I have a multi-user database, as an internal function that only i have access to i would like to see who is connected to the database, i do currently have a form and code being used which successfully shows me all the computer names connected.
The code then populates a list box, the colomn headers i have are; "Computer;User;Connected?;Suspect?;ID"
but on the ID section i would like the code to return the username of the computer connected, however my code below returns my username for every entry.
Could someone please help?!
I have a multi-user database, as an internal function that only i have access to i would like to see who is connected to the database, i do currently have a form and code being used which successfully shows me all the computer names connected.
The code then populates a list box, the colomn headers i have are; "Computer;User;Connected?;Suspect?;ID"
but on the ID section i would like the code to return the username of the computer connected, however my code below returns my username for every entry.
Could someone please help?!
Private Function GenerateUserList()
Const conUsers = "{947bb102-5d43-11d1-bdbf-00c04fb92675}"
Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection, fld As ADODB.Field, strUser As String
Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset, intUser As Integer, varValue As Variant
Set cnn = CurrentProject.Connection
Set rst = cnn.OpenSchema(Schema:=adSchemaProviderSpecific, SchemaID:=conUsers)
strUser = "Computer;User;Connected?;Suspect?;ID"
With rst
Do Until .EOF
intUser = intUser + 1
For Each fld In .Fields
varValue = fld.Value
If InStr(varValue, vbNullChar) > 0 Then
varValue = Left(varValue, InStr(varValue, vbNullChar) - 1)
End If
strUser = strUser & ";" & varValue
strUser = strUser & ";" & Environ("UserName")
End With
Me!txtTotalNumOfUsers = intUser
Me!lstUsers.ColumnCount = 5
Me!lstUsers.RowSourceType = "Value List"
Me!lstUsers.ColumnHeads = True
lstUsers.RowSource = strUser
Set fld = Nothing
Set rst = Nothing
Set cnn = Nothing
End Function