I have an attendance sheet where students' names are in column A, attendance percentage (calculated using data from columns C and beyond) in column B, and the dates of classes are in columns C and beyond. A new column is filled with each class held where 'true' indicates that the student was present in class and 'false' if not. To calculate the attendance percentage, I need to count the number of 'true' values in columns C and beyond. I would like help with an Excel formula (not VBA) which counts the number of filled columns to determine the denominator of the percentage. I know that something like:
will not work since cells A3 and B3 do not include attendance data and give a circular reasoning error since my calculated result is in B3. I need a formula which starts at C3 then identifies the last filled column in row 3. I could use a far-right cell reference such as:
=COUNTIF(C3:ZZ3,"TRUE") but that is not elegant programming technique and I need to learn!
Thanks to you in advance for your time and expertise!
I have an attendance sheet where students' names are in column A, attendance percentage (calculated using data from columns C and beyond) in column B, and the dates of classes are in columns C and beyond. A new column is filled with each class held where 'true' indicates that the student was present in class and 'false' if not. To calculate the attendance percentage, I need to count the number of 'true' values in columns C and beyond. I would like help with an Excel formula (not VBA) which counts the number of filled columns to determine the denominator of the percentage. I know that something like:
will not work since cells A3 and B3 do not include attendance data and give a circular reasoning error since my calculated result is in B3. I need a formula which starts at C3 then identifies the last filled column in row 3. I could use a far-right cell reference such as:
=COUNTIF(C3:ZZ3,"TRUE") but that is not elegant programming technique and I need to learn!
Thanks to you in advance for your time and expertise!