create chart for an action (time specific) along the month


New Member
May 6, 2020
Office Version
  1. 2007
  1. Windows
i work for a pharmaceutical company. Please help me draw a graph.

For a given reactor, if batch reaction time is "x hrs" and it will keep continuing all along the days may be for "y hrs" also.

Plot a graph with "date" on X-Axis and batch reaction time ( x hrs or y hrs) along the length of X-Axis

Attached is how i want a graph drawn manually.


  • graph.jpg
    145.4 KB · Views: 24
I have started doing work on this. Just need to do some fine tuning to get a result like:


  • 1589297419340.png
    11.9 KB · Views: 17
Upvote 0
Here is the working file. The input sheet is where you copy your schedule to.
Press the Make Graph button to generate the graph.
There is a hidden sheet Graph Data that holds the data for the graph.

Reactor Batch graph.xlsm
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These are the macro's behind the sheet.
Option Explicit

Dim mvOut As Variant
Dim wsIn As Worksheet, wsGD As Worksheet

Sub SetupGraph()

Set wsIn = Sheets("Input") '<<<< Modify if required
Set wsGD = Sheets("Graph Data")

PrepareData 1
MakeGraph 2
ChartColorsApply 3

Set wsIn = Nothing
Set wsGD = Nothing
End Sub

Sub PrepareData(i As Integer)
' Prepare data from Input sheet to GraphData sheet

Dim chBS As Chart
Dim rB As Range, rO As Range, r1st As Range, rf As Range
Dim lR As Long, UBo As Long
Dim iBatch As Integer, iReact As Integer
Dim vGD As Variant

Set chBS = Charts("Batch Schedule")

Set rB = wsIn.Range("2:2") '<<<< Set to row 2 where headings are
Set rO = rB.Find("batch number", after:=rB.Cells(1, wsIn.Columns.Count))
If rO Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Can't find 'Batch Number' in header row", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
Set r1st = rO
iReact = 0
Do 'count number of reactors
iReact = iReact + 1
Set rO = rB.FindNext(after:=rO)
Loop While rO.Address <> r1st.Address

ReDim vOut(1 To 7, 1 To iReact)
UBo = iReact
'now process each reactor
iReact = 0
Set rf = rB.Find("batch number", after:=rB.Cells(1, wsIn.Columns.Count))
Set rf = rO
Do '
Set rO = rf.CurrentRegion
iReact = iReact + 1
'get reactor number from header
vOut(1, iReact) = "R" & Trim(Mid(rO.Cells(1, 2), 9, InStr(1, rO.Cells(1, 2), "(") - 9))
'get start and end dates & time
vOut(3, iReact) = CDate(rO.Cells(3, 2))
vOut(4, iReact) = CDate(rO.Cells(3, 3))
vOut(6, iReact) = CDate(rO.Cells(3, 4) + rO.Cells(3, 5))
'get batch duration
vOut(2, iReact) = (vOut(6, iReact) - (vOut(3, iReact) + vOut(4, iReact))) * 24
'get number of batches
vOut(5, iReact) = rO.Rows.Count - 2
'get last date for reactor
vOut(6, iReact) = vOut(6, iReact) + (vOut(5, iReact) - 1) * vOut(2, iReact) / 24
'get range of batch numbers (first and last)
vOut(7, iReact) = rO.Cells(3, 1).Address & ":" & rO.Cells(rO.Rows.Count, 1).Address

Set rf = rB.FindNext(after:=rf)
Loop While rf.Address <> r1st.Address

' Output the array to the graph data sheet
With wsGD.Range("C2").CurrentRegion
.Value = vOut
End With

' Set up graph data
'get max number of batch runs
For iReact = 2 To UBo
If vOut(5, iReact) > iBatch Then iBatch = vOut(5, iReact)
Next iReact

'resize the graphdata array to number of reactors by max number of batches plus headers plus 0 row
ReDim vGD(1 To iBatch + 3, 1 To UBo)

For iReact = 1 To UBo
'get reactor name
vGD(1, iReact) = vOut(1, iReact)
'get start date & time
vGD(2, iReact) = vOut(3, iReact) + vOut(4, iReact)
vGD(3, iReact) = 0
' fill each batch duration
For lR = 4 To vOut(5, iReact) + 3
vGD(lR, iReact) = vOut(2, iReact) / 24
Next lR
Next iReact

' Output the array to the graph data sheet
With wsGD.Range("C11")
.Resize(UBound(vGD, 1), UBound(vGD, 2)).Value = vGD
End With

Set chBS = Nothing

Set rB = Nothing
Set rO = Nothing

End Sub

Sub MakeGraph(i As Integer)
' MakeGraph Macro
' Make horizontal stacked chart

Dim sName As String
Dim rGIn As Range
Dim iReact As Integer

' delete old graph
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Sheets("Batch Schedule").Delete
Application.DisplayAlerts = True

Set rGIn = wsGD.Range("c11").CurrentRegion
iReact = rGIn.Columns.Count

' create new graph in data sheet and set up
wsGD.Shapes.AddChart2(297, xlBarStacked).Select
With ActiveChart
.PlotBy = xlRows
sName = .Name
sName = Trim(Replace(sName, ActiveSheet.Name, ""))
.FullSeriesCollection(1).Formula = "=SERIES(,'Graph Data'!R11C3:R11C" & 2 + iReact & ",'Graph Data'!R12C3:R12C" & 2 + iReact & ",1)"
.Axes(xlValue).MinimumScale = wsGD.Range("a13")
.Axes(xlValue).MaximumScale = wsGD.Range("a15")
With .Axes(xlValue)
.MajorUnit = 1
.MinorUnit = 0.5
.TickLabels.NumberFormat = "d-m;@"
End With
.HasLegend = False
.ChartTitle.Caption = "Reactor batch planning"
' move to new graph sheet
.Location Where:=xlLocationAsNewSheet
End With
ActiveSheet.Name = "Batch Schedule"

End Sub

Sub ChartColorsApply(j As Integer)
' Set the colours to alternating light blues
' Add the batch numbers in the batches on the graph

Dim i As Integer, iCol As Integer, iBN As Integer, iR As Integer, iMax As Integer
Dim dBright As Double
Dim vLbl As Variant
Dim wsIn As Worksheet
Dim sN As String

Sheets("Batch Schedule").Select

With ActiveChart
'set alternating colours.
'The 1st group is the delay from start of graph _
in case batches don't start right away, and is made transparent
For i = 1 To .SeriesCollection.Count
Select Case True
Case i = 1
iCol = msoThemeColorBackground1
dBright = 0
Case i Mod 2 = 0
iCol = msoThemeColorAccent1
dBright = 0.8000000119
Case Else
iCol = msoThemeColorAccent1
dBright = 0.6000000238
End Select

With .FullSeriesCollection(i).Format.Fill
.Visible = msoTrue
.ForeColor.ObjectThemeColor = iCol
.ForeColor.TintAndShade = 0
.ForeColor.Brightness = dBright
.Transparency = 0
If i = 1 Then .Transparency = 1
End With
Next i

' put batchnumbers in every 5th batch
iBN = 5
sN = "Input"
Set wsIn = Sheets(sN)
If Not IsArray(mvOut) Then mvOut = wsGD.Range("C2").CurrentRegion.Value
For iR = 1 To UBound(mvOut, 2) ' for each reactor
vLbl = wsIn.Range(mvOut(7, iR))
iMax = UBound(vLbl, 1)
For i = 1 To iMax
If (i Mod iBN) = 0 Or i = 1 Or i = iMax Then
With .FullSeriesCollection(i + 1).Points(iR)
.DataLabel.Formula = vLbl(i, 1)
End With
End If
Next i
Next iR

End With

End Sub

VBA Code:
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The workbook has three sheets:
The input sheet, called Input
with the following layout

It can have as many reactors as necessary. But stick strictly to the lay-out for each reactor, including the 'batch number' in the heading.

Then there is a sheet Graph Data, which can be hidden
the lay-out is:

Only important is column A cells 12-15, Cell A12 : =MIN(4:4), Cell A13: = ROUNDDOWN(A12,0), Cell A14: =MAX(7:7), Cell A15: =ROUNDUP(A14,0)

The two tables are created by the macro

Then there is a stacked barchart in a separate sheet. Create a chart first time off and put it in a chart sheet , named 'Batch Schedule', else the macro will complain it can't find the chart sheet
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Something went wrong with copying the code:

VBA Code:
Option Explicit

Dim mvOut As Variant
Dim wsIn As Worksheet, wsGD As Worksheet

Sub SetupGraph()

    Set wsIn = Sheets("Input")      '<<<<  Modify if required
    Set wsGD = Sheets("Graph Data")
    PrepareData 1
    MakeGraph 2
    ChartColorsApply 3
    Set wsIn = Nothing
    Set wsGD = Nothing
End Sub

Sub PrepareData(i As Integer)
' Prepare data from Input sheet to GraphData sheet

    Dim chBS As Chart
    Dim rB As Range, rO As Range, r1st As Range, rf As Range
    Dim lR As Long, UBo As Long
    Dim iBatch As Integer, iReact As Integer
    Dim vGD As Variant
    Set chBS = Charts("Batch Schedule")
    Set rB = wsIn.Range("2:2")      '<<<< Set to row 2 where headings are
    Set rO = rB.Find("batch number", after:=rB.Cells(1, wsIn.Columns.Count))
    If rO Is Nothing Then
        MsgBox "Can't find 'Batch Number' in header row", vbCritical
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Set r1st = rO
    iReact = 0
    Do                              'count number of reactors
        iReact = iReact + 1
        Set rO = rB.FindNext(after:=rO)
    Loop While rO.Address <> r1st.Address
    ReDim vOut(1 To 7, 1 To iReact)
    UBo = iReact
    'now process each reactor
    iReact = 0
    Set rf = rB.Find("batch number", after:=rB.Cells(1, wsIn.Columns.Count))
    Set rf = rO
    Do                              '
        Set rO = rf.CurrentRegion
        iReact = iReact + 1
            'get reactor number from header
        vOut(1, iReact) = "R" & Trim(Mid(rO.Cells(1, 2), 9, InStr(1, rO.Cells(1, 2), "(") - 9))
            'get start and end dates & time
        vOut(3, iReact) = CDate(rO.Cells(3, 2))
        vOut(4, iReact) = CDate(rO.Cells(3, 3))
        vOut(6, iReact) = CDate(rO.Cells(3, 4) + rO.Cells(3, 5))
            'get batch duration
        vOut(2, iReact) = (vOut(6, iReact) - (vOut(3, iReact) + vOut(4, iReact))) * 24
            'get number of batches
        vOut(5, iReact) = rO.Rows.Count - 2
            'get last date for reactor
        vOut(6, iReact) = vOut(6, iReact) + (vOut(5, iReact) - 1) * vOut(2, iReact) / 24
            'get range of batch numbers (first and last)
        vOut(7, iReact) = rO.Cells(3, 1).Address & ":" & rO.Cells(rO.Rows.Count, 1).Address
        Set rf = rB.FindNext(after:=rf)
    Loop While rf.Address <> r1st.Address
    ' Output the array to the graph data sheet
    With wsGD.Range("C2").CurrentRegion
        .Value = vOut
    End With
    ' Set up graph data
    'get max number of batch runs
    For iReact = 2 To UBo
        If vOut(5, iReact) > iBatch Then iBatch = vOut(5, iReact)
    Next iReact
    'resize the graphdata array to number of reactors by max number of batches plus headers plus 0 row
    ReDim vGD(1 To iBatch + 3, 1 To UBo)
    For iReact = 1 To UBo
            'get reactor name
        vGD(1, iReact) = vOut(1, iReact)
            'get start date & time
        vGD(2, iReact) = vOut(3, iReact) + vOut(4, iReact)
        vGD(3, iReact) = 0
            ' fill each batch duration
        For lR = 4 To vOut(5, iReact) + 3
            vGD(lR, iReact) = vOut(2, iReact) / 24
        Next lR
    Next iReact
    ' Output the array to the graph data sheet
    With wsGD.Range("C11")
        .Resize(UBound(vGD, 1), UBound(vGD, 2)).Value = vGD
    End With
    Set chBS = Nothing
    Set rB = Nothing
    Set rO = Nothing
End Sub

Sub MakeGraph(i As Integer)
' MakeGraph Macro
' Make horizontal stacked chart

    Dim sName As String
    Dim rGIn As Range
    Dim iReact As Integer
    ' delete old graph
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    Sheets("Batch Schedule").Delete
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True
    Set rGIn = wsGD.Range("c11").CurrentRegion
    iReact = rGIn.Columns.Count
    ' create new graph in data sheet and set up
    wsGD.Shapes.AddChart2(297, xlBarStacked).Select
    With ActiveChart
        .PlotBy = xlRows
        sName = .Name
        sName = Trim(Replace(sName, ActiveSheet.Name, ""))
        .FullSeriesCollection(1).Formula = "=SERIES(,'Graph Data'!R11C3:R11C" & 2 + iReact & ",'Graph Data'!R12C3:R12C" & 2 + iReact & ",1)"
        .Axes(xlValue).MinimumScale = wsGD.Range("a13")
        .Axes(xlValue).MaximumScale = wsGD.Range("a15")
        With .Axes(xlValue)
            .MajorUnit = 1
            .MinorUnit = 0.5
            .TickLabels.NumberFormat = "d-m;@"
        End With
        .HasLegend = False
        .ChartTitle.Caption = "Reactor batch planning"
        ' move to new graph sheet
        .Location Where:=xlLocationAsNewSheet
    End With
    ActiveSheet.Name = "Batch Schedule"

End Sub

Sub ChartColorsApply(j As Integer)
' Set the colours to alternating light blues
' Add the batch numbers in the batches on the graph

    Dim i As Integer, iCol As Integer, iBN As Integer, iR As Integer, iMax As Integer
    Dim dBright As Double
    Dim vLbl As Variant
    Dim wsIn As Worksheet
    Dim sN As String
    Sheets("Batch Schedule").Select
    With ActiveChart
        'set alternating colours.
        'The 1st group is the delay from start of graph _
         in case batches don't start right away, and is made transparent
        For i = 1 To .SeriesCollection.Count
            Select Case True
                Case i = 1
                    iCol = msoThemeColorBackground1
                    dBright = 0
                Case i Mod 2 = 0
                    iCol = msoThemeColorAccent1
                    dBright = 0.8000000119
                Case Else
                    iCol = msoThemeColorAccent1
                    dBright = 0.6000000238
            End Select
            With .FullSeriesCollection(i).Format.Fill
                .Visible = msoTrue
                .ForeColor.ObjectThemeColor = iCol
                .ForeColor.TintAndShade = 0
                .ForeColor.Brightness = dBright
                .Transparency = 0
                If i = 1 Then .Transparency = 1
            End With
        Next i
        ' put batchnumbers in every 5th batch
        iBN = 5
        sN = "Input"
        Set wsIn = Sheets(sN)
        If Not IsArray(mvOut) Then mvOut = wsGD.Range("C2").CurrentRegion.Value
        For iR = 1 To UBound(mvOut, 2) ' for each reactor
            vLbl = wsIn.Range(mvOut(7, iR))
            iMax = UBound(vLbl, 1)
            For i = 1 To iMax
                If (i Mod iBN) = 0 Or i = 1 Or i = iMax Then
                    With .FullSeriesCollection(i + 1).Points(iR)
                        .DataLabel.Formula = vLbl(i, 1)
                    End With
                End If
            Next i
        Next iR
    End With

End Sub
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