Column AT has dates in date format (1-Jun-2018, 2-Jun-2018, etc until end 30-Jun-2018)
Column AU has dates (date format) but display is weekday format (ie Mon, Tues, Wed..)
Column AV has numbers on certain days for example 1 Jun 2018 could have 3, and 17 Jun 2018 could have another 3 etc, some dates could be blank...
I need a formula that counts how many Mondays have a value in column AV,
Then how many Tuesdays have a value in column AV
AZ43 = 1 (eg Monday)
Don't know why its not working any help is very much appreciated!
Column AT has dates in date format (1-Jun-2018, 2-Jun-2018, etc until end 30-Jun-2018)
Column AU has dates (date format) but display is weekday format (ie Mon, Tues, Wed..)
Column AV has numbers on certain days for example 1 Jun 2018 could have 3, and 17 Jun 2018 could have another 3 etc, some dates could be blank...
I need a formula that counts how many Mondays have a value in column AV,
Then how many Tuesdays have a value in column AV
AZ43 = 1 (eg Monday)
Don't know why its not working any help is very much appreciated!