Creating CSV File From External Data Source


New Member
Jul 14, 2011
Hi All,

We have an issue at my work place where users have to manually input jobs into our Transport System from our Warehouse System. This is a very time consuming process and with all third party software houses they want to charge us thousands to setup a link. So I decided to do it myself and so far I'm nearly there....

I'm working with Excel 2010 and we have a worksheet which is powered via a SQL View. This SQL View pulls back data from the Order Pool in our Warehouse System and this allows the users to filter the orders which they wish to transfer to our Transport System. Once they have done this they then click on a macro button to export the filtered orders out into a CSV file.

Dim JobHeader As JobHeader
Dim JobDetails As JobDetails
Dim FileNameStr As String
Dim RowStart As Integer
Dim MsgResponse As Integer
Dim JobNumber As Integer

Option Explicit

'Builds Header Row for File
Private Type JobHeader
    JHAccountCode As String               'Column 2 (B) - Acount Code
    JHOrderRef As String                  'Column 4 (D) - Customer Order Number
    JHDeliveryDate As String              'Column 6 (F) - Delivery Date
    JHDeliveryAddressName As String       'Column 7 (G) - Delivery Address Name
    JHDeliveryAddressLine1 As String      'Column 8 (H) - Delivery Address Line 1
    JHDeliveryAddressLine2 As String      'Column 9 (I) - Delivery Address Line 2
    JHDeliveryAddressLine3 As String      'Column 10 (J) - Delivery Address Line 3
    JHDeliveryAddressLine4 As String      'Column 11 (K) - Delivery Address Line 4
    JHDeliveryAddressLine5 As String      'Column 12 (L) - Delivery Address Line 5
    JHDeliveryAddressPostCode As String   'Column 13 (M) - Delivery Address Post Code
    JHDeliveryTelephone As String         'Column 14 (N) - Delivery Telephone
    JHDeliveryInstructions As String      'Column 15 (O) - Delivery Instructions
    JHGoodsDescription As String          'Column 16 (P) + Column 17 (Q) + Column 18 (R)- Goods Description ** This is generated on the fly **
    JHPalletQuantity As String            '** This is generated on the fly **
    JHPalletVolumne As String             '** This is generated on the fly **
    JHPalletWeight As String              'Column 19 (S) - Pallet Weight
End Type

'Builds Data Row for File
Private Type JobDetails
    JDAccountCode As String               'Column 2 (B) - Acount Code
    JDOrderRef As String                  'Column 4 (D) - Customer Order Number
    JDDeliveryDate As String              'Column 6 (F) - Delivery Date
    JDDeliveryAddressName As String       'Column 7 (G) - Delivery Address Name
    JDDeliveryAddressLine1 As String      'Column 8 (H) - Delivery Address Line 1
    JDDeliveryAddressLine2 As String      'Column 9 (I) - Delivery Address Line 2
    JDDeliveryAddressLine3 As String      'Column 10 (J) - Delivery Address Line 3
    JDDeliveryAddressLine4 As String      'Column 11 (K) - Delivery Address Line 4
    JDDeliveryAddressLine5 As String      'Column 12 (L) - Delivery Address Line 5
    JDDeliveryAddressPostCode As String   'Column 13 (M) - Delivery Address Post Code
    JDDeliveryTelephone As String         'Column 14 (N) - Delivery Telephone
    JDDeliveryInstructions As String      'Column 15 (O) - Delivery Instructions
    JDGoodsDescription As String          'Column 16 (P) + Column 17 (Q) + Column 18 (R)- Goods Description ** This is generated on the fly **
    JDPalletQuantity As String            '** This is generated on the fly **
    JDPalletVolumne As String             '** This is generated on the fly **
    JDPalletWeight As String              'Column 19 (S) - Pallet Weight
End Type

Sub OrderPoolExport()
    'Blanks all variables for Job Header
    JobHeader.JHAccountCode = ""
    JobHeader.JHOrderRef = ""
    JobHeader.JHDeliveryDate = ""
    JobHeader.JHDeliveryAddressName = ""
    JobHeader.JHDeliveryAddressLine1 = ""
    JobHeader.JHDeliveryAddressLine2 = ""
    JobHeader.JHDeliveryAddressLine3 = ""
    JobHeader.JHDeliveryAddressLine4 = ""
    JobHeader.JHDeliveryAddressLine5 = ""
    JobHeader.JHDeliveryAddressPostCode = ""
    JobHeader.JHDeliveryTelephone = ""
    JobHeader.JHDeliveryInstructions = ""
    JobHeader.JHGoodsDescription = ""
    JobHeader.JHPalletQuantity = ""
    JobHeader.JHPalletVolumne = ""
    JobHeader.JHPalletWeight = ""
    'Blanks all variables for Job Details
    JobDetails.JDAccountCode = ""
    JobDetails.JDOrderRef = ""
    JobDetails.JDDeliveryDate = ""
    JobDetails.JDDeliveryAddressName = ""
    JobDetails.JDDeliveryAddressLine1 = ""
    JobDetails.JDDeliveryAddressLine2 = ""
    JobDetails.JDDeliveryAddressLine3 = ""
    JobDetails.JDDeliveryAddressLine4 = ""
    JobDetails.JDDeliveryAddressLine5 = ""
    JobDetails.JDDeliveryAddressPostCode = ""
    JobDetails.JDDeliveryTelephone = ""
    JobDetails.JDDeliveryInstructions = ""
    JobDetails.JDGoodsDescription = ""
    JobDetails.JDPalletQuantity = ""
    JobDetails.JDPalletVolumne = ""
    JobDetails.JDPalletWeight = ""
    'Blanks all variables for Params
    FileNameStr = ""
    RowStart = 0
    MsgResponse = 0
    JobNumber = 0
    'Message Box to confirm you want to export the jobs
    MsgResponse = MsgBox("NOTICE: This will now create a Import File " & vbCrLf & "Confirm Job(s) Export?", _
    vbInformation + vbYesNo, "Export Orders")
    'Sets the CSV filename to be Export and then the Date
    If MsgResponse = 6 Then
        FileNameStr = "C:\Desktop\Export " & Format(Date, "dd-mm-yyyy") & ".csv"
        Call WriteFile
        MsgResponse = MsgBox("Check Job Spreadsheet File", vbCritical)
    End If

End Sub

Sub WriteFile()
    'Sets the row start point
    RowStart = 5

    'Creates Output File Object
    Open FileNameStr For Output As #1
    JobHeader.JHAccountCode = "AccountCode"                      'Column 2 (B) - Acount Code
    JobHeader.JHOrderRef = "OrderNumber"                         'Column 4 (D) - Customer Order Number
    JobHeader.JHDeliveryDate = "DeliveryDate"                    'Column 6 (F) - Delivery Date
    JobHeader.JHDeliveryAddressName = "DeliveryAddressName"      'Column 7 (G) - Delivery Address Name
    JobHeader.JHDeliveryAddressLine1 = "DeliveryAddressLine1"    'Column 8 (H) - Delivery Address Line 1
    JobHeader.JHDeliveryAddressLine2 = "DeliveryAddressLine2"    'Column 9 (I) - Delivery Address Line 2
    JobHeader.JHDeliveryAddressLine3 = "DeliveryAddressLine3"    'Column 10 (J) - Delivery Address Line 3
    JobHeader.JHDeliveryAddressLine4 = "DeliveryAddressLine4"    'Column 11 (K) - Delivery Address Line 4
    JobHeader.JHDeliveryAddressLine5 = "DeliveryAddressLine5"    'Column 12 (L) - Delivery Address Line 5
    JobHeader.JHDeliveryAddressPostCode = "DeliveryPostCode"     'Column 13 (M) - Delivery Address Post Code
    JobHeader.JHDeliveryTelephone = "DeliveryTelephone"          'Column 14 (N) - Delivery Telephone
    JobHeader.JHDeliveryInstructions = "DeliveryInstructions"    'Column 15 (O) - Delivery Instructions
    JobHeader.JHGoodsDescription = "GoodsDescription"            'Column 16 (P) + Column 17 (Q) + Column 18 (R)- Goods Description ** This is generated on the fly **
    JobHeader.JHPalletQuantity = "Pallets"                       '** This is generated on the fly **
    JobHeader.JHPalletVolumne = "Volume"                         '** This is generated on the fly **
    JobHeader.JHPalletWeight = "Weight"                          'Column 19 (S) - Pallet Weight
    'Writes the Header Row to the file
    Write #1, JobHeader.JHAccountCode, JobHeader.JHOrderRef, JobHeader.JHDeliveryDate, JobHeader.JHDeliveryAddressName, _
    JobHeader.JHDeliveryAddressLine1, JobHeader.JHDeliveryAddressLine2, JobHeader.JHDeliveryAddressLine3, JobHeader.JHDeliveryAddressLine4, _
    JobHeader.JHDeliveryAddressLine5, JobHeader.JHDeliveryAddressPostCode, JobHeader.JHDeliveryTelephone, JobHeader.JHDeliveryInstructions, _
    JobHeader.JHGoodsDescription, JobHeader.JHPalletQuantity, JobHeader.JHPalletVolumne, JobHeader.JHPalletWeight
    'Checks to see if the first field is empty, if so closes the file
    If Cells(RowStart, 1).Value = "" Then
        GoTo CloseFile
      'Small process to combine multiple order lines of the same order into one line
      If Cells(RowStart, 4).Value <> Cells(RowStart - 1, 4).Value Then Call ProcessJobs
      If Cells(RowStart, 4).Value = Cells(RowStart - 1, 4).Value Then Call AddJobs
      If Cells(RowStart, 4).Value <> Cells(RowStart + 1, 4).Value Then Call WritesJobs
      RowStart = RowStart + 1
    End If
    Close #1

End Sub

Sub ProcessJobs()
    'Sub Routine to collect the data out of the cells and write it to the Type
    JobDetails.JDAccountCode = UCase(Cells(RowStart, 2).Value)
    JobDetails.JDOrderRef = UCase(Cells(RowStart, 4).Value)
    JobDetails.JDDeliveryDate = UCase(Cells(RowStart, 6).Value)
    JobDetails.JDDeliveryAddressName = UCase(Cells(RowStart, 7).Value)
    JobDetails.JDDeliveryAddressLine1 = UCase(Cells(RowStart, 8).Value)
    JobDetails.JDDeliveryAddressLine2 = UCase(Cells(RowStart, 9).Value)
    JobDetails.JDDeliveryAddressLine3 = UCase(Cells(RowStart, 10).Value)
    JobDetails.JDDeliveryAddressLine4 = UCase(Cells(RowStart, 11).Value)
    JobDetails.JDDeliveryAddressLine5 = UCase(Cells(RowStart, 12).Value)
    JobDetails.JDDeliveryAddressPostCode = UCase(Cells(RowStart, 13).Value)
    JobDetails.JDDeliveryTelephone = UCase(Cells(RowStart, 14).Value)
    JobDetails.JDDeliveryInstructions = UCase(Cells(RowStart, 15).Value)
    JobDetails.JDGoodsDescription = UCase(Cells(RowStart, 16).Value & " x " & "(" & Cells(RowStart, 17).Value & ") " & Cells(RowStart, 18).Value)
    'JobDetails.JDPalletQuantity = ""
    'JobDetails.JDPalletVolumne = ""
    JobDetails.JDPalletWeight = UCase(Cells(RowStart, 19).Value)
End Sub

Sub AddJobs()
    'If previous Order Number found consolidate the order line into one line
    'Builds the Goods Description using QTY, Product Item and Item Description
    JobDetails.JDGoodsDescription = UCase(JobDetails.JDGoodsDescription & vbCrLf & _
    Cells(RowStart, 16).Value & " x " & "(" & Cells(RowStart, 17).Value & ") " & Cells(RowStart, 18).Value)
    'Totals up the Weight
    JobDetails.JDPalletWeight = JobDetails.JDPalletWeight + Cells(RowStart, 19).Value
End Sub

Sub WritesJobs()
    'Write the CSV file
    Write #1, JobDetails.JDAccountCode, JobDetails.JDOrderRef, JobDetails.JDDeliveryDate, JobDetails.JDDeliveryAddressName, _
    JobDetails.JDDeliveryAddressLine1, JobDetails.JDDeliveryAddressLine2, JobDetails.JDDeliveryAddressLine3, JobDetails.JDDeliveryAddressLine4, _
    JobDetails.JDDeliveryAddressLine5, JobDetails.JDDeliveryAddressPostCode, JobDetails.JDDeliveryTelephone, JobDetails.JDDeliveryInstructions, _
    JobDetails.JDGoodsDescription, JobDetails.JDPalletQuantity, JobDetails.JDPalletVolumne, JobDetails.JDPalletWeight
End Sub

The problem that I have got is, it's exporting all the rows and not just the filtered rows.

If someone could point me in the right directions it would be appreciated.

Hi T,
I think you could filter out hidden rows by using the Height attribute, like adding to your code an if / end if
    'Checks to see if the first field is empty, if so closes the file
    If Cells(RowStart, 1).Value = "" Then
        GoTo CloseFile
      ' Filters out hidden rows
      If Cells(RowStart, 1).Height > 0 Then
         'Small process to combine multiple order lines of the same order into one line
         If Cells(RowStart, 4).Value <> Cells(RowStart - 1, 4).Value Then Call ProcessJobs
         If Cells(RowStart, 4).Value = Cells(RowStart - 1, 4).Value Then Call AddJobs
         If Cells(RowStart, 4).Value <> Cells(RowStart + 1, 4).Value Then Call WritesJobs
      end if
      RowStart = RowStart + 1
    End If

I hope this helps
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