I need to create a custom cell format that is immune to how someone enters types their data.
Basically we generate quotes on a Q# basis, but we may have multiple configurations for a single quote number.
e.q - we may have Q4457, Q4457A, Q4457B, C - etc.
However - coworkers enter data in different manners.
For example - if I enter 4457, I want the cell to display Q4457.
If I enter Q4457 I want it to read Q4457.
If i enter 4457A, I need it to read Q4457A.
If I enter Q4457A, I need it to read Q4457A.
Things I've tried -
Q# - Displays properly for 4457 or Q4457, and Q4457A - does not work for 4457A (Shows only 4457A, no leading Q)
Q@ - Displays properly for 4457 and 4457A - Does not work for Q4457 or Q4457A (displays 2 Qs at beginning)
Basically we generate quotes on a Q# basis, but we may have multiple configurations for a single quote number.
e.q - we may have Q4457, Q4457A, Q4457B, C - etc.
However - coworkers enter data in different manners.
For example - if I enter 4457, I want the cell to display Q4457.
If I enter Q4457 I want it to read Q4457.
If i enter 4457A, I need it to read Q4457A.
If I enter Q4457A, I need it to read Q4457A.
Things I've tried -
Q# - Displays properly for 4457 or Q4457, and Q4457A - does not work for 4457A (Shows only 4457A, no leading Q)
Q@ - Displays properly for 4457 and 4457A - Does not work for Q4457 or Q4457A (displays 2 Qs at beginning)