It isn't clear what you are trying to achieve. It looks to me like you might need to be calculating for every row individually. So, in row 6, copied down
=IF(AND(B6>=15000,B6<=16000),"SERVICING","Change Oil after every 2500KM")
If that isn't waht you want, you might need to post 5-10 rows of dummy sample data and the expected results and explain what you want in relation to that sample data.
What do you mean by that part (that wasn't mentioned before)?
It isn't clear to me. A cell cannot be between 15000 & and 15500 and also between 20000 and 20500. Could you make up a small set of dummy data, say 8-10 rows and post that together with the expected result(s) and explanation in relation to that data?One more condition included.
So, the rows have changed (now starting at 5 & stopping at 400) and the extra condition (between 20000 & 20500) has disappeared & 'Change oil" has disappeared. Bit hard to keep up with the changes.Cell Value
B5 :7779
B6 :8642
B7 :9180
B8 :9785
B9 :10470
B10 :11130
In a single any cell ( for ex H52 CELL ) I need a formula that (B5:B400 >=15000 AND B5:B400 <=15500) then display servicing else nothing..