Excel 2013 64-Bit: I have a list of text that will NOT count correctly (to get the alphabetical order) and, for the first time I know of, I am unable to find any previous discussion anywhere that is relevant.
Column A and the values within are formatted as TEXT.. When that alone didn't work, I added ' to the beginning of the text in A2 and A5. The ORDER will NOT calculate correctly no matter what I try because it insists on treating A2 and A5 as values. Any suggestions other than adding space or concatenating it with another text value (which I already confirmed does work but SHOULDN'T BE NECESSARY)?
[TABLE="width: 800"]
[TD]1062740 Folio
[TD]1063209 Part
[TD]1063832 Folio[/TD]
[TD]1062740 Folio
[TD]1063209 Part
[TD]1063832 Folio[/TD]
Column A and the values within are formatted as TEXT.. When that alone didn't work, I added ' to the beginning of the text in A2 and A5. The ORDER will NOT calculate correctly no matter what I try because it insists on treating A2 and A5 as values. Any suggestions other than adding space or concatenating it with another text value (which I already confirmed does work but SHOULDN'T BE NECESSARY)?