I'm trying to copy a template (from an existing worksheet "BOE_Template") into newly created worksheets from the code below. Basically i have a table, select my range, run it and new worksheets are created based on what is in each cell in that range. For example my table range might be "1.1, 1.2, 1.3 etc". New worksheets are created and the worksheets are renamed to 1.1, 1.2, 1.3). I'd like my template pasted into each of those newly created tabs before it loops back to make the next new worksheet. Hopefully this makes sense and I'm just learning VBA so any help would be appreciated.
Here is my existing code.
Sub Create_BOE_FROM_LIST()
Dim wks As Worksheet
row_ = Selection.Row
col_ = Selection.Column
For Each cell In Range(Cells(row_, col_), Cells(Selection.End(xlDown).Row, col_))
If cell <> "" Then
Set wks = Sheets.Add(after:=ActiveSheet)
wks.Name = cell.Value
End If
End Sub
Here is my existing code.
Sub Create_BOE_FROM_LIST()
Dim wks As Worksheet
row_ = Selection.Row
col_ = Selection.Column
For Each cell In Range(Cells(row_, col_), Cells(Selection.End(xlDown).Row, col_))
If cell <> "" Then
Set wks = Sheets.Add(after:=ActiveSheet)
wks.Name = cell.Value
End If
End Sub