C3:C1000 has various cities listed, most are listed more than once for example, Atlanta, Chicago, New York and so on.
E3:E1000 has various colors listed, most more than once.
Atlanta may be listed 200 times in column C, of those Blue may be listed 25 times in column E and Green may be listed 41 times.
Chicago may be listed 250 time in column C, of those Blue may be listed 12 times in column E and Green may be listed 24 times.
If I just count how many times Blue is listed, I'd get 37. If I count how many times Green is listed, I'd get 65. This isn't what I need.
I need a formula in column L that will count Atlanta as 1, blue as 25 -OR- Atlanta as 1, green as 41 and so on.
Thanks in advance
E3:E1000 has various colors listed, most more than once.
Atlanta may be listed 200 times in column C, of those Blue may be listed 25 times in column E and Green may be listed 41 times.
Chicago may be listed 250 time in column C, of those Blue may be listed 12 times in column E and Green may be listed 24 times.
If I just count how many times Blue is listed, I'd get 37. If I count how many times Green is listed, I'd get 65. This isn't what I need.
I need a formula in column L that will count Atlanta as 1, blue as 25 -OR- Atlanta as 1, green as 41 and so on.
Thanks in advance