Create UDF to pass Return Value to iterate in For Loop
I would like to use VLOOKUP or Array to perform math based on two cells, and use this return value as the number of time to iterate the For Loop. Do I send the two string value to the Function first, or in Sub sending to the Function?
I have two sheets, one for Entries (information on organizations) and the other for VLOOKUP titled valook. In valook, I have 98 unique categories that describe the organizations, such as they provide food, housing, veteran services, etc. Each service are assigned a number. Say, housing is number 34, and veteran service is number 63. I want to subtract 63 – 34 to get 29, and use 29 to iterate For Loop.
I have studied VLOOKUP and how to use it in VBA, however, I have a hard time understanding the syntax in threads here and on other forums like StackOverflow. I also have a difficult time understanding how to create Function as I have never made one that worked.
Here are some of the codes that I’ve tried to create with little success.
Here are some of the threads I’ve researched/studied that got me closer to figuring this out, with many other threads and resources over the past few weeks. Putting them all together is what is stumping me because I don’t know what keywords to use to find the one that speaks to what I am trying to do. I have also posted threads on the subject with little help, the last link being the most recent.
I am hoping this post is simple enough to give you an idea of what I’m trying to do without overwhelming the volunteers with long posts. Please let me know your thoughts, thank you.
I would like to use VLOOKUP or Array to perform math based on two cells, and use this return value as the number of time to iterate the For Loop. Do I send the two string value to the Function first, or in Sub sending to the Function?
I have two sheets, one for Entries (information on organizations) and the other for VLOOKUP titled valook. In valook, I have 98 unique categories that describe the organizations, such as they provide food, housing, veteran services, etc. Each service are assigned a number. Say, housing is number 34, and veteran service is number 63. I want to subtract 63 – 34 to get 29, and use 29 to iterate For Loop.
I have studied VLOOKUP and how to use it in VBA, however, I have a hard time understanding the syntax in threads here and on other forums like StackOverflow. I also have a difficult time understanding how to create Function as I have never made one that worked.
Here are some of the codes that I’ve tried to create with little success.
Function mathie()
Dim Cat As String, Dog As String, horse As String
Dog = 2
horse = 3
‘ the following code is my educated guess on how to do a vlookup but there is a mismatch error in VBE.
Cat = WorksheetFunction.Match(Sheets("Entries").Cells("Cat", 0), Sheets("valook").Cells("Cat", 2).Value)
Dim n As Variant
n = ReturnValue
aCur = ActiveCell ‘ to match VLOOKUP here?
preVious = ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1).Select ‘ to match VLOOKUP here?
n = aCur – preVious
End Function
Sub loopie(n)
Dim last_col As Long
last_col = Range("A1").End(xlToRight).row
Call getIE
For i = 1 To n
ActiveCell.Offset(5, 0).Select
Call waitCheck
End Sub
Sub routine()
Call loopie(mathie)
End Sub
I am hoping this post is simple enough to give you an idea of what I’m trying to do without overwhelming the volunteers with long posts. Please let me know your thoughts, thank you.