I am desperate. Im trying to meet a deadline today and need your help. I am trying to do a multiple regression in Microsoft excel is : Median home value for owner occupied units
= median age structure was built per tenure (x1) + State (GA) (x2) + Median household income (x3) + median number of rooms per tenure (x4). i am examining variables that seem to be related to median housing values in 2 jurisdictions and whether those relationships differ between the 2 jurisdictions.
I will be using the same x and y variables for each jurisdiction, but of course each jurisdictions will have their individual observations for each variable. However, the challenge for me is this: I need to differentiate the 2 jurisdictions in each observation by creating a dummy variable to represent each jurisdiction (Georgia and Virginia). GA have 158 counties as observations and VA has 135 counties as observations. I know i have to code the dummy variables, but Im not sure how to do it. I tried using the IF function but I dont know if i wrote the right formula. I collected separate data for each jurisdiction, and each jurisdiction has their own counties (as observations). I also don't know to input the dummy variables into the Regression Data analysis tool.
I attempted to assign a code by using the IF function. This is what I did, =IF(A4=1,1,0) meaning A4 is the cell that has “Georgia” as the state name, where if its true its 1 and if its false its 0. Was i supposed to create a function for each county (as they are the observations)? Someone please help me asap!

I will be using the same x and y variables for each jurisdiction, but of course each jurisdictions will have their individual observations for each variable. However, the challenge for me is this: I need to differentiate the 2 jurisdictions in each observation by creating a dummy variable to represent each jurisdiction (Georgia and Virginia). GA have 158 counties as observations and VA has 135 counties as observations. I know i have to code the dummy variables, but Im not sure how to do it. I tried using the IF function but I dont know if i wrote the right formula. I collected separate data for each jurisdiction, and each jurisdiction has their own counties (as observations). I also don't know to input the dummy variables into the Regression Data analysis tool.
I attempted to assign a code by using the IF function. This is what I did, =IF(A4=1,1,0) meaning A4 is the cell that has “Georgia” as the state name, where if its true its 1 and if its false its 0. Was i supposed to create a function for each county (as they are the observations)? Someone please help me asap!