Board Regular
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- Jun 16, 2010
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Hi I am a command button for exporting data as csv file and Importting data from csv file. I have a problem while exportting and importing.
I have range E43 that have drop down values containing comma value for example "Fishing, Mining company" when I iport this data instead of going into one cell that goes two separate cells. Hoe to fix this?
export code
Private Sub cmdSendBaselineData_Click()
Dim sPath As Variant
Dim sOutput As String
Dim csvSendData As VbMsgBoxResult
On Error GoTo errHandler
'call for funtion Validate data for data validation
If ValidateDataBaseline = False Then
Exit Sub
End If
'get Path to save file as csv
sPath = Application.GetSaveAsFilename(ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\" & "Baseline" & Format(Now, "yyyymmddhmmss") & ".csv", FileFilter:="Excel Files (*.csv), *.csv", Title:="Save As")
If sPath = False Then
csvSendData = MsgBox("No csv file created", vbInformation)
Exit Sub
End If
If Dir(sPath) <> "" Then
ans = MsgBox("File already exists, you can not overwrite existing file?", vbRetryCancel)
If ans = vbRetry Then
GoTo GetFileName
ElseIf ans = vbCancel Then
Exit Sub
End If
End If
'build the output string
sOutput = Sheets("1.0 Business Details").Range("E12").Value & "-" & Sheets("1.0 Business Details").Range("E14").Value & ","
sOutput = sOutput & Sheets("1.0 Business Details").Range("E43").Value & ","
sOutput = sOutput & Sheets("1.0 Business Details").Range("E45").Value & ","
sOutput = sOutput & Sheets("1.0 Business Details").Range("A42").Value & ","
sOutput = sOutput & Sheets("1.0 Business Details").Range("A43").Value & ","
sOutput = sOutput & Sheets("1.0 Business Details").Range("E13").Value & ","
sOutput = sOutput & Sheets("1.0 Business Details").Range("N12").Value & ","
sOutput = sOutput & Sheets("1.0 Business Details").Range("E15").Value & ","
sOutput = sOutput & Sheets("1.0 Business Details").Range("N15").Value & ","
sOutput = sOutput & Sheets("1.0 Business Details").Range("E20").Value & ","
sOutput = sOutput & Sheets("1.0 Business Details").Range("E21").Value & ","
sOutput = sOutput & Sheets("1.0 Business Details").Range("E22").Value & ","
sOutput = sOutput & Sheets("1.0 Business Details").Range("I22").Value & ","
sOutput = sOutput & Sheets("1.0 Business Details").Range("N20").Value & ","
sOutput = sOutput & Sheets("1.0 Business Details").Range("N21").Value & ","
sOutput = sOutput & Sheets("1.0 Business Details").Range("N22").Value & ","
sOutput = sOutput & Sheets("1.0 Business Details").Range("R22").Value & ","
sOutput = sOutput & Sheets("2.0 Baseline Summary").Range("E11").Value & ","
sOutput = sOutput & Sheets("2.0 Baseline Summary").Range("E12").Value & ","
sOutput = sOutput & Sheets("2.0 Baseline Summary").Range("I12").Value & ","
sOutput = sOutput & Format(Sheets("1.0 Business Details").Range("E32").Value, "mm-dd-yyyy") & ","
sOutput = sOutput & Format(Sheets("1.0 Business Details").Range("E33").Value, "mm-dd-yyyy") & ","
sOutput = sOutput & Sheets("1.0 Business Details").Range("N13").Value & ","
sOutput = sOutput & Sheets("2.1 Production Efficiency").Range("E8").Value & ","
'output to csv file
Open sPath For Append As #1
Print #1, sOutput
Close #1
csvSendData = MsgBox("A csv file has been created at" & _
vbCrLf & sPath & vbCrLf & "Please send this file as an email attachment to " & _
vbCrLf & "", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Baseline Data")
Close #1
Exit Sub
If Err.Number > 0 And Err.Number <> 75 Then MsgBox Err.Number & Err.Description
If Err.Number = 75 Then MsgBox ("You do not have specific permissions to create a file.")
Resume errExit
End Sub
Import code
'Import Baseline data from csv file
'Created by : Manvinder Kaur (Dialog Consultant)
'Date created: 12 July, 2010
Private Sub cmdImportBaseline_Click()
Dim sPath As Variant
Dim sRecord As String 'Input string from csv file
Dim aRecord As Variant 'Record set of input string
Dim lNextRow As Long 'To count filled rows
Dim Count As Integer
Dim ShowMsg As VbMsgBoxResult
Dim strMessage As String
Dim Validate As Boolean
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Count = 4 ' initialising with first row containing data
sPath = Application.GetOpenFilename("CSV Files (*.csv), *csv") ' get csv file containing baseline data
On Error GoTo errHandler
'user pressed Cancel
If sPath = False Then
ShowMsg = MsgBox("No File selected!", vbInformation, "File not selected")
Exit Sub
'get the next available row
lNextRow = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1
'open the csv file for input
Open (sPath) For Input As #1
'read the source file one line at a time into the variable sRecord
Line Input #1, sRecord
aRecord = Split(sRecord, ",")
'output the source file
Range("A" & lNextRow).Value = Trim(aRecord(0))
Range("B" & lNextRow).Value = Trim(aRecord(1))
Range("C" & lNextRow).Value = Trim(aRecord(2))
Range("D" & lNextRow).Value = Trim(aRecord(3))
Range("E" & lNextRow).Value = Trim(aRecord(4))
Range("F" & lNextRow).Value = Trim(aRecord(5))
Range("G" & lNextRow).Value = Trim(aRecord(6))
Range("H" & lNextRow).Value = Trim(aRecord(7))
Range("I" & lNextRow).Value = Trim(aRecord(8))
Range("J" & lNextRow).Value = Trim(aRecord(9))
Range("K" & lNextRow).Value = Trim(aRecord(10))
Range("L" & lNextRow).Value = Trim(aRecord(11))
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
MsgBox ("Transfer done in row " & lNextRow & " of Baseline Sheet")
Close #1
Exit Sub
If Err.Number > 0 And Err.Number <> 9 Then MsgBox Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
If Err.Number = 9 Then
Range("A" & lNextRow).Value = ""
Range("B" & lNextRow).Value = ""
Range("C" & lNextRow).Value = ""
Range("D" & lNextRow).Value = ""
Range("E" & lNextRow).Value = ""
Range("F" & lNextRow).Value = ""
Range("G" & lNextRow).Value = ""
Range("H" & lNextRow).Value = ""
Range("I" & lNextRow).Value = ""
Range("J" & lNextRow).Value = ""
Range("K" & lNextRow).Value = ""
MsgBox (" Please select correct csv file to import data into Baseline sheet or check data in the csv file being imported")
End If
Resume errExit
End Sub
I have range E43 that have drop down values containing comma value for example "Fishing, Mining company" when I iport this data instead of going into one cell that goes two separate cells. Hoe to fix this?
export code
Private Sub cmdSendBaselineData_Click()
Dim sPath As Variant
Dim sOutput As String
Dim csvSendData As VbMsgBoxResult
On Error GoTo errHandler
'call for funtion Validate data for data validation
If ValidateDataBaseline = False Then
Exit Sub
End If
'get Path to save file as csv
sPath = Application.GetSaveAsFilename(ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\" & "Baseline" & Format(Now, "yyyymmddhmmss") & ".csv", FileFilter:="Excel Files (*.csv), *.csv", Title:="Save As")
If sPath = False Then
csvSendData = MsgBox("No csv file created", vbInformation)
Exit Sub
End If
If Dir(sPath) <> "" Then
ans = MsgBox("File already exists, you can not overwrite existing file?", vbRetryCancel)
If ans = vbRetry Then
GoTo GetFileName
ElseIf ans = vbCancel Then
Exit Sub
End If
End If
'build the output string
sOutput = Sheets("1.0 Business Details").Range("E12").Value & "-" & Sheets("1.0 Business Details").Range("E14").Value & ","
sOutput = sOutput & Sheets("1.0 Business Details").Range("E43").Value & ","
sOutput = sOutput & Sheets("1.0 Business Details").Range("E45").Value & ","
sOutput = sOutput & Sheets("1.0 Business Details").Range("A42").Value & ","
sOutput = sOutput & Sheets("1.0 Business Details").Range("A43").Value & ","
sOutput = sOutput & Sheets("1.0 Business Details").Range("E13").Value & ","
sOutput = sOutput & Sheets("1.0 Business Details").Range("N12").Value & ","
sOutput = sOutput & Sheets("1.0 Business Details").Range("E15").Value & ","
sOutput = sOutput & Sheets("1.0 Business Details").Range("N15").Value & ","
sOutput = sOutput & Sheets("1.0 Business Details").Range("E20").Value & ","
sOutput = sOutput & Sheets("1.0 Business Details").Range("E21").Value & ","
sOutput = sOutput & Sheets("1.0 Business Details").Range("E22").Value & ","
sOutput = sOutput & Sheets("1.0 Business Details").Range("I22").Value & ","
sOutput = sOutput & Sheets("1.0 Business Details").Range("N20").Value & ","
sOutput = sOutput & Sheets("1.0 Business Details").Range("N21").Value & ","
sOutput = sOutput & Sheets("1.0 Business Details").Range("N22").Value & ","
sOutput = sOutput & Sheets("1.0 Business Details").Range("R22").Value & ","
sOutput = sOutput & Sheets("2.0 Baseline Summary").Range("E11").Value & ","
sOutput = sOutput & Sheets("2.0 Baseline Summary").Range("E12").Value & ","
sOutput = sOutput & Sheets("2.0 Baseline Summary").Range("I12").Value & ","
sOutput = sOutput & Format(Sheets("1.0 Business Details").Range("E32").Value, "mm-dd-yyyy") & ","
sOutput = sOutput & Format(Sheets("1.0 Business Details").Range("E33").Value, "mm-dd-yyyy") & ","
sOutput = sOutput & Sheets("1.0 Business Details").Range("N13").Value & ","
sOutput = sOutput & Sheets("2.1 Production Efficiency").Range("E8").Value & ","
'output to csv file
Open sPath For Append As #1
Print #1, sOutput
Close #1
csvSendData = MsgBox("A csv file has been created at" & _
vbCrLf & sPath & vbCrLf & "Please send this file as an email attachment to " & _
vbCrLf & "", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Baseline Data")
Close #1
Exit Sub
If Err.Number > 0 And Err.Number <> 75 Then MsgBox Err.Number & Err.Description
If Err.Number = 75 Then MsgBox ("You do not have specific permissions to create a file.")
Resume errExit
End Sub
Import code
'Import Baseline data from csv file
'Created by : Manvinder Kaur (Dialog Consultant)
'Date created: 12 July, 2010
Private Sub cmdImportBaseline_Click()
Dim sPath As Variant
Dim sRecord As String 'Input string from csv file
Dim aRecord As Variant 'Record set of input string
Dim lNextRow As Long 'To count filled rows
Dim Count As Integer
Dim ShowMsg As VbMsgBoxResult
Dim strMessage As String
Dim Validate As Boolean
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Count = 4 ' initialising with first row containing data
sPath = Application.GetOpenFilename("CSV Files (*.csv), *csv") ' get csv file containing baseline data
On Error GoTo errHandler
'user pressed Cancel
If sPath = False Then
ShowMsg = MsgBox("No File selected!", vbInformation, "File not selected")
Exit Sub
'get the next available row
lNextRow = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1
'open the csv file for input
Open (sPath) For Input As #1
'read the source file one line at a time into the variable sRecord
Line Input #1, sRecord
aRecord = Split(sRecord, ",")
'output the source file
Range("A" & lNextRow).Value = Trim(aRecord(0))
Range("B" & lNextRow).Value = Trim(aRecord(1))
Range("C" & lNextRow).Value = Trim(aRecord(2))
Range("D" & lNextRow).Value = Trim(aRecord(3))
Range("E" & lNextRow).Value = Trim(aRecord(4))
Range("F" & lNextRow).Value = Trim(aRecord(5))
Range("G" & lNextRow).Value = Trim(aRecord(6))
Range("H" & lNextRow).Value = Trim(aRecord(7))
Range("I" & lNextRow).Value = Trim(aRecord(8))
Range("J" & lNextRow).Value = Trim(aRecord(9))
Range("K" & lNextRow).Value = Trim(aRecord(10))
Range("L" & lNextRow).Value = Trim(aRecord(11))
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
MsgBox ("Transfer done in row " & lNextRow & " of Baseline Sheet")
Close #1
Exit Sub
If Err.Number > 0 And Err.Number <> 9 Then MsgBox Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
If Err.Number = 9 Then
Range("A" & lNextRow).Value = ""
Range("B" & lNextRow).Value = ""
Range("C" & lNextRow).Value = ""
Range("D" & lNextRow).Value = ""
Range("E" & lNextRow).Value = ""
Range("F" & lNextRow).Value = ""
Range("G" & lNextRow).Value = ""
Range("H" & lNextRow).Value = ""
Range("I" & lNextRow).Value = ""
Range("J" & lNextRow).Value = ""
Range("K" & lNextRow).Value = ""
MsgBox (" Please select correct csv file to import data into Baseline sheet or check data in the csv file being imported")
End If
Resume errExit
End Sub