Custom built formula module incorrectly outputs special characters


New Member
Apr 21, 2015

I have a custom built formula module which converts numbers into Lithuanian words (i.e., it would convert "22" to "twenty two", only in Lithuanian). The code is provided bellow.

But the formula can not output special Lithuanian characters, such as ą, č, ę, ė, į, š, ų, ū. It gives strange symbols instead.

In VBA console (when viewing the module code) these symbols at first were misinterpreted too, but I fixed it by going to Tools>Options>EditorFormat and selecting "Arial Unicode MS (Baltic)" as a display font. But excel sheet still outputs wrong characters, even if the same "Arial Unicode MS" is selected as font.

How to make the formula to output special Lithuanian characters correctly?

The code (sorry, it looks like I am not allowed to attach files):
Public Function SumaZodziu(Number) As String
Dim StrNumber As String, SumZod As String, Ilgis As Integer, EilNr As Integer
Dim Centai As Integer, Litai As Currency

Litai = Fix(Number)
StrNumber = Right(Str$(Litai), Len(Str$(Litai)) - 1)
Ilgis = Len(StrNumber)
EilNr = Ilgis

Centai = Fix((Number - Litai) * 100)
If (Centai >= 0) And (Centai <= 9) Then
    SumZod = "Lt, 0" & Right(Str$(Centai), 1) & " ct"
    SumZod = "Lt, " & Right(Str$(Centai), 2) & " ct"
End If

If Litai = 0 Then
    SumZod = "Nulis " & SumZod
    GoTo FEnd
End If

If Ilgis > 1 Then If Mid(StrNumber, EilNr - 1, 1) = "1" Then GoTo Desm
If Ilgis >= 1 Then
    If Mid(StrNumber, EilNr, 1) <> "0" Then
        Select Case Mid(StrNumber, EilNr, 1)
        Case "1": SumZod = "vienas " & SumZod
        Case "2": SumZod = "du " & SumZod
        Case "3": SumZod = "trys " & SumZod
        Case "4": SumZod = "keturi " & SumZod
        Case "5": SumZod = "penki " & SumZod
        Case "6": SumZod = "ðeði " & SumZod
        Case "7": SumZod = "septyni " & SumZod
        Case "8": SumZod = "aðtuoni " & SumZod
        Case "9": SumZod = "devyni " & SumZod
        End Select
    End If
End If

If Ilgis >= 2 Then
    EilNr = EilNr - 1
    If (Mid(StrNumber, EilNr, 1) <> "0") And (Mid(StrNumber, EilNr, 1) <> "1") Then
        Select Case Mid(StrNumber, EilNr, 1)
        Case "1": SumZod = "deðimt " & SumZod
        Case "2": SumZod = "dvideðimt " & SumZod
        Case "3": SumZod = "trisdeðimt " & SumZod
        Case "4": SumZod = "keturiasdeðimt " & SumZod
        Case "5": SumZod = "penkiasdeðimt " & SumZod
        Case "6": SumZod = "ðeðiasdeðmt " & SumZod
        Case "7": SumZod = "septyniasdeðimt " & SumZod
        Case "8": SumZod = "aðtuoniasdeðimt " & SumZod
        Case "9": SumZod = "devyniasdeðimt " & SumZod
        End Select
    ElseIf Mid(StrNumber, EilNr, 1) = "1" Then
        Select Case Mid(StrNumber, EilNr, 2)
        Case "10": SumZod = "deðimt " & SumZod
        Case "11": SumZod = "vienuolika " & SumZod
        Case "12": SumZod = "dvylika " & SumZod
        Case "13": SumZod = "trylika " & SumZod
        Case "14": SumZod = "keturiolika " & SumZod
        Case "15": SumZod = "penkiolika " & SumZod
        Case "16": SumZod = "ðeðiolika " & SumZod
        Case "17": SumZod = "septyniolika " & SumZod
        Case "18": SumZod = "aðtuoniolika " & SumZod
        Case "19": SumZod = "devyniolika " & SumZod
        End Select
    End If
End If

If Ilgis >= 3 Then
    EilNr = EilNr - 1
    If Mid(StrNumber, EilNr, 1) <> "0" Then
        Select Case Mid(StrNumber, EilNr, 1)
        Case "1": SumZod = "vienas ðimtas " & SumZod
        Case "2": SumZod = "du ðimtai " & SumZod
        Case "3": SumZod = "trys ðimtai " & SumZod
        Case "4": SumZod = "keturi ðimtai " & SumZod
        Case "5": SumZod = "penki ðimtai " & SumZod
        Case "6": SumZod = "ðeði ðimtai " & SumZod
        Case "7": SumZod = "septyni ðimtai " & SumZod
        Case "8": SumZod = "aðtuoni ðimtai " & SumZod
        Case "9": SumZod = "devyni ðimtai " & SumZod
        End Select
    End If
End If

If ((Len(StrNumber) - Ilgis) = 0) And (Ilgis >= 4) Then
    Ilgis = Ilgis - 3
    EilNr = EilNr - 1
    If Mid(StrNumber, EilNr, 1) = "1" Then
        If Ilgis >= 2 Then
            If Mid(StrNumber, EilNr - 1, 1) = "1" Then
                SumZod = "tûkstanèiø " & SumZod
                SumZod = "tûkstantis " & SumZod
            End If
            SumZod = "tûkstantis " & SumZod
        End If
    ElseIf Mid(StrNumber, EilNr, 1) = "0" Then
        If Ilgis >= 2 Then
            If Mid(StrNumber, EilNr - 1, 1) = "0" Then
                If Ilgis >= 3 Then
                    If Mid(StrNumber, EilNr - 2, 1) <> "0" Then
                        SumZod = "tûkstanèiø " & SumZod
                    End If
                End If
                SumZod = "tûkstanèiø " & SumZod
            End If
        End If
        If Ilgis >= 2 Then
            If Mid(StrNumber, EilNr - 1, 1) = "1" Then
                SumZod = "tûkstanèiø " & SumZod
                SumZod = "tûkstanèiai " & SumZod
            End If
            SumZod = "tûkstanèiai " & SumZod
        End If
    End If
    GoTo Vien
End If

If ((Len(StrNumber) - Ilgis) = 3) And (Ilgis >= 4) Then
    Ilgis = Ilgis - 3
    EilNr = EilNr - 1
    If Mid(StrNumber, EilNr, 1) = "1" Then
        If Ilgis >= 2 Then
            If Mid(StrNumber, EilNr - 1, 1) = "1" Then
                SumZod = "milijonø " & SumZod
                SumZod = "milijonas " & SumZod
            End If
            SumZod = "milijonas " & SumZod
        End If
    ElseIf Mid(StrNumber, EilNr, 1) = "0" Then
        If Ilgis >= 2 Then
            If Mid(StrNumber, EilNr - 1, 1) = "0" Then
                If Ilgis >= 3 Then
                    If Mid(StrNumber, EilNr - 2, 1) <> "0" Then
                        SumZod = "milijonø " & SumZod
                    End If
                End If
                SumZod = "milijonø " & SumZod
            End If
        End If
        If Ilgis >= 2 Then
            If Mid(StrNumber, EilNr - 1, 1) = "1" Then
                SumZod = "milijonø " & SumZod
                SumZod = "milijonai " & SumZod
            End If
            SumZod = "milijonai " & SumZod
        End If
    End If
    GoTo Vien
End If

If ((Len(StrNumber) - Ilgis) = 6) And (Ilgis >= 4) Then
    Ilgis = Ilgis - 3
    EilNr = EilNr - 1
    If Mid(StrNumber, EilNr, 1) = "1" Then
        If Ilgis >= 2 Then
            If Mid(StrNumber, EilNr - 1, 1) = "1" Then
                SumZod = "milijardø " & SumZod
                SumZod = "milijardas " & SumZod
            End If
            SumZod = "milijardas " & SumZod
        End If
    ElseIf Mid(StrNumber, EilNr, 1) = "0" Then
        If Ilgis >= 2 Then
            If Mid(StrNumber, EilNr - 1, 1) = "0" Then
                If Ilgis >= 3 Then
                    If Mid(StrNumber, EilNr - 2, 1) <> "0" Then
                        SumZod = "milijardø " & SumZod
                    End If
                End If
                SumZod = "milijardø " & SumZod
            End If
        End If
        If Ilgis >= 2 Then
            If Mid(StrNumber, EilNr - 1, 1) = "1" Then
                SumZod = "milijardø " & SumZod
                SumZod = "milijardai " & SumZod
            End If
            SumZod = "milijardai " & SumZod
        End If
    End If
    GoTo Vien
End If

SumZod = UCase(Left(SumZod, 1)) & Right(SumZod, Len(SumZod) - 1)

SumaZodziu = SumZod
End Function

Public Function SumaZodziuSv(Number) As String
Dim StrNumber As String, SumZod As String, Ilgis As Integer, EilNr As Integer

Number = Fix(Number)
If (Number = 0) Then
    SumZod = "Nulis"
    GoTo FEnd
End If
StrNumber = Right(Str$(Number), Len(Str$(Number)) - 1)
Ilgis = Len(StrNumber)
EilNr = Ilgis
SumZod = ""

If Ilgis > 1 Then If Mid(StrNumber, EilNr - 1, 1) = "1" Then GoTo Desm
If Ilgis >= 1 Then
    If Mid(StrNumber, EilNr, 1) <> "0" Then
        Select Case Mid(StrNumber, EilNr, 1)
        Case "1": SumZod = "vienas " & SumZod
        Case "2": SumZod = "du " & SumZod
        Case "3": SumZod = "trys " & SumZod
        Case "4": SumZod = "keturi " & SumZod
        Case "5": SumZod = "penki " & SumZod
        Case "6": SumZod = "ðeði " & SumZod
        Case "7": SumZod = "septyni " & SumZod
        Case "8": SumZod = "aðtuoni " & SumZod
        Case "9": SumZod = "devyni " & SumZod
        End Select
    End If
End If

If Ilgis >= 2 Then
    EilNr = EilNr - 1
    If (Mid(StrNumber, EilNr, 1) <> "0") And (Mid(StrNumber, EilNr, 1) <> "1") Then
        Select Case Mid(StrNumber, EilNr, 1)
        Case "1": SumZod = "deðimt " & SumZod
        Case "2": SumZod = "dvideðimt " & SumZod
        Case "3": SumZod = "trisdeðimt " & SumZod
        Case "4": SumZod = "keturiasdeðimt " & SumZod
        Case "5": SumZod = "penkiasdeðimt " & SumZod
        Case "6": SumZod = "ðeðiasdeðmt " & SumZod
        Case "7": SumZod = "septyniasdeðimt " & SumZod
        Case "8": SumZod = "aðtuoniasdeðimt " & SumZod
        Case "9": SumZod = "devyniasdeðimt " & SumZod
        End Select
    ElseIf Mid(StrNumber, EilNr, 1) = "1" Then
        Select Case Mid(StrNumber, EilNr, 2)
        Case "10": SumZod = "deðimt " & SumZod
        Case "11": SumZod = "vienuolika " & SumZod
        Case "12": SumZod = "dvylika " & SumZod
        Case "13": SumZod = "trylika " & SumZod
        Case "14": SumZod = "keturiolika " & SumZod
        Case "15": SumZod = "penkiolika " & SumZod
        Case "16": SumZod = "ðeðiolika " & SumZod
        Case "17": SumZod = "septyniolika " & SumZod
        Case "18": SumZod = "aðtuoniolika " & SumZod
        Case "19": SumZod = "devyniolika " & SumZod
        End Select
    End If
End If

If Ilgis >= 3 Then
    EilNr = EilNr - 1
    If Mid(StrNumber, EilNr, 1) <> "0" Then
        Select Case Mid(StrNumber, EilNr, 1)
        Case "1": SumZod = "vienas ðimtas " & SumZod
        Case "2": SumZod = "du ðimtai " & SumZod
        Case "3": SumZod = "trys ðimtai " & SumZod
        Case "4": SumZod = "keturi ðimtai " & SumZod
        Case "5": SumZod = "penki ðimtai " & SumZod
        Case "6": SumZod = "ðeði ðimtai " & SumZod
        Case "7": SumZod = "septyni ðimtai " & SumZod
        Case "8": SumZod = "aðtuoni ðimtai " & SumZod
        Case "9": SumZod = "devyni ðimtai " & SumZod
        End Select
    End If
End If

If ((Len(StrNumber) - Ilgis) = 0) And (Ilgis >= 4) Then
    Ilgis = Ilgis - 3
    EilNr = EilNr - 1
    If Mid(StrNumber, EilNr, 1) = "1" Then
        If Ilgis >= 2 Then
            If Mid(StrNumber, EilNr - 1, 1) = "1" Then
                SumZod = "tûkstanèiø " & SumZod
                SumZod = "tûkstantis " & SumZod
            End If
            SumZod = "tûkstantis " & SumZod
        End If
    ElseIf Mid(StrNumber, EilNr, 1) = "0" Then
        If Ilgis >= 2 Then
            If Mid(StrNumber, EilNr - 1, 1) = "0" Then
                If Ilgis >= 3 Then
                    If Mid(StrNumber, EilNr - 2, 1) <> "0" Then
                        SumZod = "tûkstanèiø " & SumZod
                    End If
                End If
                SumZod = "tûkstanèiø " & SumZod
            End If
        End If
        If Ilgis >= 2 Then
            If Mid(StrNumber, EilNr - 1, 1) = "1" Then
                SumZod = "tûkstanèiø " & SumZod
                SumZod = "tûkstanèiai " & SumZod
            End If
            SumZod = "tûkstanèiai " & SumZod
        End If
    End If
    GoTo Vien
End If

If ((Len(StrNumber) - Ilgis) = 3) And (Ilgis >= 4) Then
    Ilgis = Ilgis - 3
    EilNr = EilNr - 1
    If Mid(StrNumber, EilNr, 1) = "1" Then
        If Ilgis >= 2 Then
            If Mid(StrNumber, EilNr - 1, 1) = "1" Then
                SumZod = "milijonø " & SumZod
                SumZod = "milijonas " & SumZod
            End If
            SumZod = "milijonas " & SumZod
        End If
    ElseIf Mid(StrNumber, EilNr, 1) = "0" Then
        If Ilgis >= 2 Then
            If Mid(StrNumber, EilNr - 1, 1) = "0" Then
                If Ilgis >= 3 Then
                    If Mid(StrNumber, EilNr - 2, 1) <> "0" Then
                        SumZod = "milijonø " & SumZod
                    End If
                End If
                SumZod = "milijonø " & SumZod
            End If
        End If
        If Ilgis >= 2 Then
            If Mid(StrNumber, EilNr - 1, 1) = "1" Then
                SumZod = "milijonø " & SumZod
                SumZod = "milijonai " & SumZod
            End If
            SumZod = "milijonai " & SumZod
        End If
    End If
    GoTo Vien
End If

If ((Len(StrNumber) - Ilgis) = 6) And (Ilgis >= 4) Then
    Ilgis = Ilgis - 3
    EilNr = EilNr - 1
    If Mid(StrNumber, EilNr, 1) = "1" Then
        If Ilgis >= 2 Then
            If Mid(StrNumber, EilNr - 1, 1) = "1" Then
                SumZod = "milijardø " & SumZod
                SumZod = "milijardas " & SumZod
            End If
            SumZod = "milijardas " & SumZod
        End If
    ElseIf Mid(StrNumber, EilNr, 1) = "0" Then
        If Ilgis >= 2 Then
            If Mid(StrNumber, EilNr - 1, 1) = "0" Then
                If Ilgis >= 3 Then
                    If Mid(StrNumber, EilNr - 2, 1) <> "0" Then
                        SumZod = "milijardø " & SumZod
                    End If
                End If
                SumZod = "milijardø " & SumZod
            End If
        End If
        If Ilgis >= 2 Then
            If Mid(StrNumber, EilNr - 1, 1) = "1" Then
                SumZod = "milijardø " & SumZod
                SumZod = "milijardai " & SumZod
            End If
            SumZod = "milijardai " & SumZod
        End If
    End If
    GoTo Vien
End If

SumZod = UCase(Left(SumZod, 1)) & Right(SumZod, Len(SumZod) - 1)

SumaZodziuSv = SumZod
End Function

Windows 8.1, MS Office 2013.
And it looks like code copy/paste (in the main thread) gave the same result. i.e. "deðimt" should actually be "dešimt".
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