Create multiple tables from one table (VBA code please)


Board Regular
Apr 29, 2016
Office Version
  1. 365
  1. Windows

I have a table where rows range is inconsistent. I need to separate this table in multiple different tables based on customer. This table changes all the time. It can have more or less rows. Following is the table before and after sorting:

Before Sorting

[TABLE="width: 445"]
[TD]>30 days
[TD]>60 days
[TD]>90 days
[TD]Debtor A
[TD]Debtor A
[TD]Debtor A
[TD]Debtor A
[TD]Debtor A
[TD]Debtor A
[TD]Debtor A
[TD]Debtor A
[TD]Debtor A
[TD]Debtor A
[TD]Debtor A
[TD]Debtor A
[TD]Debtor A
[TD]Debtor B
[TD]Debtor B
[TD]Debtor B
[TD]Debtor B
[TD]Debtor B
[TD]Debtor B
[TD]Debtor B
[TD]Debtor B
[TD]Debtor B
[TD]Debtor B
[TD]Debtor C
[TD]Debtor C
[TD]Debtor C
[TD]Debtor C
[TD]Debtor C
[TD]Debtor C
[TD]Debtor C
[TD]Debtor C
[TD]Debtor C
[TD]Debtor C
[TD]Debtor C
[TD]Debtor C
[TD]Debtor C
[TD]Debtor C
[TD]Debtor C
[TD]Debtor C
[TD]Debtor C
[TD]Debtor C
[TD]Debtor C
[TD]Debtor C
[TD="align: right"]$4,833,260
[TD="align: right"]$370,154
[TD="align: right"]$297,137
[TD="align: right"]$125,028

After Sorting

[TABLE="width: 445"]
[TD]>30 days
[TD]>60 days
[TD]>90 days
[TD]Debtor A
[TD]Debtor A
[TD]Debtor A
[TD]Debtor A
[TD]Debtor A
[TD]Debtor A
[TD]Debtor A
[TD]Debtor A
[TD]Debtor A
[TD]Debtor A
[TD]Debtor A
[TD]Debtor A
[TD]Debtor A
[TD="align: right"]$1,396,122
[TD="align: right"]$41,152
[TD="align: right"]$112,929
[TD="align: right"]$389
[TD]>30 days
[TD]>60 days
[TD]>90 days
[TD]Debtor B
[TD]Debtor B
[TD]Debtor B
[TD]Debtor B
[TD]Debtor B
[TD]Debtor B
[TD]Debtor B
[TD]Debtor B
[TD]Debtor B
[TD]Debtor B
[TD="align: right"]$340,260
[TD="align: right"]$0
[TD="align: right"]$57,479
[TD="align: right"]$37,591
[TD]>30 days
[TD]>60 days
[TD]>90 days
[TD]Debtor C
[TD]Debtor C
[TD]Debtor C
[TD]Debtor C
[TD]Debtor C
[TD]Debtor C
[TD]Debtor C
[TD]Debtor C
[TD]Debtor C
[TD]Debtor C
[TD]Debtor C
[TD]Debtor C
[TD]Debtor C
[TD]Debtor C
[TD]Debtor C
[TD]Debtor C
[TD]Debtor C
[TD]Debtor C
[TD]Debtor C
[TD]Debtor C
[TD="align: right"]$3,096,878
[TD="align: right"]$329,002
[TD="align: right"]$126,730
[TD="align: right"]$87,049

Is there any VBA code to do this quickly? Highly appreciate your help.

Last edited:

I have a table where rows range is inconsistent. I need to separate this table in multiple different tables based on customer. This table changes all the time. It can have more or less rows. Following is the table before and after sorting:

Is there any VBA code to do this quickly? Highly appreciate your help.



Try this: This macro should split the data as per your spec... and the data can be anywhere on a worksheet (doesn't have to start in cell A1).

NOTE: Define the worksheet and the data range by editing the CONST information at the beginning of the macro.

Hope this helps!

Sub SplitData()


' With a table of N columns (you can have as few or many as you like)
' using the FIRST column of that data as the information to split by
' this macro: SORTS the data on the FIRST column (essential)
' removes the last row if it currently has the word TOTAL in the first column
' then creates a split of R rows (you can define the number of rows)
' separating the one table into X number of tables.

' Each newly created table then has the HEADINGS added to the TOP
' and SUBTOTALS added to the BOTTOM


' **************************************************************
' The data in the table MUST be the LAST ROW in the spreadsheet.   <<  <<  <<
' **************************************************************

' i.e. if the data ends on row 100 and you also have a cell containing data that is in a row > 100 (say cell J210)
' the LASTROW returned will be 210 - which means you'll get unwanted subtotalling at the bottom of the sheet
' BE AWARE - if a cell beyond the data contains a "SPACE" character (i.e. isn't actually a NULL cell), the same will occur

' The MINIMUM number of rows to insert MUST be 3: [Const RowsToInsert]

' If the Number of Rows to Insert is set to 3, there will be a GAP of [1] ROW between the newly separated tables
' Equally, if the Number of Rows to Insert is set to 10, there will be a GAP of [8] ROWs between the newly separated tables
' This is because [2] of the Rows are used for (i) Headings and (ii) SubTotals

' Your data can be anywhere on the worksheet; just edit the CONST information to define which worksheet and the data structure.


    Const SheetName = "Sheet16"         'The name of the worksheet / worksheet tab with your data in it

    Const DataStartRow = 2              'The ROW were the DATA starts. (The 1st line of DATA will be just below the COLUMN HEADINGS)
                                        'thus if your column headings are in row 1, your data starts in row [2]

    Const DataStartCol = 1              'The COLUMN where the DATA starts. (If your data begins in A1, it'll be column [1]
                                        'if you data begins in D1, it'll be column[4]  (A=1, B=2, C=3, D=4.. and so on)

    Const NoOfCols = 5                  'The number of columns of data to work with

    Const RowsToInsert = 3              'The number of rows you want to insert when splitting the data in separate tables

    Dim LastRow As Integer
    Dim RCntr As Integer
    Dim CurPtr As String
    Dim NextPtr As String
    Dim TmpDataStartRow As Integer
    Dim RowInsCntr As Integer
    Dim SubTotCntr As Integer
    Dim LastRowEnd As Integer
    Dim SubTotPtr()

    'Do CONST error trapping
    If RowsToInsert < 3 Then
        MsgBox "The number of ROWS to INSERT [RowsToInsert CONST] must be 3 or higher", vbCritical & vbOKOnly, "Const ERROR"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    If DataStartRow < 2 Then
        MsgBox "The Start Row of your data [DataStartRow CONST] must be 2 or higher", vbCritical & vbOKOnly, "Const ERROR"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    If DataStartCol < 1 Then
        MsgBox "The Start Column of your data [DataStartCol CONST] must be 1 or higher", vbCritical & vbOKOnly, "Const ERROR"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    If NoOfCols < 1 Then
        MsgBox "The Number of Columns of data [NoOfCols CONST] must be 1 or higher", vbCritical & vbOKOnly, "Const ERROR"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    SubTotCntr = 1

    'Get the Last Row in the worksheet
    LastRow = Sheets(SheetName).Cells.Find("*", SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row

    'Get rid of the existing TOTAL row at the bottom of the spreadsheet
    If UCase(Sheets(SheetName).Cells(LastRow, DataStartCol).Value) = "TOTAL" Then
        Sheets(SheetName).Range(Cells(LastRow, DataStartCol).Address, Cells(LastRow, NoOfCols + DataStartCol - 1).Address).ClearContents
        LastRow = LastRow - 1
    End If
    'Ensure the data is sorted
    Sheets(SheetName).Range(Cells(DataStartRow, DataStartCol).Address, Cells(LastRow, NoOfCols + DataStartCol - 1).Address).Sort Key1:=Cells(DataStartRow, DataStartCol), order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlNo
    'Error trap - make sure NextPrt counter doesn't go past row 1
    If DataStartRow < 2 Then TmpDataStartRow = 2 Else TmpDataStartRow = DataStartRow + 1

    For RCntr = LastRow To TmpDataStartRow Step -1
        With Sheets(SheetName)
            CurPtr = UCase(Trim(.Range(Cells(RCntr, DataStartCol).Address).Value))
            NextPtr = UCase(Trim(.Range(Cells(RCntr - 1, DataStartCol).Address).Value))
            If CurPtr <> NextPtr Then
                'Insert the rows
                For RowInsCntr = 1 To RowsToInsert
                    Sheets(SheetName).Range(Cells(RCntr, DataStartCol).Address, Cells(RCntr, NoOfCols + DataStartCol - 1).Address).Insert shift:=xlShiftDown
                Next RowInsCntr
                'Put Headings
                Sheets(SheetName).Range(Cells(RCntr + RowsToInsert - 1, DataStartCol).Address, Cells(RCntr + RowsToInsert - 1, NoOfCols + DataStartCol - 1).Address).Value = Sheets(SheetName).Range(Cells(DataStartRow - 1, DataStartCol).Address, Cells(DataStartRow - 1, NoOfCols + DataStartCol - 1).Address).Value
                Sheets(SheetName).Range(Cells(RCntr + RowsToInsert - 1, DataStartCol).Address, Cells(RCntr + RowsToInsert - 1, NoOfCols + DataStartCol - 1).Address).Font.Bold = True
                If SubTotCntr = 1 Then
                    Sheets(SheetName).Range(Cells(LastRow + RowsToInsert + 1, DataStartCol).Address, Cells(LastRow + RowsToInsert + 1, DataStartCol).Address).Value = "Subtotal"
                    Sheets(SheetName).Range(Cells(LastRow + RowsToInsert + 1, DataStartCol + 1).Address, Cells(LastRow + RowsToInsert + 1, NoOfCols + DataStartCol - 1).Address).Formula = "=SUM(" & Range(Cells(RCntr + RowsToInsert, DataStartCol + 1).Address(False, False), Cells(LastRow + RowsToInsert, DataStartCol + 1).Address(False, False)).Address(False, False) & ")"
                    Sheets(SheetName).Range(Cells(LastRow + RowsToInsert + 1, DataStartCol).Address, Cells(LastRow + RowsToInsert + 1, NoOfCols + DataStartCol - 1).Address).Font.Bold = True
                    SubTotCntr = SubTotCntr + 1
                    LastRowEnd = RCntr - 1
                    Sheets(SheetName).Range(Cells(LastRowEnd + RowsToInsert + 1, DataStartCol).Address, Cells(LastRowEnd + RowsToInsert + 1, DataStartCol).Address).Value = "Subtotal"
                    Sheets(SheetName).Range(Cells(LastRowEnd + RowsToInsert + 1, DataStartCol + 1).Address, Cells(LastRowEnd + RowsToInsert + 1, NoOfCols + DataStartCol - 1).Address).Formula = "=SUM(" & Range(Cells(RCntr + RowsToInsert, DataStartCol + 1).Address(False, False), Cells(LastRowEnd + RowsToInsert, DataStartCol + 1).Address(False, False)).Address(False, False) & ")"
                    Sheets(SheetName).Range(Cells(LastRowEnd + RowsToInsert + 1, DataStartCol).Address, Cells(LastRowEnd + RowsToInsert + 1, NoOfCols + DataStartCol - 1).Address).Font.Bold = True
                    SubTotCntr = SubTotCntr + 1
                    LastRowEnd = RCntr - 1
                End If
            End If
        End With
        If RCntr = TmpDataStartRow Then
            Debug.Print RCntr
            Sheets(SheetName).Range(Cells(LastRowEnd + 1, DataStartCol).Address, Cells(LastRowEnd + 1, DataStartCol).Address).Value = "Subtotal"
            Sheets(SheetName).Range(Cells(LastRowEnd + 1, DataStartCol + 1).Address, Cells(LastRowEnd + 1, NoOfCols + DataStartCol - 1).Address).Formula = "=SUM(" & Range(Cells(RCntr - 1, DataStartCol + 1).Address(False, False), Cells(LastRowEnd, DataStartCol + 1).Address(False, False)).Address(False, False) & ")"
            Sheets(SheetName).Range(Cells(LastRowEnd + 1, DataStartCol).Address, Cells(LastRowEnd + 1, NoOfCols + DataStartCol - 1).Address).Font.Bold = True
        End If
    Next RCntr
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub
Upvote 0
Thank you so much MartyS. I will try this and let you know.

Kind Regards
Upvote 0
Worked perfectly. Great!!! Thank you so much. Highly appreciated.

Kind Regards


Try this: This macro should split the data as per your spec... and the data can be anywhere on a worksheet (doesn't have to start in cell A1).

NOTE: Define the worksheet and the data range by editing the CONST information at the beginning of the macro.

Hope this helps!

Sub SplitData()


' With a table of N columns (you can have as few or many as you like)
' using the FIRST column of that data as the information to split by
' this macro: SORTS the data on the FIRST column (essential)
' removes the last row if it currently has the word TOTAL in the first column
' then creates a split of R rows (you can define the number of rows)
' separating the one table into X number of tables.

' Each newly created table then has the HEADINGS added to the TOP
' and SUBTOTALS added to the BOTTOM


' **************************************************************
' The data in the table MUST be the LAST ROW in the spreadsheet.   <<  <<  <<
' **************************************************************

' i.e. if the data ends on row 100 and you also have a cell containing data that is in a row > 100 (say cell J210)
' the LASTROW returned will be 210 - which means you'll get unwanted subtotalling at the bottom of the sheet
' BE AWARE - if a cell beyond the data contains a "SPACE" character (i.e. isn't actually a NULL cell), the same will occur

' The MINIMUM number of rows to insert MUST be 3: [Const RowsToInsert]

' If the Number of Rows to Insert is set to 3, there will be a GAP of [1] ROW between the newly separated tables
' Equally, if the Number of Rows to Insert is set to 10, there will be a GAP of [8] ROWs between the newly separated tables
' This is because [2] of the Rows are used for (i) Headings and (ii) SubTotals

' Your data can be anywhere on the worksheet; just edit the CONST information to define which worksheet and the data structure.


    Const SheetName = "Sheet16"         'The name of the worksheet / worksheet tab with your data in it

    Const DataStartRow = 2              'The ROW were the DATA starts. (The 1st line of DATA will be just below the COLUMN HEADINGS)
                                        'thus if your column headings are in row 1, your data starts in row [2]

    Const DataStartCol = 1              'The COLUMN where the DATA starts. (If your data begins in A1, it'll be column [1]
                                        'if you data begins in D1, it'll be column[4]  (A=1, B=2, C=3, D=4.. and so on)

    Const NoOfCols = 5                  'The number of columns of data to work with

    Const RowsToInsert = 3              'The number of rows you want to insert when splitting the data in separate tables

    Dim LastRow As Integer
    Dim RCntr As Integer
    Dim CurPtr As String
    Dim NextPtr As String
    Dim TmpDataStartRow As Integer
    Dim RowInsCntr As Integer
    Dim SubTotCntr As Integer
    Dim LastRowEnd As Integer
    Dim SubTotPtr()

    'Do CONST error trapping
    If RowsToInsert < 3 Then
        MsgBox "The number of ROWS to INSERT [RowsToInsert CONST] must be 3 or higher", vbCritical & vbOKOnly, "Const ERROR"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    If DataStartRow < 2 Then
        MsgBox "The Start Row of your data [DataStartRow CONST] must be 2 or higher", vbCritical & vbOKOnly, "Const ERROR"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    If DataStartCol < 1 Then
        MsgBox "The Start Column of your data [DataStartCol CONST] must be 1 or higher", vbCritical & vbOKOnly, "Const ERROR"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    If NoOfCols < 1 Then
        MsgBox "The Number of Columns of data [NoOfCols CONST] must be 1 or higher", vbCritical & vbOKOnly, "Const ERROR"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    SubTotCntr = 1

    'Get the Last Row in the worksheet
    LastRow = Sheets(SheetName).Cells.Find("*", SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row

    'Get rid of the existing TOTAL row at the bottom of the spreadsheet
    If UCase(Sheets(SheetName).Cells(LastRow, DataStartCol).Value) = "TOTAL" Then
        Sheets(SheetName).Range(Cells(LastRow, DataStartCol).Address, Cells(LastRow, NoOfCols + DataStartCol - 1).Address).ClearContents
        LastRow = LastRow - 1
    End If
    'Ensure the data is sorted
    Sheets(SheetName).Range(Cells(DataStartRow, DataStartCol).Address, Cells(LastRow, NoOfCols + DataStartCol - 1).Address).Sort Key1:=Cells(DataStartRow, DataStartCol), order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlNo
    'Error trap - make sure NextPrt counter doesn't go past row 1
    If DataStartRow < 2 Then TmpDataStartRow = 2 Else TmpDataStartRow = DataStartRow + 1

    For RCntr = LastRow To TmpDataStartRow Step -1
        With Sheets(SheetName)
            CurPtr = UCase(Trim(.Range(Cells(RCntr, DataStartCol).Address).Value))
            NextPtr = UCase(Trim(.Range(Cells(RCntr - 1, DataStartCol).Address).Value))
            If CurPtr <> NextPtr Then
                'Insert the rows
                For RowInsCntr = 1 To RowsToInsert
                    Sheets(SheetName).Range(Cells(RCntr, DataStartCol).Address, Cells(RCntr, NoOfCols + DataStartCol - 1).Address).Insert shift:=xlShiftDown
                Next RowInsCntr
                'Put Headings
                Sheets(SheetName).Range(Cells(RCntr + RowsToInsert - 1, DataStartCol).Address, Cells(RCntr + RowsToInsert - 1, NoOfCols + DataStartCol - 1).Address).Value = Sheets(SheetName).Range(Cells(DataStartRow - 1, DataStartCol).Address, Cells(DataStartRow - 1, NoOfCols + DataStartCol - 1).Address).Value
                Sheets(SheetName).Range(Cells(RCntr + RowsToInsert - 1, DataStartCol).Address, Cells(RCntr + RowsToInsert - 1, NoOfCols + DataStartCol - 1).Address).Font.Bold = True
                If SubTotCntr = 1 Then
                    Sheets(SheetName).Range(Cells(LastRow + RowsToInsert + 1, DataStartCol).Address, Cells(LastRow + RowsToInsert + 1, DataStartCol).Address).Value = "Subtotal"
                    Sheets(SheetName).Range(Cells(LastRow + RowsToInsert + 1, DataStartCol + 1).Address, Cells(LastRow + RowsToInsert + 1, NoOfCols + DataStartCol - 1).Address).Formula = "=SUM(" & Range(Cells(RCntr + RowsToInsert, DataStartCol + 1).Address(False, False), Cells(LastRow + RowsToInsert, DataStartCol + 1).Address(False, False)).Address(False, False) & ")"
                    Sheets(SheetName).Range(Cells(LastRow + RowsToInsert + 1, DataStartCol).Address, Cells(LastRow + RowsToInsert + 1, NoOfCols + DataStartCol - 1).Address).Font.Bold = True
                    SubTotCntr = SubTotCntr + 1
                    LastRowEnd = RCntr - 1
                    Sheets(SheetName).Range(Cells(LastRowEnd + RowsToInsert + 1, DataStartCol).Address, Cells(LastRowEnd + RowsToInsert + 1, DataStartCol).Address).Value = "Subtotal"
                    Sheets(SheetName).Range(Cells(LastRowEnd + RowsToInsert + 1, DataStartCol + 1).Address, Cells(LastRowEnd + RowsToInsert + 1, NoOfCols + DataStartCol - 1).Address).Formula = "=SUM(" & Range(Cells(RCntr + RowsToInsert, DataStartCol + 1).Address(False, False), Cells(LastRowEnd + RowsToInsert, DataStartCol + 1).Address(False, False)).Address(False, False) & ")"
                    Sheets(SheetName).Range(Cells(LastRowEnd + RowsToInsert + 1, DataStartCol).Address, Cells(LastRowEnd + RowsToInsert + 1, NoOfCols + DataStartCol - 1).Address).Font.Bold = True
                    SubTotCntr = SubTotCntr + 1
                    LastRowEnd = RCntr - 1
                End If
            End If
        End With
        If RCntr = TmpDataStartRow Then
            Debug.Print RCntr
            Sheets(SheetName).Range(Cells(LastRowEnd + 1, DataStartCol).Address, Cells(LastRowEnd + 1, DataStartCol).Address).Value = "Subtotal"
            Sheets(SheetName).Range(Cells(LastRowEnd + 1, DataStartCol + 1).Address, Cells(LastRowEnd + 1, NoOfCols + DataStartCol - 1).Address).Formula = "=SUM(" & Range(Cells(RCntr - 1, DataStartCol + 1).Address(False, False), Cells(LastRowEnd, DataStartCol + 1).Address(False, False)).Address(False, False) & ")"
            Sheets(SheetName).Range(Cells(LastRowEnd + 1, DataStartCol).Address, Cells(LastRowEnd + 1, NoOfCols + DataStartCol - 1).Address).Font.Bold = True
        End If
    Next RCntr
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub
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