cross referencing training modules based on labs, employees, and students


New Member
Mar 13, 2015

i am getting beaten up on this one.

we have various labs. these labs are associated with various training modules related to safety - each lab has their own requirements and are listed as 'Xs'. so far so good.

on another sheet i have a list of students and employees. and again a list of the labs. i want see the training modules to be assigned to each person based on the labs they work in (e.g., 1, 2, 5).

i could use a super long if statement but i am looking to use arrays to keep the formula simpler and smaller.

[TABLE="width: 500"]
[TD]safe 01[/TD]
[TD]safe 02[/TD]
[TD]safe 03[/TD]
[TD]safe 04[/TD]
[TD]safe 05[/TD]
[TD]safe 06[/TD]
[TD]safe 07[/TD]
[TD]safe 08[/TD]
[TD]safe 09[/TD]
[TD]lab 01[/TD]
[TD]lab 02[/TD]
[TD]lab 03[/TD]
[TD]lab 04[/TD]

[TABLE="width: 500"]
[TD]lab 01[/TD]
[TD]lab 02[/TD]
[TD]lab 03[/TD]
[TD]lab 04[/TD]

how do i output this:

[TABLE="width: 500"]
[TD]safe 01[/TD]
[TD]safe 02[/TD]
[TD]safe 03[/TD]
[TD]safe 04[/TD]
[TD]safe 05[/TD]
[TD]safe 06[/TD]
[TD]safe 07[/TD]
[TD]safe 08[/TD]
[TD]safe 09[/TD]

i am getting really beat up on this...

thanks in advance....


does this do what you want?

<b>Array Formulas</b><table cellpadding="2.5px" width="100%" rules="all" style="border: 1px solid;text-align:center;background-color: #FFFFFF;border-collapse: collapse; border-color: #BBB"><thead><tr style=" background-color: #DAE7F5;color: #161120"><th width="10px">Cell</th><th style="text-align:left;padding-left:5px;">Formula</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><th width="10px" style=" background-color: #DAE7F5;color: #161120">B10</th><td style="text-align:left">{=IF(<font color="Blue">ISNUMBER(<font color="Red">MATCH(<font color="Green">"x",TRANSPOSE(<font color="Purple">IF(<font color="Teal">INDEX(<font color="#FF00FF">$M$2:$P$5,MATCH(<font color="Navy">$A10,$L$2:$L$5,0</font>),</font>)="x",TRANSPOSE(<font color="#FF00FF">B$2:B$5</font>)</font>)</font>),0</font>)</font>),"x",""</font>)}</td></tr></tbody></table><b>Entered with Ctrl+Shift+Enter.</b> If entered correctly, Excel will surround with curly braces {}.</td></tr></table><br />

Excel 2013
1safe 01safe 02safe 03safe 04safe 05safe 06safe 07safe 08safe 09lab 01lab 02lab 03lab 04
2lab 01xxxmaryxxx
3lab 02xxjoexx
4lab 03xxxxlukexx
5lab 04xxjimxxxx
9safe 01safe 02safe 03safe 04safe 05safe 06safe 07safe 08safe 09
Upvote 0

i am working on 'transposing' the formula to my work sheet... which is pretty big - there are 17 training modules, 46 labs, and 135 people.

i was having a hard time using an array the right way... thanks.

my only concern, because of how my sheets are set up, is that i don't use the names as correlation inside MATCH. i am only using the row number is that makes any sense - instead of using (in your table) L2, i am using M2:P2. using the names possibly creates more problems (or more functions) since the first and last names are separate and there are common last names.

you can see it better here:

i will try to modify what you have posted...

thanks again, kiko


does this do what you want?

Array Formulas[TABLE="width: 100%"]
<thead>[TR="bgcolor: #DAE7F5"]
[TH="width: 10px"]Cell[/TH]
[TH="align: left"]Formula[/TH]
[TH="width: 10px, bgcolor: #DAE7F5"]B10[/TH]
[TD="align: left"]{=IF(ISNUMBER(MATCH("x",TRANSPOSE(IF(INDEX($M$2:$P$5,MATCH($A10,$L$2:$L$5,0),)="x",TRANSPOSE(B$2:B$5))),0)),"x","")}[/TD]
Entered with Ctrl+Shift+Enter. If entered correctly, Excel will surround with curly braces {}.
Note: Do not try and enter the {} manually yourself

Excel 2013
safe 01safe 02safe 03safe 04safe 05safe 06safe 07safe 08safe 09lab 01lab 02lab 03lab 04
lab 01xxxmaryxxx
lab 02xxjoexx
lab 03xxxxlukexx
lab 04xxjimxxxx
safe 01safe 02safe 03safe 04safe 05safe 06safe 07safe 08safe 09

<colgroup><col style="width: 25pxpx"><col><col><col><col><col><col><col><col><col><col><col><col><col><col><col><col></colgroup><thead>
[TD="align: center"]1[/TD]
[TD="align: right"][/TD]

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[TD="align: center"]2[/TD]

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[TD="align: center"]10[/TD]

[TD="bgcolor: #DDEBF7"]x[/TD]
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[TD="bgcolor: #DDEBF7"]x[/TD]
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[TD="bgcolor: #DDEBF7"]x[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #DDEBF7"]x[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #DDEBF7"]x[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #DDEBF7"]x[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #DDEBF7"]x[/TD]
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[TD="align: center"]11[/TD]

[TD="bgcolor: #DDEBF7"]x[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #DDEBF7"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #DDEBF7"]x[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #DDEBF7"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #DDEBF7"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #DDEBF7"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #DDEBF7"]x[/TD]
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[TD="align: center"]12[/TD]

[TD="bgcolor: #DDEBF7"]x[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #DDEBF7"][/TD]
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[TD="bgcolor: #DDEBF7"][/TD]
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[TD="align: center"]13[/TD]

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Upvote 0
i tried this... trying to follow yours:

=IF(ISNUMBER(MATCH("x",TRANSPOSE(IF(INDEX($I$10:$BC$84,MATCH($B10,$B$10:$B$84,0),)="x",TRANSPOSE('Lab Assignments'!F$9:F$55))),0)),"x","") (with CAE)

there were no errors but i think the issue is on the second MATCH command...

regardless, i should (i hope) be able to figure it out...

Upvote 0
that's too bad... could i try e-mailing it?

try this other link maybe:

or maybe this will help...

one sheet has the labs vertically and modules horizontally. like you have it.

the other sheet, is different.

the names are vertical, then labs horizontally, and the modules horizontally:

[TABLE="width: 500"]
[TD]lab 01[/TD]
[TD]lab 02[/TD]
[TD]safe 01[/TD]
[TD]safe 02[/TD]

so i would click on the labs that mary and joe work in. the table would then refer to to the other sheet and post the results on 'safe 01'(1:2) and 'safe 02'(1:2).

Last edited:
Upvote 0
i am still having one hell of a hard time...

sheet one:

[TABLE="width: 500"]
[TD]safe 1[/TD]
[TD]safe 2[/TD]
[TD]safe 3[/TD]
[TD]safe 4[/TD]
[TD]safe 5[/TD]
[TD]safe 6[/TD]
[TD]safe 7[/TD]
[TD]safe 8[/TD]
[TD]lab 01[/TD]
[TD]lab 02[/TD]
[TD]lab 03[/TD]
[TD]lab 04[/TD]

sheet two:

[TABLE="width: 500"]
[TD]lab 01[/TD]
[TD]lab 02[/TD]
[TD]lab 03[/TD]
[TD]lab 04[/TD]
[TD]safe 1[/TD]
[TD]safe 2[/TD]
[TD]safe 3[/TD]
[TD]safe 4[/TD]
[TD]safe 5[/TD]
[TD]safe 6[/TD]
[TD]safe 7[/TD]
[TD]safe 8[/TD]

so i am looking for the results to show up on the 4x8 matrix (safe 1-safe 8 x mary-jim)

thanks in advance!


i am working on 'transposing' the formula to my work sheet... which is pretty big - there are 17 training modules, 46 labs, and 135 people.

i was having a hard time using an array the right way... thanks.

my only concern, because of how my sheets are set up, is that i don't use the names as correlation inside MATCH. i am only using the row number is that makes any sense - instead of using (in your table) L2, i am using M2:P2. using the names possibly creates more problems (or more functions) since the first and last names are separate and there are common last names.

you can see it better here:

i will try to modify what you have posted...

thanks again, kiko
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