Hi guys
The following code is run when a click button is clicked on a form
Const ExcelFile As String = "Employees.xls"
Dim ExcApp As Object
Dim WrkBk As Object
Dim WrkSht As Object
Dim CurrRow As Integer
Dim GNam As String
Dim LNam As String
Dim SexFld As String
Dim SqlCmd As String
On Error Resume Next
Set ExcApp = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
'Excel wasn't running, start it from code
Set ExcApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
End If
On Error GoTo 0
' Opens Excel and makes it Visible
Set WrkBk = ExcApp.Workbooks.Open(CurrentProject.Path & "\" & ExcelFile, ReadOnly:=True)
Set WrkSht = WrkBk.Sheets("Customer")
CurrRow = 2
Do Until IsEmpty(WrkSht.Cells(CurrRow, "B").Value)
With WrkSht
LNam = .Cells(CurrRow, "B").Value
GNam = .Cells(CurrRow, "A").Value
SexFld = .Cells(CurrRow, "C").Value
If IsNull(DLookup("Employees.FirstName", "Employees", "Employees.LastName = '" & LNam & "' And Employees.FirstName = '" & GNam & "'")) Then
SqlCmd = "INSERT INTO Employees " & _
"(FirstName, LastName, Sex) " & _
"VALUES " & _
"('" & GNam & "', '" & LNam & "', '" & SexFld & "')"
SqlCmd = "UPDATE Employees " & _
"SET Employees.Sex = '" & SexFld & "' " & _
"WHERE Employees.LastName = '" & LNam & "' " & _
"AND Employees.FirstName = '" & GNam & "'"
End If
CurrentDb.Execute SqlCmd, dbFailOnError
End With
CurrRow = CurrRow + 1
WrkBk.Close SaveChanges:=False
Can I convert the SqlCmd commands to an access queries?
God Bless
The following code is run when a click button is clicked on a form
Const ExcelFile As String = "Employees.xls"
Dim ExcApp As Object
Dim WrkBk As Object
Dim WrkSht As Object
Dim CurrRow As Integer
Dim GNam As String
Dim LNam As String
Dim SexFld As String
Dim SqlCmd As String
On Error Resume Next
Set ExcApp = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
'Excel wasn't running, start it from code
Set ExcApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
End If
On Error GoTo 0
' Opens Excel and makes it Visible
Set WrkBk = ExcApp.Workbooks.Open(CurrentProject.Path & "\" & ExcelFile, ReadOnly:=True)
Set WrkSht = WrkBk.Sheets("Customer")
CurrRow = 2
Do Until IsEmpty(WrkSht.Cells(CurrRow, "B").Value)
With WrkSht
LNam = .Cells(CurrRow, "B").Value
GNam = .Cells(CurrRow, "A").Value
SexFld = .Cells(CurrRow, "C").Value
If IsNull(DLookup("Employees.FirstName", "Employees", "Employees.LastName = '" & LNam & "' And Employees.FirstName = '" & GNam & "'")) Then
SqlCmd = "INSERT INTO Employees " & _
"(FirstName, LastName, Sex) " & _
"VALUES " & _
"('" & GNam & "', '" & LNam & "', '" & SexFld & "')"
SqlCmd = "UPDATE Employees " & _
"SET Employees.Sex = '" & SexFld & "' " & _
"WHERE Employees.LastName = '" & LNam & "' " & _
"AND Employees.FirstName = '" & GNam & "'"
End If
CurrentDb.Execute SqlCmd, dbFailOnError
End With
CurrRow = CurrRow + 1
WrkBk.Close SaveChanges:=False
Can I convert the SqlCmd commands to an access queries?
God Bless