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Hi all,
just wanted to share a tool I created today responding to a reddit post about a wordsearch/crossword puzzle generator:
It's a rather simple tool that transforms a list of words to a crossword/wordsearch puzzle. Redundantly, I pasted the code below. Warning: not much error handling built in...
Hope it inspires/helps people here!
just wanted to share a tool I created today responding to a reddit post about a wordsearch/crossword puzzle generator:
Dropbox - File Deleted - Simplify your life
Hope it inspires/helps people here!
VBA Code:
Sub wordsearchGen()
'Started with a question: https://www.reddit.com/r/excel/comments/f9cb3w/trying_to_build_a_wordsearch_generator_but_i_cant/
'Expanded by Koen Rijnsent
Dim Wrd As String
Dim SrchRng As Range
Dim Direction As String
Dim DirList() As String
Dim arrWords() As String
Dim StartCl As Range
Dim dC As Integer
Dim dR As Integer
Set srchSht = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("WordSearch")
Set SrchRng = srchSht.Range("B4:Q27")
Set wrdRng = SrchRng.Offset(0, SrchRng.Columns.Count + 2).Resize(1, 1)
Set StartInputWords = Worksheets("Input").Range("A2")
'Clear the ranges to be used in program
wrdRng.Resize(100, 1).ClearContents
StartInputWords.Offset(0, 2).Resize(100, 1).ClearContents
UseSheet = True
If UseSheet Then
'StartInputWords = Worksheets("Input").Range("A2")
Rw1 = StartInputWords.Row
Rw2 = StartInputWords.Worksheet.Cells(Cells.Rows.Count, StartInputWords.Column).End(xlUp).Row
ReDim arrWords(Rw2 - Rw1)
For Rw = Rw1 To Rw2
arrWords(Rw - Rw1) = StartInputWords.Offset(Rw - Rw1, 0).Value
Next Rw
'List of words, comma separated, used for testing purposes
MyWords = "perception,grandmother,revolution,expression,employment,ambition,promotion,psychology,activity,departure,information,possibility,politics,imagination,negotiation"
arrWords = Split(MyWords, ",")
End If
CantPlace = 0
'Loop through words
For i = 0 To UBound(arrWords)
Wrd = UCase(arrWords(i))
'Debug.Print Wrd
'Get the randomized list of possible directions, start with the first and loop through them if needed
DirList = GetRndDirList()
For d = 0 To UBound(DirList)
'Debug.Print DirList(d)
'Get Parameters: direction, min&max start position, etc.
Set ParamsDict = GetDirectionParams(Wrd, SrchRng, DirList(d))
'Debug.Print Wrd, Len(Wrd), "R:" & SrchRng.Rows.Count, "C:" & SrchRng.Columns.Count
'Debug.Print DirList(d), ParamsDict("dirR"), ParamsDict("dirC"), ParamsDict("cStartMin"), ParamsDict("cStartMax"), ParamsDict("rStartMin"), ParamsDict("rStartMax")
'PERCEPTION 10 R:24 C:14
'dDR 1 1 1 4 1 14
dC = ParamsDict("dirC")
dR = ParamsDict("dirR")
If ParamsDict("rStartMin") > ParamsDict("rStartMax") Then
If ParamsDict("cStartMin") > ParamsDict("cStartMax") Then
NrMatrix = GetFromToMatrix(ParamsDict("rStartMax"), ParamsDict("rStartMin"), ParamsDict("cStartMax"), ParamsDict("cStartMin"))
NrMatrix = GetFromToMatrix(ParamsDict("rStartMax"), ParamsDict("rStartMin"), ParamsDict("cStartMin"), ParamsDict("cStartMax"))
End If
If ParamsDict("cStartMin") > ParamsDict("cStartMax") Then
NrMatrix = GetFromToMatrix(ParamsDict("rStartMin"), ParamsDict("rStartMax"), ParamsDict("cStartMax"), ParamsDict("cStartMin"))
NrMatrix = GetFromToMatrix(ParamsDict("rStartMin"), ParamsDict("rStartMax"), ParamsDict("cStartMin"), ParamsDict("cStartMax"))
End If
End If
'Now we have 2 randomized list: possible directions and possible start positions (written as: r-c)
WordWritten = False
For RC = LBound(NrMatrix) To UBound(NrMatrix)
'Debug.Print NrMatrix(RC)
rcAcc = Split(NrMatrix(RC), "-")
Set StartCl = SrchRng.Cells(Val(rcAcc(0)), Val(rcAcc(1)))
'StartCl.Value = RC -> test to see if the locations are presented ok
'WordFits(WrdIn As String, SrchRngIn As Range, StartClIn As Range, dirRin as integer, dirCin as integer)
If WordFits(Wrd, StartCl, dR, dC) Then
'Write word
For t = 1 To Len(Wrd)
StartCl.Offset((t - 1) * dR, (t - 1) * dC) = Mid(Wrd, t, 1)
Next t
'Debug.Print "OK - " & StartCl.Address & " " & DirList(d) & " " & Wrd
WordWritten = True
End If
If WordWritten Then Exit For
Next RC
If WordWritten Then Exit For
Next d
StartInputWords.Offset(i, 2) = Wrd
If WordWritten = False Then
'word failed, could not be placed!
StartInputWords.Offset(i, 3) = "CANNOT PLACE"
CantPlace = CantPlace + 1
'Word ok, add to list
wrdRng.Offset(i - CantPlace, 0).Value = Wrd
StartInputWords.Offset(i, 3) = StartCl.Address & " " & DirList(d)
End If
Next i
'Generate randomized letters in blank spaces
For Each cel In SrchRng
If IsEmpty(cel) Then
randVariable = Int((90 - 65 + 1) * Rnd + 65)
cel.Value = Chr(randVariable)
End If
Next cel
'Sort the words to search:
Set RngA = srchSht.Range(wrdRng, wrdRng.End(xlDown))
'RngA.Sort Key1:=wrdRng, Header:=xlNo, SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending
With srchSht.Sort
.SetRange RngA
.Header = xlNo
.MatchCase = False
.Orientation = xlTopToBottom
.SortMethod = xlPinYin
End With
End Sub
Function WordFits(WrdIn As String, StartClIn As Range, dirRin As Integer, dirCin As Integer) As Boolean
WordFits = True
For t = 1 To Len(WrdIn)
c = Mid(WrdIn, t, 1)
If StartClIn.Offset((t - 1) * dirRin, (t - 1) * dirCin).Value = "" Or StartClIn.Offset((t - 1) * dirRin, (t - 1) * dirCin).Value = c Then
'character ok
'Wrong, error out
WordFits = False
Exit For
End If
Next t
End Function
Function GetDirectionParams(WrdIn As String, SrchRngIn As Range, DirectionIn As String) As Dictionary
'Reference: Microsoft Scripting Runtime
Dim Params As New Dictionary
'Determine the maximum & minimum start row & column
Select Case DirectionIn
Case Is = "up"
'dirR -1 means Rows decreasing = upward
'dirC 0 means Columns not changing
Params("dirR") = -1
Params("dirC") = 0
Case Is = "down"
Params("dirR") = 1
Params("dirC") = 0
Case Is = "left"
Params("dirR") = 0
Params("dirC") = -1
Case Is = "right"
Params("dirR") = 0
Params("dirC") = 1
Case Is = "dUL"
Params("dirR") = -1
Params("dirC") = -1
Case Is = "dUR"
Params("dirR") = -1
Params("dirC") = 1
Case Is = "dDL"
Params("dirR") = 1
Params("dirC") = -1
Case Is = "dDR"
Params("dirR") = 1
Params("dirC") = 1
End Select
'Determine min&max start column, taken from the direction (Rows) of the word
If Params("dirR") = 1 Then
Params("rStartMin") = 1
Params("rStartMax") = SrchRngIn.Rows.Count - Len(WrdIn)
ElseIf Params("dirR") = -1 Then
Params("rStartMin") = SrchRngIn.Rows.Count
Params("rStartMax") = Len(WrdIn)
'dirR = 0
Params("rStartMin") = 1
Params("rStartMax") = SrchRngIn.Rows.Count
End If
'Determine min&max start row
If Params("dirC") = 1 Then
Params("cStartMin") = 1
Params("cStartMax") = SrchRngIn.Columns.Count - Len(WrdIn)
ElseIf Params("dirC") = -1 Then
Params("cStartMin") = SrchRngIn.Columns.Count
Params("cStartMax") = Len(WrdIn)
'dirR = 0
Params("cStartMin") = 1
Params("cStartMax") = SrchRngIn.Columns.Count
End If
Set GetDirectionParams = Params
End Function
Function GetRndDirList() As String()
Dim s3() As String
s1 = Array(Rnd, Rnd, Rnd, Rnd, Rnd, Rnd, Rnd, Rnd)
s2 = Array("up", "down", "left", "right", "dUL", "dUR", "dDL", "dDR")
ReDim s3(0 To UBound(s2))
For j = 1 To 8
s3(j - 1) = s2(Application.Match(Application.Large(s1, j), s1, 0) - 1)
GetRndDirList = s3()
End Function
Function GetFromToMatrix(MinCol, MaxCol, MinRw, MaxRw) As String()
'Assuming incoming integers... No Error handling
Dim Out() As String
Dim dRnd() As Single
Dim sDat() As String
Dim RndCheck As Single
ReDim dRnd(MaxCol - MinCol, MaxRw - MinRw)
ReDim sDat(MaxCol - MinCol, MaxRw - MinRw)
Nr = (1 + UBound(dRnd, 1)) * (1 + UBound(dRnd, 2))
ReDim Out(Nr - 1)
For c = MinCol To MaxCol
For r = MinRw To MaxRw
dRnd(c - MinCol, r - MinRw) = Rnd
sDat(c - MinCol, r - MinRw) = c & "-" & r
Next r
Next c
For i = LBound(dRnd, 1) To UBound(dRnd, 1)
For j = LBound(dRnd, 2) To UBound(dRnd, 2)
'Debug.Print (i * (1 + UBound(dRnd, 2))) + j + 1, Application.Large(dRnd, (i * (1 + UBound(dRnd, 2))) + j + 1)
k = (i * (1 + UBound(dRnd, 2))) + j
RndCheck = Application.Large(dRnd, k + 1)
RndFnd = False
For i2 = LBound(dRnd, 1) To UBound(dRnd, 1)
For j2 = LBound(dRnd, 2) To UBound(dRnd, 2)
If dRnd(i2, j2) = RndCheck Then
Out(k) = sDat(i2, j2)
RndFnd = True
End If
If RndFnd Then Exit For
Next j2
If RndFnd Then Exit For
Next i2
Next j
Next i
GetFromToMatrix = Out()
End Function