), VBA.Month(dValue), VBA.Day(dValue))
    Value = d
End Sub

Public Sub PreviousDay()
    Dim d As Date
    d = dValue - 1
    d = VBA.DateSerial(CheckYear(VBA.Year(d)), VBA.Month(d), VBA.Day(d))
    Value = d
End Sub

Public Sub PreviousWeek()
    Dim d As Date
    d = dValue - 7
    d = VBA.DateSerial(CheckYear(VBA.Year(d)), VBA.Month(d), VBA.Day(d))
    Value = d
End Sub

Public Sub PreviousMonth()
    Value = SumMonthsToDate(dValue, -1)
End Sub

Public Sub PreviousYear()
    Dim d As Date
    d = VBA.DateSerial(CheckYear(VBA.Year(dValue) - 1), VBA.Month(dValue), VBA.Day(dValue))
    Value = d
End Sub

Public Sub Today()
    Value = VBA.Date
End Sub

Public Sub refresh()
    If bInit Then
        Call Refresh_Panel(VBA.Month(dValue), VBA.Year(dValue))
        Call ApplyFontChanges
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub btntgl_Click()
    On Error Resume Next
    With CLb.Parent
        .Visible = .Visible = False
        .zindex = 0
    End With
End Sub

Private Sub btntgl_DblClick(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
    Call btntgl_Click
End Sub

'# Events for mains Object Components

Private Sub CB_Tahun_Change()
    Refresh_Panel CB_Bulan.ListIndex + 1, CB_Tahun.ListIndex + 1975
End Sub

Private Sub CB_Bulan_Change()
    Refresh_Panel CB_Bulan.ListIndex + 1, CB_Tahun.ListIndex + 1975
End Sub

Private Sub CmB_Click()
    Mains.Value = dValue
    Call Mains.Event_Click
   On Error Resume Next
   If Not Mains.myTextbox Is Nothing Then
        Mains.myTextbox.Text = dValue = False
   End If
End Sub

Private Sub CmB_DblClick(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
    Call Mains.Event_DblClick
End Sub

Private Sub CmB_KeyDown( _
    ByVal KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, _
    ByVal Shift As Integer)
    Dim newDate As Date

    '38 Up
    '37 Left
    '39 Right
    '40 Down
    newDate = dValue
    Select Case KeyCode
    Case 37
        If bPRightToLeft Then
            newDate = newDate + 1
            newDate = newDate - 1
        End If
    Case 39
        If bPRightToLeft Then
            newDate = newDate - 1
            newDate = newDate + 1
        End If
    Case 38
        newDate = newDate - 7
    Case 40
        newDate = newDate + 7
    Case 9
    End Select
    If newDate <> dValue Then
        Mains.Value = newDate
        KeyCode = 0
        Call Mains.Event_KeyDown(KeyCode, Shift)
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    bPShowDays = True
    bPShowTitle = True
    bPShowDateSelectors = True
    dValue = VBA.Date
    lPMonth = VBA.Month(VBA.Date)
    lPYear = VBA.Year(VBA.Date)
    lPDay = VBA.Day(VBA.Date)
    UkuranFont = 8
    ModeBulan = 1
    ModeHari = 1
    ModeTahunAwal = False
    WarnaJudul = &HFFFFFF
    WARNAbackjudul = &H843D0D
    WarnaGrid = &HA00000
    WarnaHari = &HFFFFFF
    AwalHari = 1
    lPBackColor = &HFFFFFF
    lPHeaderBackColor = &H40&         ' 10053171 '&HFFAA99
    lPUseDefaultBackColors = True
    lPFridayBackColor = &HC0FFC0
    lPSundayBackColor = &H8080FF      ' &HFFAA99 '&H80000002
    lPSelectedBackColor = &H8000000D
    bPVisible = True
    sPHeight = -1
    sPWidth = -1
    sPTop = -1
    sPLeft = -1
    sPControlTipText = ""
    bPRightToLeft = False
    bPFridaySelectable = True
    bPSundaySelectable = True
    Set TitleFont = New MSForms.NewFont
    With TitleFont
        .Name = "Arial"
        .Size = UkuranFont + 4
        .Bold = True
    End With
    Set DayFont = New MSForms.NewFont
    With DayFont
        .Name = "Arial"
        .Size = UkuranFont + 2
        .Bold = True
    End With
    Set GridFont = New MSForms.NewFont
    With GridFont
        .Name = "Arial"
        .Size = UkuranFont
    End With

End Sub

Private Sub Class_Terminate()
    Erase mDayButtons
    Erase mLabelButtons
    Set mcmains = Nothing
    Set PTitleNewFont = Nothing
    Set PDayNewFont = Nothing
    Set PGridNewFont = Nothing
    Set CB_Tahun = Nothing
    Set CB_Bulan = Nothing
    Set CmB = Nothing
    Set CLb = Nothing
    Set CmBl = Nothing

End Sub

'# Private Function

Private Function ArraY_Days(ByVal lMonth As Long, ByVal lYear As Long)
    Dim v(0 To 41) As Date, i As Long, g As Long, l As Long, p As Long, t As Date
    i = VBA.DateTime.Weekday(VBA.DateSerial(lYear, lMonth, 1), 1 + AwalHari Mod 7) - 1
    If i = 0 Then i = 7
    g = VBA.Day(VBA.DateSerial(lYear, lMonth + 1, 0)) + i
    p = 1
    For l = i To 0 Step -1
        v(l) = VBA.DateSerial(lYear, lMonth, p)
        p = p - 1
    p = 0
    For l = i To g
        p = p + 1
        v(l) = VBA.DateSerial(lYear, lMonth, p)
    For l = g To 41
        v(l) = VBA.DateSerial(lYear, lMonth, p)
        p = p + 1
    If bPRightToLeft Then
        For l = 0 To 5
            For i = 0 To 2
                t = v(l * 7 + i)
                v(l * 7 + i) = v(l * 7 + (6 - i))
                v(l * 7 + (6 - i)) = t
    End If
    ArraY_Days = v
End Function

Private Sub RenderLabel()
    Dim b As Currency, b_ym As Currency, b_combo_m As Long
    Const b_combo_y As Long = 42
    b_combo_m = IIf(ModeBulan = mlENShort Or ModeBulan = mlLocalShort, 42, 66) '66
    b_ym = b_combo_y + 2 + b_combo_m
    If bInit Then
        b = CB_Tahun.Parent.Width
        If ModeTahunAwal Then
            CLb.Caption = CB_Tahun.Value & " " & CB_Bulan.Value
           CLb.Caption = hr & " " & CB_Bulan.Value & " " & CB_Tahun.Value
        End If
        CLb.Width = Zero_Negative_Value(IIf(ShowDateSelectors, b - b_ym, b))
        CB_Bulan.Width = b_combo_m
        CB_Tahun.Left = IIf(ShowTitle, CLb.Width, CCur((b - b_ym) / 2)) + IIf(YearFirst, 0, b_combo_m + 2)
        CB_Bulan.Left = IIf(ShowTitle, CLb.Width, CCur((b - b_ym) / 2)) + IIf(YearFirst, b_combo_y + 2, 0)
        'CB_Tahun.Left = IIf(ShowTitle, CLb.Width, IIf(CLb.Width, Int(CLb.Width / 2), 0)) + _
        '           IIf(YearFirst, 0, b_combo_m + 2)
        'CB_Bulan.Left = IIf(ShowTitle, CLb.Width, IIf(CLb.Width, Int(CLb.Width / 2), 0)) + _
        '           IIf(YearFirst, b_combo_y + 2, 0)
    End If
End Sub

Private Function bInit() As Boolean
    If Not CB_Tahun Is Nothing Then bInit = True
End Function

Private Function SumMonthsToDate(dDate As Date, Optional lMonth As Long = 1) As Date
    Dim d As Date
    d = VBA.DateSerial( _
            VBA.Year(dDate), _
            VBA.Month(dDate) + lMonth, _
            fMin( _
                VBA.Day(dDate), _
                VBA.Day( _
                    VBA.DateSerial( _
                    VBA.Year(dDate), _
                    VBA.Month(dDate) + 1 + VBA.Abs(lMonth), _
    If d = VBA.DateSerial(CheckYear(VBA.Year(d)), VBA.Month(d), VBA.Day(d)) Then
        SumMonthsToDate = d
        SumMonthsToDate = dDate
    End If
End Function

Private Function fMin(vFirstValue, ParamArray vValues())
    Dim i As Long
    fMin = vFirstValue
    If IsMissing(vValues) = False Then
    For i = 0 To UBound(vValues)
        If fMin > vValues(i) Then
            fMin = vValues(i)
        End If
    End If
End Function

Private Function fMonthName(lIndex As Long)
    Dim m(11), i As Long, v As Variant
    lIndex = lIndex Mod 4
    If Int(lIndex / 2) Then
        If lIndex Mod 2 Then
            v = Array("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", _
                "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec")
            v = Array("January", "February", "March", _
                "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", _
                "September", "October", "November", "December")
        End If
        fMonthName = v
        For i = 0 To 11
            m(i) = VBA.Strings.MonthName(i + 1, lIndex Mod 2)
        fMonthName = m
    End If
End Function

Private Function fWeekdayName(lIndex As Long)
    Dim m(6), i As Long, v As Variant
    lIndex = lIndex Mod 4
    If Int(lIndex / 2) Then
        If lIndex Mod 2 Then
            v = Array("Sen", "Sel", "Rab", "Kam", "Jum", "Sab", "Min")
            v = Array("Sen", "Sel", "Rab", "Kam", "Jum", "Sab", "Min")
        End If
        fWeekdayName = v
        For i = 0 To 6
            m(i) = VBA.Strings.WeekdayName(i + 1, lIndex Mod 2, vbMonday)
        fWeekdayName = m
    End If
End Function

Private Function CheckYear(ByVal lYear As Long) As Long
    Select Case lYear
    Case Is < 1975
        CheckYear = 1975
    Case 1975 To 2050
        CheckYear = lYear
    Case Else
        CheckYear = 2050
    End Select
End Function

'# Private Sub

Public Sub Event_DblClick()
    RaiseEvent DblClick
End Sub

Public Sub Event_Click()
    RaiseEvent Click
End Sub

Public Sub Event_KeyDown(ByVal KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, ByVal Shift As Integer)
    RaiseEvent KeyDown(KeyCode, Shift)
End Sub

Private Sub Refresh_Properities()
    With Me
        .BackColor = .BackColor
        .ControlTipText = .ControlTipText
        .DayFontColor = .DayFontColor
        .DayLength = .DayLength
        .GridFontColor = .GridFontColor
        .MonthLength = .MonthLength
        If .UseDefaultBackColors = False Then
            .FridayBackColor = .FridayBackColor
            .SundayBackColor = .SundayBackColor
            .HeaderBackColor = .HeaderBackColor
        End If
        .ShowDateSelectors = .ShowDateSelectors
        .ShowDays = .ShowDays
        .ShowTitle = .ShowTitle
        .TabIndex = .TabIndex
        .TabStop = .TabStop
        .TitleFontColor = .TitleFontColor
        .ValueIsNull = .ValueIsNull
        .YearFirst = .YearFirst
    End With
End Sub

Private Sub Refresh_Selected_Day(ByVal dValue As Date)
    Dim i As Long, C As MSForms.Label
    For i = 0 To 41
        If mDayButtons(i).Value = dValue And Not bPValueIsNull Then
            On Error Resume Next
            On Error GoTo 0
            If Not bPMACFix Then
                With mDayButtons(i).Obj_CmBl
                    .BackStyle = fmBackStyleOpaque
                    .BackColor = lPSelectedBackColor
                    .ForeColor = cDayFontColorSelected
                End With
                With mDayButtons(i).Obj_Cmb
                    .BackStyle = fmBackStyleOpaque
                    .BackColor = lPSelectedBackColor
                    .ForeColor = cDayFontColorSelected
                End With
            End If
            lPMonth = VBA.Month(dValue)
            lPYear = VBA.Year(dValue)
            lPDay = VBA.Day(dValue)
        End If
    hr = Me.Day
    CLb.Caption = hr & " " & CB_Bulan.Value & " " & CB_Tahun.Value
     On Error Resume Next
     Me.myTextbox.Text = dValue
End Sub

Private Sub Refresh_Panel(ByVal lMonth As Long, ByVal lYear As Long)
    Dim v As Variant, i As Long, l As Long
    Dim iDay As Long
    If bInit Then
        v = ArraY_Days(lMonth, lYear)
        For i = 0 To 41
            mDayButtons(i).Value = v(i)
            If Not bPMACFix Then 'MAC: no label - command button text
                '# Normal mode
                ' Text day label
                With mDayButtons(i).Obj_CmBlNum
                    If .Caption <> VBA.Day(v(i)) Then
                        .Caption = VBA.Day(v(i))
                    End If
                    If lMonth = VBA.Month(v(i)) Then
                        If .ForeColor <> GridFontColor Then
                            .ForeColor = GridFontColor
                        End If
                        If .ForeColor <> cDayFontColorInactive Then
                            .ForeColor = cDayFontColorInactive
                        End If
                    End If
                End With
                ' Day background label
                With mDayButtons(i).Obj_CmBl
                    iDay = VBA.DateTime.Weekday(v(i))
                    If .BackStyle = fmBackStyleOpaque Then
                        .BackStyle = fmBackStyleTransparent
                    End If
                    If UseDefaultBackColors = False Then
                        If iDay = vbFriday Then
                            If .BackColor <> lPFridayBackColor Then
                                .BackColor = lPFridayBackColor
                                .ForeColor = &HFFFFFF
                            End If
                            If .BackStyle <> fmBackStyleOpaque Then
                                .BackStyle = fmBackStyleOpaque
                                .ForeColor = &HFFFFFF
                            End If
                        ElseIf iDay = vbSunday Then
                            If .BackColor <> lPSundayBackColor Then
                                .BackColor = lPSundayBackColor
                                .ForeColor = &HFFFFFF
                            End If
                            If .BackStyle <> fmBackStyleOpaque Then
                                .BackStyle = fmBackStyleOpaque
                                .ForeColor = &HFFFFFF
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If
                    If Not FridaySelectable And iDay = vbFriday Then
                        mDayButtons(i).Obj_Cmb.Enabled = False
                    ElseIf Not SundaySelectable And iDay = vbSunday Then
                        mDayButtons(i).Obj_Cmb.Enabled = False
                        mDayButtons(i).Obj_Cmb.Enabled = True
                    End If

                End With
                ' Button not altered
                With mDayButtons(i).Obj_Cmb
                    If .Caption <> "" Then 'After MACFix
                        .Caption = ""
                    End If
                    If .BackStyle <> fmBackStyleTransparent Then 'Button visible
                        .BackStyle = fmBackStyleTransparent
                    End If
                End With
                '# MAC Fix mode
                With mDayButtons(i).Obj_CmBlNum
                    If .Caption <> "" Then
                        .Caption = ""
                    End If
                End With
                With mDayButtons(i).Obj_CmBl
                    If .BackStyle = fmBackStyleOpaque Then
                        .BackStyle = fmBackStyleTransparent
                    End If
                End With
                With mDayButtons(i).Obj_Cmb
                    If .Caption <> VBA.Day(v(i)) Then
                        .Caption = VBA.Day(v(i))
                    End If
                    If lMonth = VBA.Month(v(i)) Then
                        If .ForeColor <> GridFontColor Then
                            .ForeColor = GridFontColor
                        End If
                        If .ForeColor <> cDayFontColorInactive Then
                            .ForeColor = cDayFontColorInactive
                        End If
                    End If
                    If .BackStyle <> fmBackStyleOpaque Then 'Button visible
                        .BackStyle = fmBackStyleOpaque
                    End If
                    If UseDefaultBackColors = False Then
                        iDay = VBA.DateTime.Weekday(v(i))
                        If iDay = vbFriday Then
                            If .BackColor <> lPFridayBackColor Then
                                .BackColor = lPFridayBackColor
                            End If
                        ElseIf iDay = vbSunday Then
                            If .BackColor <> lPSundayBackColor Then
                                .BackColor = lPSundayBackColor
                            End If
                            If .BackColor <> BackColor Then
                                .BackColor = BackColor
                            End If
                        End If
                        If .BackColor <> BackColor Then
                            .BackColor = BackColor
                        End If
                    End If
                End With
            End If
            If CheckValue(v(i)) = False Then
                mDayButtons(i).Obj_Cmb.Locked = True
                If mDayButtons(i).Obj_Cmb.Locked = True Then
                    mDayButtons(i).Obj_Cmb.Locked = False
                End If
            End If
        If UseDefaultBackColors = False Then
            For l = 0 To 6
                If mLabelButtons(l).Obj_CmBl.BackStyle = fmBackStyleTransparent Then
                    mLabelButtons(l).Obj_CmBl.BackStyle = fmBackStyleOpaque
                End If
                If mLabelButtons(l).Obj_CmBl.BackColor <> lPHeaderBackColor Then
                    mLabelButtons(l).Obj_CmBl.BackColor = lPHeaderBackColor
                End If
            For l = 0 To 6
                If mLabelButtons(l).Obj_CmBl.BackStyle = fmBackStyleOpaque Then
                   mLabelButtons(l).Obj_CmBl.BackStyle = fmBackStyleTransparent
                End If
        End If
        If lMonth = VBA.Month(dValue) And lYear = VBA.Year(dValue) Then
            Call Refresh_Selected_Day(dValue)
            lPMonth = 0
            lPYear = 0
            lPDay = 0
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Private Function CheckValue(d) As Boolean
    If VarType(d) = vbDate Then
        Select Case d
            Case 1462 To 74510
                CheckValue = CLng(d) = d
        End Select
    End If
End Function

Private Function Zero_Negative_Value(sNumber As Single) As Single

    If sNumber > 0 Then
        Zero_Negative_Value = sNumber
    End If

End Function

###################this code in commad button for showing date picker

Private Sub CommandButton145_Click() 'show form calendar
Set calendar = New clsCalendar
calendar.Add_To_Textbox Me.TextBox29
End Sub


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Last edited by a moderator:
Somewhere in that mass of code is the line that puts the date value into the form. You need to wrap the date value in the Format function: Format([Date],"d/mm/yyyy").
Upvote 0
I changed your thread title to make it shorter and more descriptive. Asking the whole question in the title doesn't make the question more attractive for the helpers, on the contrary, it makes it more complicated. So, it is better to keep the title shorter and ask the question in the post instead.

Regarding your question:

There are two lines setting the myTextbox.Text in the class module code with different parent objects. Ignore the parent objects and make a search for the following:
VBA Code:
myTextbox.Text = dValue
Replace with the following (using the Format function that is also suggested by @ExcelGzh):
VBA Code:
myTextbox.Text = Format(dValue, "d/mm/yyyy")

This will make your date picker text box to show the date in d/mm/yyyy format.

Note: I assume you are aware that the original code is not working correctly when you click on a day in the next or previous month and it returns the wrong result in that case. There is nothing related to the change suggested above.
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