create fixtures but 2 vs 2


Active Member
Mar 16, 2019
Office Version
  1. 365
  1. Windows
i have a macro vb that create fixtures 1 number vs 1 number but how can i do the same but took 2 numbers instead of 1 to create 2 vs 2 fixtures ?

VBA Code:
Sub Main(ByVal Control As IRibbonControl)
Dim teamArray As Variant
Dim i As Long, n As Long, x As Long, p As Long, j As Integer
Dim nrow As Integer, nTeam As Integer, ncopyrow As Integer, iRow As Integer
Dim Ngame As String

imsg = MsgBox("Would you like to create a new fixture list?" & Chr(10) & "By click 'Yes' all existing fixtures and results will be erased", vbYesNo)

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

If imsg = vbNo Then
Exit Sub
End If

If Sheet1.Range("C5").Value = "" Then
MsgBox ("No teams have been entered on the Teams tab.")
Exit Sub
End If

Call Env_Var


If Range("Teams").Count Mod 2 <> 0 Then

Range("Col_Team").Offset(Range("Teams").Count + 1, 0).Value = v_Team
Range("Col_Team").Offset(Range("Teams").Count, -1).Value = Range("Col_Team").Offset(Range("Teams").Count - 1, -1).Value + 1
Range("Col_Team").Offset(Range("Teams").Count, 1).Value = v_Venue

End If

teamArray = Range("Teams")
teamArray = ShuffleArrayInPlace(teamArray)

nrow = UBound(teamArray) / 2
nTeam = UBound(teamArray)

ncopyrow = nrow

   For i = LBound(teamArray) To UBound(teamArray) / 2
    Sheet2.Cells(i, "A") = teamArray(i, 1)
   Next i

   For n = (UBound(teamArray) / 2) + 1 To UBound(teamArray)
    Sheet2.Cells((n - (UBound(teamArray) / 2)), "B") = teamArray(n, 1)
   Next n
Sheet2.Range("A1:B" & nrow).Copy Sheet3.Range("A1")

ncopyrow = nrow + 2

For x = 1 To nTeam - 2
If x Mod 2 = 0 Then

Call Even
Call Odd

End If

Sheet2.Range("A1:B" & nrow).Copy Sheet3.Range("A" & ncopyrow)

ncopyrow = ncopyrow + nrow + 1

Next x

If v_Play > 1 Then

For p = 2 To v_Play

iRow = iRow + ncopyrow

If p Mod 2 = 0 Then
Sheet3.Range("B1:B" & ncopyrow - 2).Copy Sheet3.Range("A" & iRow)
Sheet3.Range("A1:A" & ncopyrow - 2).Copy Sheet3.Range("B" & iRow)
Sheet3.Range("A1:B" & ncopyrow - 2).Copy Sheet3.Range("A" & iRow - 1)

iRow = iRow - 2

End If
Next p

End If


Format_Fixtures ((Sheet3.Range("A1048576").End(xlUp).Row))


Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub

Sub League_Table(ByVal Control As IRibbonControl)
Dim iRow As Integer, Rslt As Integer, aRow As Integer
Dim c As Range, xTable As Range
Dim z As Range, IRange As Range
Dim H As Integer, A As Integer
Dim p As Range
Dim hTeam As String, aTeam As String
Dim hScore As Integer, aScore As Integer, aBouns As Integer, hBonus As Integer
Dim nOrd As Integer, nVal As Integer, i As Integer

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

iRow = Sheet3.Range("B1048576").End(xlUp).Row
Call Env_Var
Call Format_League

For Each c In Sheet3.Range("B5:B" & iRow)

hTeam = c.Text
aTeam = c.Offset(0, 4).Text
hScore = c.Offset(0, 1).Value
aScore = c.Offset(0, 3).Value
aBonus = 0
hBonus = 0

If InStr(1, hTeam, "Fixture") = 0 Then

H = Sheet6.Range("C:C").Find(hTeam).Row
A = Sheet6.Range("C:C").Find(aTeam).Row

If c.Offset(0, 1).Value = "" And c.Offset(0, 3).Value = "" Then

If Sheet6.Cells(H, NX).Value = "" And Sheet6.Cells(A, NX).Value = "" Then
Sheet6.Cells(H, NX).Value = "(H) v " & aTeam
Sheet6.Cells(A, NX).Value = "(A) v " & hTeam
End If


With Sheet6
'Pl Home
.Cells(H, Pl).Value = .Cells(H, Pl).Value + 1
'Pl Away
.Cells(A, Pl).Value = .Cells(A, Pl).Value + 1

'Bonus Point for Score
If Range("at_BP_Score_Op").Value = "" Or Range("at_BP_Score_Score").Value = "" Or Range("at_BP_Score_Points").Value = "" Then
        If Range("at_BP_Score_Op").Value = "Greater than" Then
            If hScore > Range("at_BP_Score_Score").Value Then hBonus = hBonus + Range("at_BP_Score_Points").Value
            If aScore > Range("at_BP_Score_Score").Value Then aBonus = aBonus + Range("at_BP_Score_Points").Value
            If hScore >= Range("at_BP_Score_Score").Value Then hBonus = hBonus + Range("at_BP_Score_Points").Value
            If aScore >= Range("at_BP_Score_Score").Value Then aBonus = aBonus + Range("at_BP_Score_Points").Value
        End If
    End If

If hScore > aScore Then
'Wins Home
.Cells(H, W).Value = .Cells(H, W).Value + 1
.Cells(H, FM).Value = Left(.Cells(H, FM).Value, v_From) & "W"
    If Range("at_BP_Win_Op").Value = "" Or Range("at_BP_Win_Score").Value = "" Or Range("at_BP_Margin").Value = "" Then
        If Range("at_BP_Win_Op").Value = "Greater than" Then
            If (hScore - aScore) > Range("at_BP_Win_Score").Value Then hBonus = hBonus + Range("at_BP_Margin").Value
            If (hScore - aScore) >= Range("at_BP_Win_Score").Value Then hBonus = hBonus + Range("at_BP_Margin").Value
        End If
    End If
End If

If aScore > hScore Then
'Wins Away
.Cells(A, W).Value = .Cells(A, W).Value + 1
.Cells(A, FM).Value = Left(.Cells(A, FM).Value, v_From) & "W"
    If Range("at_BP_Win_Op").Value = "" Or Range("at_BP_Win_Score").Value = "" Or Range("at_BP_Margin").Value = "" Then
        If Range("at_BP_Win_Op").Value = "Greater than" Then
            If (aScore - hScore) > Range("at_BP_Win_Score").Value Then aBonus = aBonus + Range("at_BP_Margin").Value
            If (aScore - hScore) >= Range("at_BP_Win_Score").Value Then aBonus = aBonus + Range("at_BP_Margin").Value
        End If
    End If
End If

If hScore = aScore Then
'Draws Home
.Cells(H, D).Value = .Cells(H, D).Value + 1
.Cells(H, FM).Value = Left(.Cells(H, FM).Value, v_From) & "D"
End If

If aScore = hScore Then
'Draws Away
.Cells(A, D).Value = .Cells(A, D).Value + 1
.Cells(A, FM).Value = Left(.Cells(A, FM).Value, v_From) & "D"
End If

If hScore < aScore Then
'Losses Home
.Cells(H, L).Value = .Cells(H, L).Value + 1
.Cells(H, FM).Value = Left(.Cells(H, FM).Value, v_From) & "L"
End If

If aScore < hScore Then
'Losses Away
.Cells(A, L).Value = .Cells(A, L).Value + 1
.Cells(A, FM).Value = Left(.Cells(A, FM).Value, v_From) & "L"
End If

'Goals For Home
.Cells(H, GF).Value = .Cells(H, GF).Value + hScore
'Goals Against Home
.Cells(H, GA).Value = .Cells(H, GA).Value + aScore

'Goals For Away
.Cells(A, GF).Value = .Cells(A, GF).Value + aScore
'Goals Against Away
.Cells(A, GA).Value = .Cells(A, GA).Value + hScore

'Goal Difference Home
.Cells(H, GD).Value = .Cells(H, GF).Value - .Cells(H, GA).Value
'Goal Difference Away
.Cells(A, GD).Value = .Cells(A, GF).Value - .Cells(A, GA).Value

'Points Home
.Cells(H, Pts).Value = (.Cells(H, W).Value * v_Win) + (.Cells(H, D).Value * v_Draw) + (.Cells(H, L).Value * v_Loss) + hBonus
'Points Away
.Cells(A, Pts).Value = (.Cells(A, W).Value * v_Win) + (.Cells(A, D).Value * v_Draw) + (.Cells(A, L).Value * v_Loss) + aBonus

End With
End If
End If
Next c

'Sort the Table
Set xTable = Sheet6.Range(Sheet6.Cells(4, 2), Sheet6.Cells(ntbl, 13))

If Range("P_Order_Value").Value = "" Or Range("P_Order_Value").Offset(0, 1).Value = "" Then
Set IRange = Range("P_Order_Df")
Set IRange = Range("P_Order")
End If


For Each z In IRange

If z.Value = "" Or z.Offset(0, 1).Value = "" Then


nVal = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(z.Value, Range("LIST"), 2, 0)
nOrd = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(z.Offset(0, 1).Value, Range("Order"), 2, 0)

    Sheet6.Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Sheet6.Range( _
        Sheet6.Cells(5, nVal), Sheet6.Cells(ntbl, nVal)), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=nOrd, DataOption:= _
End If

Next z

    With Sheet6.Sort
        .SetRange xTable
        .Header = xlYes
        .MatchCase = False
        .Orientation = xlTopToBottom
        .SortMethod = xlPinYin
    End With

aRow = Sheet6.Range("C1048576").End(xlUp).Row

For Each p In Sheet6.Range("C5:C" & aRow)
i = i + 1
p.Offset(0, -1).Value = i

For j = 1 To 8
If p.Offset(0, j).Value = "" Then p.Offset(0, j).Value = 0
Next j

Next p

Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub


Excel Facts

Format cells as date
Select range and press Ctrl+Shift+3 to format cells as date. (Shift 3 is the # sign which sort of looks like a small calendar).
instead of a 200+ lines of code that does not do what you want it to, maybe you should take the time and explain what you do want to achieve.
Upvote 0
i want to be able to create fixtures but 2 players against 2 players
it took numbers from a sheets called TEAMS and create a fixtures 1 vs 1
for now it work on what i was doing

i think only that part is needed :

VBA Code:
Sub Main(ByVal Control As IRibbonControl)
Dim teamArray As Variant
Dim i As Long, n As Long, x As Long, p As Long, j As Integer
Dim nrow As Integer, nTeam As Integer, ncopyrow As Integer, iRow As Integer
Dim Ngame As String

imsg = MsgBox("Would you like to create a new fixture list?" & Chr(10) & "By click 'Yes' all existing fixtures and results will be erased", vbYesNo)

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

If imsg = vbNo Then
Exit Sub
End If

If Sheet1.Range("C5").Value = "" Then
MsgBox ("No teams have been entered on the Teams tab.")
Exit Sub
End If

Call Env_Var


If Range("Teams").Count Mod 2 <> 0 Then

Range("Col_Team").Offset(Range("Teams").Count + 1, 0).Value = v_Team
Range("Col_Team").Offset(Range("Teams").Count, -1).Value = Range("Col_Team").Offset(Range("Teams").Count - 1, -1).Value + 1
Range("Col_Team").Offset(Range("Teams").Count, 1).Value = v_Venue

End If

teamArray = Range("Teams")
teamArray = ShuffleArrayInPlace(teamArray)

nrow = UBound(teamArray) / 2
nTeam = UBound(teamArray)

ncopyrow = nrow

   For i = LBound(teamArray) To UBound(teamArray) / 2
    Sheet2.Cells(i, "A") = teamArray(i, 1)
   Next i

   For n = (UBound(teamArray) / 2) + 1 To UBound(teamArray)
    Sheet2.Cells((n - (UBound(teamArray) / 2)), "B") = teamArray(n, 1)
   Next n
Sheet2.Range("A1:B" & nrow).Copy Sheet3.Range("A1")

ncopyrow = nrow + 2

For x = 1 To nTeam - 2
If x Mod 2 = 0 Then

Call Even
Call Odd

End If

Sheet2.Range("A1:B" & nrow).Copy Sheet3.Range("A" & ncopyrow)

ncopyrow = ncopyrow + nrow + 1

Next x

If v_Play > 1 Then

For p = 2 To v_Play

iRow = iRow + ncopyrow

If p Mod 2 = 0 Then
Sheet3.Range("B1:B" & ncopyrow - 2).Copy Sheet3.Range("A" & iRow)
Sheet3.Range("A1:A" & ncopyrow - 2).Copy Sheet3.Range("B" & iRow)
Sheet3.Range("A1:B" & ncopyrow - 2).Copy Sheet3.Range("A" & iRow - 1)

iRow = iRow - 2

End If
Next p

End If


Format_Fixtures ((Sheet3.Range("A1048576").End(xlUp).Row))


Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub
Upvote 0
I am sorry. I don't have a clue what fixtures are.
Upvote 0
Can you try the updated version and share the result?

VBA Code:
Sub Main(ByVal Control As IRibbonControl)
    Dim teamArray As Variant
    Dim i As Long, n As Long, x As Long, p As Long
    Dim nrow As Integer, nTeam As Integer, ncopyrow As Integer, iRow As Integer
    Dim numTeams As Integer, numPairs As Integer
    Dim pairArray() As Variant
    Dim imsg As Variant
    imsg = MsgBox("Would you like to create a new fixture list?" & Chr(10) & "By clicking 'Yes' all existing fixtures and results will be erased", vbYesNo)
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    If imsg = vbNo Then
        Exit Sub
    End If
    If Sheet1.Range("C5").Value = "" Then
        MsgBox ("No teams have been entered on the Teams tab.")
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Call Env_Var
    teamArray = Sheet1.Range("Teams").Value
    teamArray = ShuffleArrayInPlace(teamArray)
    numTeams = UBound(teamArray)
    If numTeams Mod 4 <> 0 Then
        Dim numToAdd As Integer
        numToAdd = 4 - (numTeams Mod 4)
        ReDim Preserve teamArray(1 To numTeams + numToAdd, 1 To 1)
        For i = numTeams + 1 To numTeams + numToAdd
            teamArray(i, 1) = "BYE"
        Next i
        numTeams = numTeams + numToAdd
    End If
    numPairs = numTeams / 2
    ReDim pairArray(1 To numPairs, 1 To 1)
    Dim pairIndex As Integer
    pairIndex = 1
    For i = 1 To numTeams Step 2
        pairArray(pairIndex, 1) = teamArray(i, 1) & " & " & teamArray(i + 1, 1)
        pairIndex = pairIndex + 1
    Next i
    nrow = numPairs / 2
    ncopyrow = nrow
    For i = 1 To nrow
        Sheet2.Cells(i, "A") = pairArray(i, 1)
    Next i
    For n = nrow + 1 To numPairs
        Sheet2.Cells(n - nrow, "B") = pairArray(n, 1)
    Next n
    Sheet2.Range("A1:B" & nrow).Copy Sheet3.Range("A1")
    ncopyrow = nrow + 2
    For x = 1 To numPairs - 2
        If x Mod 2 = 0 Then
            Call Even_Pairs(pairArray)
            Call Odd_Pairs(pairArray)
        End If
        For i = 1 To nrow
            Sheet2.Cells(i, "A") = pairArray(i, 1)
            Sheet2.Cells(i, "B") = pairArray(i + nrow, 1)
        Next i
        Sheet2.Range("A1:B" & nrow).Copy Sheet3.Range("A" & ncopyrow)
        ncopyrow = ncopyrow + nrow + 1
    Next x
    If v_Play > 1 Then
        For p = 2 To v_Play
            iRow = iRow + ncopyrow
            If p Mod 2 = 0 Then
                Sheet3.Range("B1:B" & ncopyrow - 2).Copy Sheet3.Range("A" & iRow)
                Sheet3.Range("A1:A" & ncopyrow - 2).Copy Sheet3.Range("B" & iRow)
                Sheet3.Range("A1:B" & ncopyrow - 2).Copy Sheet3.Range("A" & iRow - 1)
                iRow = iRow - 2
            End If
        Next p
    End If
    Format_Fixtures (Sheet3.Range("A1048576").End(xlUp).Row)
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Upvote 0
Thanks for this
i get this :


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